Warfarin users: do you have a rash on your arms that may have been diagnosed as psoriasis?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m a longtime Warfarin warrior but have never experienced a rash that I was aware of. I checked to see if there were any side effects I’m not aware of and found these, a couple of which have something to do with the skin. You might want to check with a hematologist or whoever originally prescribed coumadin.

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Last Answer : There are a wide variety of shampoos that claim to treat symptoms of psoriasis. However, one that has been very successful in treating psoriasis for me is Head and Shoulders Intensive shampoo.

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Last Answer : There are several over the counter creams that can be used to treat psoriasis. Things that can be used, but not limited to, are Aloe, Oatmeal bath flakes, coal tar, cosmetic cover- ups, and much more cream-like substances.

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Last Answer : Eating lots of leafy greens or zinc tablets can help improve psoriasis. The best thing you can do for your psoriasis, however, is to not eat any gluten. Oftentimes psoriasis or psoriasis-like symptoms occur because of an allergy to gluten.

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Last Answer : At www.psoriasis-medicine.com you can receive a free information kit on all the need to knows of psoriasis. There are several topical treatments; corticosteroids, Vitamin , Vitamin D, and Immune modulating drugs, such as: Protopic, and Elidel, are just a few.

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Last Answer : It could possibly be Psoriasis. You should make an appointment with a Dermatologist to determine what the scaly red patches are. Apparently there is no cure for Psoriasis, but there are a few treatment methods that include topical medication, and oral medications.

Description : Does the psoriasis diet really work?

Last Answer : This specific diet is used to help people who suffer from Psoriasis. This is because there are some foods that people who suffer from this can eat, to help them keep from getting it.

Description : What OTC treatments are there for psoriasis?

Last Answer : There are over the counter shampoos for scalp psoriasis. These include salicylic acid or coal tar, which can help psoriasis for some people. It should be noted that these treatments can be harsher than some prescription treatments, however.

Description : Are there over-the-counter shampoos for scalp psoriasis?

Last Answer : There are shampoos that can help with psoriasis for some people. Over the counter shampoos include coal tar or salicylic acid which can be effective. Dermatologists can prescribe shampoos containing topical steroids which are a stronger treatment with more possible side effects.