Do you believe it would be possible to create a school children want to attend?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Well, I loved school. I loved everything about it. I loved learning and taking tests and doing projects. Didn’t care for some of my teachers but I loved school. Well, I guess I’m not the right person to answer this question.

Related questions

Description : When is the right time to attend grad school? Is there one?

Last Answer : answer:When you know what you want to do and don't have too many other commitments in your life that will make it difficult. Having a family can make grad school a grind. As far as your needs ... a good career to be in while raising a family unless your current job is very family-friendly as well.

Description : What's the most inexpensive way to attend law school?

Last Answer : A lot of times, if you work for the school, you’ll get a large discount off of classes. That’s the best idea I’ve got.

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Last Answer : I needed my Master’s in order to obtain licensure in my profession. Now a Doctorate is the entry-level. I am grandfathered since I’ve been licensed for 15 years, but I still contemplate going for my Doctorate anyway…

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Last Answer : It might help to know where you live. Not all colleges have the same programs, and knowing about ones closer to you may be preferable. Some colleges, for instance, offer discounts for older folks. For instance, my local community college offers free classes to those 65 and over.

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Last Answer : answer:No, definitely not. Neither is the reverse true. Intelligence is so very varied, I have trouble even defining it. Welcome to ask-public, we’re thrilled to have you.

Description : Which college did you attend?

Last Answer : answer:The Ohio State University. It was very good, I enjoyed my time there overwhelmingly in virtually every stand point (classes, teachers, social experience, education, etc). My only real hopes were to enjoy myself and graduate with my chem degree, both of which I accomplished.

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Last Answer : I went to Wellesley when there were fewer choices for women who wanted an excellent liberat arts education. So that was my first choice. Today I would pick a challenging co-ed school.

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Last Answer : I’ve no clue…I know many people SHOULD seek higher education. I think it depends a lot on finances and family responsibilities.

Description : Does anyone attend the University of Phoenix online?

Last Answer : Yeah, my gigantic loser of a cousin. It's worthless. It's a for-profit college, and to many, a fake college. A degree from the University of Phoenix is not viewed by potential ... degree. Listing the University of Phoenix as your alma mater would be a laughing matter for anyone evaluating you.

Description : Does everyone deserve the right to attend university?

Last Answer : Yes, in a sense that financial restrictions should not be the reason for not being able to attend a university. No, in a sense, if high school students are lazy prefering fun and instant ... second chance. Some when they become older realize they made a mistake and catch up later in life.

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Last Answer : answer:Here are a few:

Description : Without factoring in tuition costs, what would be (or would have been) your "Dream" college to attend?

Last Answer : answer:California College of Arts & Crafts, up in the Bay Area. Popped in unannounced on a road trip while I was going to a junior college in SoCal, took a tour, and loved it. But it was too rich for my blood… I attended CSULB.

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Last Answer : I really don't think kids should be paid to do their homework/go to class. That's their ONLY job at that age aside from fairly simple household chores. I don't like the idea of bribing them to do ... they are being paid to do it. What happens when they go to college and aren't being paid anymore?

Description : What was the worst (or, most boring) college course you were ever required to take/attend?

Last Answer : Just curious, do you believe the rich pay people to take courses for them? Like princes of old had other boys to take their whippings? Seriously.

Description : How much of your past do you believe you should share with your children?

Last Answer : well.. with me and my mom it’s always been, “well YOU did it so why can’t I?” and then of course, I go out and do dumb stuff and then learn myself. I think that some stuff, kids can learn from but most just have to make their own mistakes.

Description : How do I create a contained coolant flow model for a school science project?

Last Answer : You need to find a way to build in a reservoir with an air inlet to allow air flow. A flask like container with a rubber cork you can get a a science surplus store for cheap. One tube goes ... and maybe even eliminate the need for an air inlet as it could expand and contract with the pump cycle.

Description : Assertion: "You can do anything you want." Do you believe it?

Last Answer : I don’t believe it. It is good to feel that we can do many things but everybody has a limit in what he can achieve. There are also some limits to make our lives in modern society better and possible to live with other people. Law, different religions and our abilities are making it impossible.

Description : Do you think children should attend school year round instead of getting the traditional summer break?

Last Answer : No. I think there should be about a six week summer break, and several one-week breaks throughout the year. The way it is now, the first couple weeks of the school year are spend reviewing (in elementary schools). This is a waste.

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Last Answer : They rode the bus from where ever they lived then in a month,they would move from where they have settled and would do the samething year after year.

Description : Can children with autism attend a regular public school?

Last Answer : Yes, children can for sure attend public school even if they are autistic. It will help to have the support of the school though because an autistic child needs special attention.

Description : How can you balance your desire for the best possible academic education for your children with ensuring that they are well-rounded?

Last Answer : Private schools are often much better than public schools, if you can afford the fees. You could always homeschool your kids, if you think you are qualified. No better way to be sure of their education than that.

Description : What are some options for children, during the pandemic, other than in-school or remote learning?

Last Answer : Skip these periods of online learning altogether (they last no more than a week or two to six, I guess), and let them play and learn on their own (with guidance and support, if needed). I ... . Children can use some extra play time, is my opinion. Not to mention (team-) sports/fitness/gymnastics

Description : If you had the means, would you send your children to private school?

Last Answer : I do and I do because my local public school system is awful having lost their high school accreditation twice.

Description : Is the way the family, especially parents, speak and behave in the home more influential than how and what children are taught in school?

Last Answer : I’d say yes.

Description : What should children learn in school?

Last Answer : answer:It's not how interested they are that matters, it's how they will use it that matters. That said, I just don't want to learn anything that I will forget after exams. I hate math, but ... think they should teach us something practical, no matter how boring it is. We learn and use, not forget.

Description : Is it immoral to send your children to private school?

Last Answer : answer:I didn't read the whole rant because it wasn't worth the time. but I did pick this out before I clicked out of it: If you can afford private school (even if affording means scrimping and saving ... school. They made me do 4th grade over, but I made it up when I graduated in 11th grade.

Description : Do I really have to have the talk with my children, or is school doing that for me?

Last Answer : It is never too soon.

Description : Which is the best school in China, Beijing for my children ?

Last Answer : Edit. Looks like my link didn’t work. I googled International Schools Beijing and got a wiki page. I would investigate each school individually. It looks like there are only 6 to investigate.

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Last Answer : I don’t necessarily have any stereotypes. I think parents put their children in boarding schools for a variety of reasons; some good, some bad. I would have to know why, in any particular case, before I formed an opinion about the parents.

Description : Would you send your children to a religious private school that was not your religion?

Last Answer : I can't answer the question exactly, but I can tell you that I know people who did this. I had friends who went to the local Catholic private high schools who were not Catholic. They did ... cheaper private school and didn't want to settle for public school, the Catholic schools were the answer.

Description : Why can't we just ask the parents of the school children to donate what they can?

Last Answer : answer:Generally that’s what a school levy is, except it asks for the money from the entire local populace. Its unpopular and levy’s often fail, because it is seen as simply another tax. Senator Brownback is a moron.

Description : What if we let school children advance into a sort of "first retirement"?

Last Answer : What happens to the children who are not self starters and do not accelerate? Which I think is most of the kids.

Description : Is it possible to attend Art School online?

Last Answer : It is completely possible to attend online art school classes. There are many different websites for online art classes but my best recommendation would be the physical campus primarily based in ... important jobs. I imagine the online school to have just as good of a track record.

Description : Should parents be allowed to teach their children whatever they want in a homeschooled curriculum?

Last Answer : I'm sure that each state (in the US) makes its own laws on what is and is not permitted / required in homeschooling curricula. If we're trying to be as inclusive as we say we ... diversity , then there should be broad latitude. Even latitude for people to be deliberately ignorant and stupid.

Description : I want to attend culinary school to become a chef, but I have celiac disease and I'm lactose intolerant. How difficult do you think it'll be to pursue that profession?

Last Answer : I would imagine chefs and cooks have to sample their food. If you put the food into your mouth and then spit it out, are you affected still? If you touch it, are you affected? I would think if you can do those two things without ill effects, then you should be ok.

Description : High School Teachers: How many credits are required to graduate and how many credits are possible each year of school?

Last Answer : I don’t know how it’d be possible to take “extra” credits at my old school now (my sister is still there). From what I understand, “study hall” has been done away with. Every one of the 7 periods a day is filled with an actual credit-earning class.

Description : Teachers' College -- is it possible to find out you don't want to do this for the rest of your life ?

Last Answer : I also disliked HS teaching, so I taught at the college level and was very happy there.

Description : Going back to school for Computer Science... Do I want Grad or undergrad?

Last Answer : Question 3 is the only one I am qualified to answer. The relevant question here is this: do you already have the skills that graduate schools assume you will have when entering? If not, you'll need to start ... to get a tech job now, I think it is highly likely that you will need to start over.

Description : The most important objective of teaching is to Options: A) facilitate students when it comes to the construction of knowledge and understanding B) cover the Syllabus timely C) create a friendly ... inside the classroom or teaching learning process D) attend and takes the classes regularly and timely

Last Answer : A) facilitate students when it comes to the construction of knowledge and understanding

Description : Do you believe in absolute truth or subjective truth?

Last Answer : Both

Description : Do you believe that video games can make people learn things faster and better?

Last Answer : Video games help you to learn logic patterns. To actually see them in motion instead of just reading about them. This in turn helps a player see patterns in life around them and allows them to adjust to new information more easily than non-players.

Description : Do you believe a police officer's education plays a part in how he handles the public?

Last Answer : I’m sure it’s a factor, but only one of many. The requirement is probably more to do with having an arbitrary way of filtering out too many applicants.

Description : Do you believe everything in your life you have "attracted" just like the movie The Secret says?

Last Answer : answer:Absolutely not. I was sexually abused as a child, for many years. What on earth could I have done to attract (read: deserve) that??? This is not to say that having a positive attitude and a pleasant demeanor isn’t helpful in getting you what you want, though.

Description : Does a teacher have to believe in religion?

Last Answer : answer:It's my opinion that in order to effectively teach any subject (not specifically religion mind you just any subject) one has to believe in what he/she is teaching. Otherwise it's more of a ... . How can someone teach about evolution (as an example) if one doesn't believe that it happened?

Description : Do you believe average reading comprehension and writing skills have decreased in the general adult population? If so, what factors do you think exacerbate and proliferate the trend?

Last Answer : First, do you have any statistics or studies that show that reading comprehension and the ability to communicate have decreased? There is no diminution of demand for the skills. In fact, it is more vital than ever to be able to read and comprehend what is read. Reading is part of most jobs today.

Description : Does anybody believe that psychics really have power of extrasensory perception?

Last Answer : I do believe in ESP, but I wouldn’t believe in the specific psychics appearing on t.v. actually I assume television (at least network television) lies about everything until I find out otherwise.

Description : How can anyone in this day and age of science and technology not believe in evolution?

Last Answer : Dogged determination.

Description : You can only recommend one book to a person that you believe will positively change his or her life forever. What is the name of that book & why?

Last Answer : The Prophet

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Last Answer : I think that matters a great deal and should not be encouraged. Children need the tactile experience different paints give them. Hence the invention of finger paints and play-dough. If I didn't allow ... mess, ever, I'd consider that child abuse. Children need the freedom to create and to destroy.

Description : I would like to create a useful Smartboard application- any suggestions?

Last Answer : Well… I’m not a teacher, but students like games, right? You could develop a template sort of thing where the whole thing is set up already and they don’t have to go to powerpoint or whatever. that was stupid…