Have you ever used a single product so long that you had trouble adapting to a replacement?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:I was a Microsoft Excel expert. I was using it on the Macintosh before the Windows version existed. They arbitrarily re-arranged the entire interface with Office 2007. Some tasks still take me longer than they did with Excel 2003.

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Last Answer : I wear a crappy pair of sweats or capris that I don’t really wear out of the house, and a t-shirt I don’t really like much. I have about fifty-eleven million t-shirts though so it’s not really that big of a deal.

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Last Answer : I have slight OCD, so I count syllables when I hear people talk. And it has to be even, no fingers can be left out. If I end on one, I must end on the other.

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Last Answer : Procrastination. Typically, avoiding writing when I should be writing. It’s pretty lame. I also wash my hands a lot, but I’m not insane. yet.

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Last Answer : That I live a fulfilling but boring life.

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Last Answer : Nope, we get our pennies back where I am. I have a whole canister full of ‘em to take to the local TD Bank to put in the change machine.

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Last Answer : I just do that in my mind. I made a pledge to myself to be happy every day for the rest of my life, and thinking over the things I’m grateful for helps a lot.

Description : Do you have a daily/nightly routine that you usually follow?

Last Answer : no everything just rolls all together but in the mornings my schedule is: wake up get dressed brush hair and teeth put deodorant on walk my dog watch like 2 minutes of the news then sit in the car and wait for my mama to come and maybe even fall back asleep.

Description : Do you have any odd superstitions?

Last Answer : i make wishes on just about anything. i suppose that isn't weird though maybe a bit obsessive i guess. i make wishes on pink cars, over railroads with my feet off the floor, through tunnels holding my ... there's a handful more of weird superstitions/habits i have, but i can't think of any )):

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Last Answer : Yes! They’re going to have to update the next version of Microsoft Word to accomodate all of us iPhone typists. (double space)

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Last Answer : Not disgusting. The most fun ever. But yes, very bad.

Description : Nose blow & check?

Last Answer : I check for brains. If none present I can conduct my business. If I see brains, I am heading for the hospital.

Description : How to Break a Bad Habit ?

Last Answer : How to Break a Bad Habit A habit is a pattern achieved by frequent repetitions of a certain behavior. Most people find it hard to get rid of their habits; they see them as parts of their lives ... You need constant reinforcement and repetition of the good behavior in order to get rid of the bad one.

Description : Which of these approaches to adapting the marketing mix for international markets is MOST costly? A)keep product and promotion the same B)adapt product only C)adapt promotion only D)adapt promotion and product

Last Answer : D)adapt promotion and product

Description : Which of these approaches to adapting the marketing mix for international markets is LEAST costly? A)adapt product only B)adapt promotion only C)adapt promotion and prive D)invent new products

Last Answer : B)adapt promotion only

Description : Does (muscle confusion/body adapting to exercises) apply to Cardio?

Last Answer : It is my understanding that we are fooling the brain and not the muscles. In the old days we walked everywhere and carried our bundles. As a society in general we are used to jumping in our cars. ... . It was a different time. With all our modern conviences we do not get the exercise we should.

Description : Are you adept at adapting?

Last Answer : Hmm. I think there’s a difference between reacting and adapting. I don’t react to change very well (I actually get pretty whiny) but eventually (and mostly because I have to), I adapt to, better than I react to it. I’m generalizing here, so can’t speak for everything. and I think you meant adept :)

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer