Which part of the human body do you find beautiful that other people tend to overlook?

1 Answer

Answer :

I love a woman’s back, from the hips up to the shoulders. Not sure why, just love the lines.

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Last Answer : Compliments are very nice and appreciated but I don’t allow them to play a huge role because my self-worth doesn’t hinge on whether or not someone thinks I make a great meatloaf actually,I have never heard this before ;))

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Last Answer : can you name a point in time where no humans were fighting? I believe war is in our structure and for many humans it will always be.

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Last Answer : Ok, I have so many things to say that I don't even know where to start. I'm not familiar which those personality class system stuff, but from what I managed to find with Google, all of these ... take any of that seriously. Research as you will, but be aware that you are in a controversial territory.

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Last Answer : One never really knows until they are put in that situation.

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Last Answer : answer:Great question. I was a vegetarian for 9 years, but still struggle with my choices. I'm actually going to post a question about the ethics of fishing soon. If we are ... arbitrary preference is necessary, while making intentional compassion and care for conscious creatures a active concern.

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Last Answer : answer:Laughing is healthy: Lower blood pressure Increase vascular blood flow and oxygenation of the blood Give a workout to the diaphragm and abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles Reduce certain ... creativity, and memory So there is a decided purpose to it, it makes us feel better.

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Last Answer : answer:Jeff Hawkins wrote On Itelligence He helped develop the Palm Pilot and looked into AI and how the human brain works. His model of the brain, especially the cerebrum, is that it all ... pattern finding and context association. Lizard brain things like fear and ego will be purposely left out.

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Last Answer : I have of late felt that each man is unto himself. I am trying to find meaning in this, is it because life has changed so much that we have to be? Or am I making the past a much better place in my mind . ... worthy as if I close it,it is a bit like a living death I feel. A death of a part of me.

Description : How on Earth, does a human cope with a tragedy in which four family members die? [Details inside].

Last Answer : answer:I really can't imagine how I would deal with it. I have a close friend who lost his father and his brother in a very short time frame. He said for him grief was as physical as it was emotional. He ... suppose we humans do what we always do. We pick up our load and carry it one day at a time.

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Last Answer : It sounds reasonable if you think that survival is the prime motivation. However, there is no way of really determining this. It’s just someone’s opinion.

Description : Have you any insight into human nature you would like to share?

Last Answer : I have come to learn that most people are basically good people.

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Last Answer : We are all genetically unique but part of the same human species – still, I tend to think people are mostly different than the same underneath it all..though societal forces are such that many sublimate their quirks in favor of acceptance.

Description : Is there an official term that describes ' the drive of an individual human being for self preservation'?

Last Answer : Eros (vs Thanatos)

Description : Why is it human nature to laugh when someone gets hurt?

Last Answer : Do they phyllis? I have never seen that before. However, laughter can be a nervous reaction to avoid showing one’s true feelings and a response to shock. Some children laugh when a parent gets angry with them. This too is a protective mechanism to avoid the hurt that they could potentially feel.