Do you think Kindergarteners should be "required" to learn to read?

1 Answer

Answer :

My sister taught me how to read before I went to Junior Kindergarten. I had A+ average in grade one and got 100% in Math. It went all downhill from their/there.

Related questions

Description : How can I learn to read better?

Last Answer : answer:How focused are you when you read? Do you need to be in an absolutely silent environment to read/comprehend? Do you re-read sections or find that you're unable to concentrate? If any of these ... out the solutions that are right for you. Good luck to you-these are just suggestions, so YMMV.

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Last Answer : I only read about half of it but then I’ve read and known a lot about the Holocaust.

Description : What was the last book you read that you really didn't think you would like, but did? (please read details)

Last Answer : A friend of mine is a huge Lance Armstrong fan. He read the book about Lance’s battle with cancer and wanted me to read it. I absolutely could care less about Lance Armstrong, but read the book anyway. I loved the book and now am a big Lance Armstrong fan.

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Last Answer : I guess some feel as if libraries don’t have mochasippies.

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Last Answer : I thought they were pretty good. They need to hurry up and start making some movies before Holly Hunter is too old to play Anita.

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Last Answer : I cannot condone the invasion of privacy in the least, even with their best interests at heart. A good parent wouldn’t have to do that.

Description : What is your favorite classic book that you think people should read and why?

Last Answer : lord of the flies was very entertaining. it really grasps the true nature of pre-adolescent boys. also, and then there were none is one of those books that you just cant put down. its a murder mystery and you only find out the answer in the very end. like last page.

Description : Read-A-Thon dilemma…?

Last Answer : What would I do? After the fiasco of last year, I would call it a well-intentioned idea that did not go as planned, and earnestly propose retiring the competition. Find some other way to ... any amount of logging, posting, and comparing numbers, never mind being subject to judgments and reprimands.

Description : Can I read this pdf online legally?

Last Answer : Try Gutenberg From their website Encourage the Creation and Access of copyright-protected eBooks[electronic books]. In general, this Project is ... copyrights, our hope is to eventually bring readers a million eBooks on this site.

Description : Do you remember the names of the characters in the primers/readers when you first learned to read?

Last Answer : I think it was Dick and Jane but I’m not positive. This was in the early 70’s.

Description : Those of you who read non-fiction, what are you currently reading?

Last Answer : I’m not really reading any non-fiction these days. I do enough serious, real life reading throughout the day that when I don’t sit down to read at leisure I want pure escapism.

Description : When was the last time you read a great book?

Last Answer : Finished George Washingtons life story a few weeks ago, getting ready for another Mark Twain this weekend (my fav author!)

Description : Have you voted yet (Oct 18 final tally) for The Great American Read ?

Last Answer : One can vote once a day for your favorites.

Description : Why don't they make credit card readers so that they read in every way you may insert your card?

Last Answer : Swiping cards has been almost completely eliminated here in MA. It’s all chip readers or Android/Apple pay. I suspect the swipe will be eliminated there soon.

Description : What was the last book you read?

Last Answer : I've just finished Apple Tree Yard by Louise Doughty. It is the story of a very respectable lady with a high powered career and a family who has an affair with disastrous consequences. It is written in a way ... want to read on. It wasn't my usual kind of book but it gripped me from start to finish.

Description : What are the 4 books you plan to read in 2017?

Last Answer : answer:Peter Berresford Ellis, The Druids. Non-fiction, by one of my favourite scholars of Celtic history and anthropology. Continuing my venture into Dune-lore, I'm going to start on the House novels. I' ... shelf I haven't read yet. Probably get into those when I have some junk food reading time.

Description : Can you help me find a book to read?

Last Answer : answer:The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry might work for you. Or: The Unliekly Pilgrimage of Harold Fry or: Something by Rumer Godden such as Greengage Summer. or: Have you read Pride and Prejudice?

Description : ask-publicites, care to suggest some good books to read?

Last Answer : Calvin and Hobbes the complete collection. Any Dilbert books.

Description : What's "women's fiction", and is it okay if I, as a man, read it?

Last Answer : answer:I wouldn’t ridicule you. And that looks like a really good book. I’ll keep it in mind. I don’t know what “men’s fiction” would look like. In my experience women tend to read more than men.

Description : How do you decide which book to read next?

Last Answer : answer:Mood, balance, and timing. I always have several books on deck. That's so I'll have plenty of choice, because I'm never sure what's next until I finish one. I usually start another immediately- ... to yet, and sometimes I even return books unread. I'm never reading only one book at a time.

Description : What are you going to read over the summer?

Last Answer : I just finished Seveneves by Neal Stephenson.

Description : How fast can you read?

Last Answer : I don't know, but I don't think I'm very fast. I usually can't read fast enough to follow the subtitles in films. I've gotten good at guessing what's going on by just getting bits and ... very good and my retention of which page and where in which book something is discussed is very, very good.

Description : How many of your books have you not read?

Last Answer : About a third.

Description : Which book from your favorite author have you not read?

Last Answer : Bleak House. And it bothers me that I’ve yet to really read it. Life is just one big tedious distraction. Like so many other things, I’ll get around to it.

Description : If you've listened to an audiobook, do you say that you've read it?

Last Answer : Yes.

Description : Have you ever read a book for over 8 times? And what's the name of the book?

Last Answer : Good night moon and pretty much every Dr. Seuss book 20 times or more.

Description : Which of these two biographies should I read [see details]?

Last Answer : I haven’t read either (but would like to). I’d read both. His perspective on his life is likely to be quite different to his wife’s. I think it would be very interesting to see how they see the same events from their own unique viewpoint.

Description : Did you ever read "Little Lord Flauntleroy"?

Last Answer : I did. (It’s “Little Lord Fauntleroy.”) I’ve read many of France Hodgeson Burnett’s books, including “The Secret Garden” several times.

Description : How do you read a book?

Last Answer : When I feel comfortable and then I curl up with a good book, and I read a few pages a day. When I was a child I used to read the entire textbook or novel in one bath sessions where I stay in the tub ... up all the hot water so I covered my self in a wet beach towel and kept warm in the bath tub.

Description : What's a good sci-fi book or short story I should read?

Last Answer : Slaughterhouse Five (Kurt Vonnegut) Ishmael (Daniel Quinn) Stranger in a Strange Land (Robert Heinlein) Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse)

Description : In which order should I read Asimov's "Foundation" series?

Last Answer : It’s been decades, but I’d suggest working chronologically within the storyline. (You are in for a treat. Those three laws of Robotics.)

Description : Am I the only one who notices that some people don't read all the answers and then gives an answer that has already been given and debated to DEATH?

Last Answer : Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure?

Description : Recommendations for easy book to read in french?

Last Answer : Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince) by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. It may seem like a child’s book, but it really isn’t.

Description : What's the worst book you ever read?

Last Answer : answer:Finnegan’s Wake, by James Joyce (although I never got past page 1. Why? Here’s the first page.

Description : What's the best contemporary, English language, fiction book that you have read?

Last Answer : Windham’s Day of the Triffids and Stephen King’s The Stand both share a common theme of the quick, unexpected fall of society, and the survivors struggles. I love both these stories.

Description : What should I read next?

Last Answer : The menu at a good restaurant you have earned it. I am going to re-read Pool of Radiance , by James M. Ward and Jane Cooper Hong.

Description : In your experience, do women tend to read for pleasure more than men?

Last Answer : It does seem that way. I've met only a few men that like to read for pleasure, but I know many women that like to, even if though they do not have enough time. I was talking to two guys ... , Who even reads anymore? and the other man agreed. I was a little disappointed by that statement/question.

Description : When you read a book for the second time, do you imagine it the same as when you first read it?

Last Answer : A lot of the scenes stay the same. Sometimes there will be a slight change, because I know what’s coming, or because I didn’t catch something the first time around. Though its very common that some scenes are completely different.

Description : What would be a great part to read in public from The Catcher in the Rye for this year's Banned Book Week?

Last Answer : answer:In chapter 22, the famous explanation of the title. It might or might not be germane to the reason for banning the book, but it’s a start.

Description : What are the most mind-numbing books you have ever read?

Last Answer : Briefing for a Descent Into Hell by Doris Lessing was highly recommended, and was tortuous reading. I am still amazed it won anything, other than an award for curing insomnia.

Description : If books that you'd love to have read could be implanted in your mind - which would you choose?

Last Answer : None.

Description : Who has read the book: Peace, Love, and Baby Ducks by Lauren Myracle? Important themes in this book?

Last Answer : Sorry I’m new and they deleted thus original post and reported it right now.

Description : Have you ever loved a book but only been able to read it in small doses?

Last Answer : Yes, because I have ADD.

Description : Suggest a good read for me.

Last Answer : answer:If you like Marquez, check out Rain of Gold. link

Description : How can I read a .pdf book file on a Kindle?

Last Answer : Not exactly sure but I’ve read that if you hook up your kindle to your computer, and select it from your drive, then you should see a folder called document. Put your pdf files in that folder and you should be able to read them.

Description : What was the last book you read because someone told you how much you would love it but you ended up hating it?

Last Answer : A Confederacy of Dunces. Oh! And also Wuthering Heights.

Description : If you've read The Gormenghast Trilogy, tell me: shall I press on?

Last Answer : I was unable to get very far in it. I didn't understand what the big deal was. I thought it was rather pedestrian-this was many years ago, so I'm not sure I remember exactly what made me feel this ... s because I'm really a science fiction fan. But there is a lot of fantasy I like. Just not that.

Description : How far into a book do you read before deciding it isn't for you?

Last Answer : Sometimes I’ll give it to the midpoint if I really want to be generous, and sometimes all it takes is two pages. But most commonly I’ll give it one night’s bedtime reading, about an hour and a half. If it doesn’t win me in that time, it’s gone by the next night.

Description : What book have you recently read that really impressed you?

Last Answer : I was given The Land Remembers. Excellent book.

Description : Do you create new imaginary voices when you read for each distinct author?

Last Answer : I do not use distinct voices in my hear when I read. I sometimes do when I read aloud.