Have you ever found that you had been in an altered state without knowing it?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I often feel that I’m “numb”—not connecting with the world around me as I should. From your description of your behaviors, Marinelife, that very much sounds like my numbness. I attribute this recurring numbness to a level of depression that is generally pretty mild, sometimes rather severe. I’m in the severe end of the spectrum at present. I command myself to move through my required roles and responsibilities; and I do find joy in some things. But I know I’m not myself. I know I’m not the optimistic, joyful person that I can be. It sounds like your mother’s death perhaps placed you into the kind of numbness that I’ve described. I’m happy to see you feel you’re moving away from numbness!

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Last Answer : answer:Here are two that immediately come to mind: living in the moment emotionally unstable

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Last Answer : answer:Thoughts are processed in the brain, and may or may not cause a physiological reaction. I don't have a physiological process (outside of typing) for expressing my reply to your question ... or hormonal responses. These reactions can cause change in heart rate, blood pressure, and metabolism.

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Last Answer : I just saw it tonight too! I thought it was so funny and so cute, I loved it!

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Last Answer : answer:I feel like it is more of a backpack that is really hard to take off. But based on the physiology of it, probably yes.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't get angry easily. I have a strong sense of boundaries, and work hard at maintaining good will with others. However, there are a lot of folks out there who are big time drama queens, ... created a lot of my problems all by myself! All those are memories now; God has restored my mind.

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Last Answer : Here you go http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=crazy+bitchBuck+Cherry&qpvt=crazy+bitchBuck+Cherry&FORM=VDRE#view=detail&mid=809E9797B0651C448C0E809E9797B0651C448C0E

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Last Answer : Everyone on ask-public and Answerbag. The people around me.

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Last Answer : answer:Is it possible that this very odd response is some kind of shock reaction? Has he known well anyone before who has taken their own life? I think you need to talk to him about this ... to understand that your feelings here have validity. I am sorry you are going through this difficult thing.

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Last Answer : Well, I’m alone and currently crying…so I’d say the first one.

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Last Answer : No. My husband’s emotions rule him, but mine don’t.

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Last Answer : Hell being controlled and forced to wake up and go for walks… heaven KFC and Egg Nog over the fireplace channel with a queen sized throw blanket.

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Last Answer : Agree.

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Last Answer : ‘Wikipedia – Rebel Without a Cause is a 1955 American drama film about emotionally confused suburban, middle-class teenagers.’

Description : Why do I still feel so emotional?

Last Answer : answer:Because, for one thing, you got to see the absolute worst of it every day. It was horrible. All war is horrible. And when it hits that not only is this war as horrible as the rest, ... just thinking about it and I was 11 when Nixon officially announced the end. And thank you for your service.

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Last Answer : answer:Several months ago I left something at school. I was a bit tired at that time that I completely forgot about it. When I finally remembered and got back, it had gone. I thought I had lost it forever. ... now I had my thing back! I still don't know how he managed to keep my thing for so long

Description : Do you enjoy how anger feels?

Last Answer : answer:No, although I resent that you tagged this question with “addiction.” Anger feels like a complete loss of control, I can’t stand it.

Description : Do you think crying is like a cleansing of the Soul?

Last Answer : I don’t feel better, and yes I’m a guy that’s not afraid to shed a tear. I takes a lot to move me to that point. My soul accumulates everything and brings it along with me.

Description : What was the last thing that enraged you?

Last Answer : My boss yelling stupid things at me. I felt annoyed but know to take it like a grain of salt.