If you accidentally sent a text to a person you were talking about in the text that was meant for another person, how would you handle the situation?

1 Answer

Answer :

This could happen to anybody and recently happened to someone very close to me. The embarrassment factor is ginormous and IMO a temporary moment that mature people should be able to get past. BUT…if the wordage (or picture) in the text is damaging enough to the offended party…one may not be able to chalk it up to a mere texting mistake and have to step up to accept the consequences of this stupid move. If you are truly insulting someone in a text like that, saying I didn’t really mean it just won’t cut it.

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Last Answer : No. I assume people have lives, are busy, and not glued to their phones. That’s insane behavior.

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Last Answer : Hmm… I believe @whattheask-public has done this. I have too, but my story isn’t as funny/hilarious as his was.

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Last Answer : answer:Consider that you have a date for the prom, and proceed knowing that. He may be very shy, and self-conscious. So be considerate and email him or write him an actual letter to talk about plans for prom ... like two days after you send it), walk up to him at school and talk to him face to face.

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Last Answer : answer:Your first response was funny. I would have said, “oh, I thought you stepped in something. That’s coming out of you?” (it all depends on how well your coworker takes jokes. Sound like he is a good guy.)

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Last Answer : Doog question. I’m dlag you asked.

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Last Answer : answer:I used to have that problem on Orange for about a week when I was with them. A call to customer service sorted it out. Apparently, they occasionally update their SMS service centre number, ... recipient or stored anywhere other than your phone, I'm assuming. Or George Bush reads them all.

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Last Answer : its gone

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Last Answer : : In the case in question, your prayer is valid. Wet feet do not make your feet unclean. This is because after wiping the floor, it dries up and the effects of impurity disappear. (Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah 1/431 ; Nasbur Raya 1/26 ; Elaus Sunan 1/398 ; Fatawa Khaniya 1/25 ; Khulasatul Fatawa 1/42)

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Last Answer : Why would you need to debate this person?

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Last Answer : Honestly, I hate the phone. And I'd rather communicate instantly, never mind the convenience of being able to send someone a message they can view when they're available. The phone is not necessarily more ... emails are just silly. That said, you've asked a LOT of questions for one thread, dude.

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Last Answer : Oh em gee, yes, it is odd.

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Last Answer : answer:Because talking about things is what normal people do. You have to talk the stuff out. I mean that’s what we do here right?

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Last Answer : What is the answer ?

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Last Answer : Find out what the best solution is that will protect your customers. Immediately find out who the 50,000 customers were. From there, issue a notice detailing what happened and explain ... the solution (which should be implemented immediately). Oer free credit protection services to the customers.

Description : Recall a situation in which communications were poor. How did you handle it?

Last Answer : This doesn't have be an example where you were poor at communicating, but rather one where you helped resolve a poor communication situation.

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Last Answer : If a pea or a button gets into the nasal cavity accidentally, give a pinch of snuff to the person. It causes violent sneezing and the foreign body will be thrown out. Visit a doctor if the above method does not work.

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Last Answer : ‘Sup?

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Last Answer : I have had texts misinterpreted and resulted in hurt feelings or anger, but I’ve been able to straighten the situation out immediately. In those cases, it was rather like a misunderstood conversation. I have been fortunate that they were fixable.

Description : I sent my lawn guy a tip the first week of December. As of today, he hasn't cashed the check. Should I text him?

Last Answer : I'd wait until just after New Years. That's a month. He might just be uncommonly busy, or checks might be trickling in and he's going to make one transaction out of it. Personally, I ... and write another. I think mentioning it looks like you're annoyed that it wasn't acknowledged, personally.

Description : Can a hacker make an SMS text message look like you sent it to THEM?

Last Answer : Let's say I am C. I make an email address with B's phone number. I use Vtext to send a message to A . A will reply thinking it is from B, but C will will get it. I'd stop using SMS and start ... is to set up C for a fall. Make lots of false appointments with B. Discuss this setup off line. Got it?

Description : Have you ever sent an embarrassing text message to someone by accident?

Last Answer : I was sending a very sexual message to my boyfriend and I accidentally sent it to my father. Now that, was very embarrassing.

Description : What's the funniest text you ever received or sent?

Last Answer : I hate texting.

Description : Is there a way to find the text history of messages sent from your own phone (besides checking the phone memory)?

Last Answer : What service does she use, Verizon, AT&T…?

Description : Can spam text messages sent to my cell be blocked?

Last Answer : Yes, just call your service provider. :)

Description : Where can I get free motivationall text messages sent to my iPhone?

Last Answer : answer:You can just go to Ask-public! The greetings under the user name are enough for me :D Ex: Why thank you, Ask-public, I do look smashing today!

Description : the last text you sent is the name of your autobiography, what is it?

Last Answer : Mac and cheese okay?

Description : The facility which enables to print a large number of letter/documents with more or less similar text. Under it same invitation letter has to be sent to invitees, Only the name and address are to be changed. It is called: a) E - Mail b) Spam Mail c) Mail Merge d) None of These

Last Answer : c) Mail Merge

Description : Message can be sent more securely using DES by a. encrypting plain text by a different randomly selected key for each transmission b. encrypting plain text by a different random key for each ... instead of using hardware d. designing DES with high security and not publicizing algorithm used by it  

Last Answer : b. encrypting plain text by a different random key for each message transmission and sending the key to the receiver using a public key system

Description : What can you do when a friend in a really bad situation reaches out for help and you miss the subtle messages and can't connect when the direct message is sent.

Last Answer : answer:@Adirondackwannabe Last night I started the same emotional roller coaster you are feeling today. You are not alone in feeling helpless and a bit lost. One thing we both need to remember is that we are ... is worth the effort. It really sucks doesn't it? And it hurts like hell not knowing.