What do you do if you have a pill stuck in your throat?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’d imagine you’d need to cough it up & then make like a bird…swallow.

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Last Answer : Try honey and lemon. That won’t hurt when you swallow, and will soothe the hurt.

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Last Answer : answer:This is not professional opinion or meant as medical advice. I’d say it’s possible that there’s nothing stuck there but that you just scratched your throat a little. Give it some time.

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Last Answer : I get that feeling from sinus or post nasal drip or something like that. Do you have a stuffy head or any cold or allergy symptoms? The other possibility that comes to mind is that you ate something that scratched you on the way down.

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Last Answer : answer:A pill won't get stuck in your airway unless you swallow it wrong. I'd be more concerned about choking on a piece of meat that hadn't been chewed enough. I expect that's much more common. How ... will go (and you can probably cough it out later). It won't choke you; it's not large enough.

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Last Answer : answer:From a trusted source If you plan to have a baby, how soon after stopping the birth control pill can you conceive? After you stop taking the pill, you may have only a two-week delay before you ... 't resume in a few months you may want to get checked out. Most likely everything is good. :)

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Last Answer : answer:It can take two or three months to get your period back to normal if you do this, from what I’ve seen online. I don’t have periods obviously, but it sounds like a bad idea.

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Last Answer : I don’t have the answers but I found a site about the Plan B info method that might be helpful for you. Good luck, and welcome to Fluther :)

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Last Answer : MY doctor never prescribes any meds without a discussion. That means we each get equal time in the conversation.

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Last Answer : I've been taking Ambien for 2 years. 5mg and now 10mg. If I take it and go directly to be it can be without incidence. However staying up even ten minutes afterwards can get you in to trouble, or ... 8 hours of fully uninteruppeted sleep and you will feel refreshed and ready to go!!! Go od luck!!!!

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Last Answer : answer:From here: NuvaRing® may slip out when removing a tampon, straining during a bowel movement, or having intercourse. If NuvaRing® does slip out, follow these directions. Note: Women with conditions affecting ... may have been busy, or want to talk more in depth than the phone call would allow.

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Last Answer : The only side effect that i've seen, personally, is weight gain. (But I wouldn't be on the pill if I weren't in a long term relationship anyways, and he doesn't mind.) I don't remember what ... through your options with her. I had to try a few different dosages before we got me on the right one.

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Last Answer : If it continues tomorrow, and especially if the soreness worsens, I’d get tested for strep throat.

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Last Answer : answer:Definitely sleep with a humidifier on. Use low-cal or no-cal lozenges in the daytime, and do get plenty of water because the dry air soaks it right out of you. I struggled with dryness when I ... 30 below zero F and heat it to room temperature and it was drier than the Sahara in a drought.

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Last Answer : Make a hot tea pouring hot water over fresh ginger, lemon juice, and honey. Let it steep for a bit.

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Last Answer : answer:Strep throat is caused by the Group A Streptococcus bacteria and can be treated with an antibiotic. Tonsillitis is caused by enflamed tonsils and possibly adenoids. If it is severe and chronic, the treatment is to remove both tonsils and adenoids (a common procedure in young kids).

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Last Answer : Cover you mouth with saran wrap and go for it.

Description : Sore throat remedies?

Last Answer : My grandma used to juice a lemon and mix it with honey and use it as cough syrup. Or, alternatively, have me gargle with saltwater. This statement has not been evaluated by the food ... cure or prevent any disease. Always see your licensed health care professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Last Answer : This doesn’t happen to me, but it does my daughter. I’ve always laughed at her about it. It only happens in her right ear.

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Last Answer : OK, this is weird, but I love the feeling of the bubbles in diet pepsi on my throat when it is raw.

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Last Answer : Hot tea, lemon and honey. Let a kettle boil for a while in the kitchen and steam up the room.

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Last Answer : Lean the effected ear to either the left or right side and put the palm of your hand flush with your ear. In other words cup your hand over the ear and push back and forth like a plunger used in the bathroom. The suction created should have the water and wax out of you ear almost instantly.

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Last Answer : answer:When scratched my corea while using my chain saw, the scratch was not visible. I went to the ophthalmologist who put a dye in my eye and then looled for the scratch under UV light. It showed up ... had to wait a couple of days for it to heal over. How could something that small hurt so bad?

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Last Answer : Describing the sensation of impending regurgitation is graphic? Do you just swallow the pills or drink water too? Personally I can’t swallow pills without drinking water.

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Last Answer : Maybe

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Last Answer : MDMA of course. I get giddy just thinking about it and it's been 2 years since my last

Description : What is the most effective sleeping pill out there?

Last Answer : Go see a Sleep Doctor at you local hospital because, Good sleep is essential to good health, but sometimes getting quality sleep can be a challenge. Everyone at one time or another ... disorder, yet 95% of these disorders remain undiagnosed and untreated. from website of local medical center.

Description : Is my sleeping pill regimen responsible for this excessive fatigue?

Last Answer : Yes, it could be responsible for it. Sleeping pills will often exacerbate sleeping disorders especially if you have obstructive sleep apnea.

Description : Are pill bugs bad for your lawn and/or garden?

Last Answer : I always thought the opposite. They break leaves, lawn clippings, and such down to new, healthy, soil. So having a ton of them actually helps out your soil. I've never seen them eating live, healthy ... least creepy bug around. I wish they ate mosquitos or spiders, I'd start a pill bug farm ;)

Description : [Science and the world of tomorrow] A pill, synthesized protein, elixir, etc. is developed that will make a person more alert, resistant to viruses and most forms of cancer and do so within eight to twenty-one months after first use, but it has certain side effects, would you try it?

Last Answer : I would consider taking it when I’m older and more likely to get cancer, but probably not now.

Description : Uh oh, is my Beats Pill broken?

Last Answer : answer:It may have over-drained the battery. What is the charger style? Does it happen to have a male USB end, that you can plug into a computer? Sometimes, an over-drained battery doesn't have enough of a ... will work (2 years is a long time to keep a battery dormant) but it might be worth a try.

Description : Should I take another pill?

Last Answer : I think you should. Sounds like you vomited the first one up before it could be absorbed/digested. Given I think you’ve got an infected tooth, I think taking your antibiotics is important. I’d take another one.

Description : Would you take a chill pill?

Last Answer : No need. I’m cool as a cucumber.

Description : Would you take a food pill?

Last Answer : answer:I'd take it sometimes, but not daily as long as the pill is small enough for me to swallow or chewable. Eating is part of my enjoyment during the day, but sometimes is inconvenient. I'd ... digestive system a break, especially my colon. I'm bleeding every day and it's making my anemia worse.

Description : Do powdered cold medicines work better than their pill form?

Last Answer : Gargle with warm water with a pinch of salt added and drink hot tea with lemon and honey for the same effect. Swill mugs of chicken broth. Cheaper and not adulterated with useless cold meds.