Are you gay? You have been sued! (A new entry in the pantheon of crazies)

1 Answer

Answer :

To me, she’s crazy and not worthy of any attention (and no, I’m not gay but wouldn’t worry about this suit if I were).

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Last Answer : answer:It probably depends on local laws. I don't know much about the law, but I think in some places if you can reasonably walk away that is what you are supposed to do. Other laws talk about ... level I think the jury would not agree with the suit. Most people are pretty fed up with bullying.

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Last Answer : No, you would absolutely not get in trouble. It was in the trash!

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Last Answer : answer:If you are looking for pictures to use you could check out sites like Creative Commons. You can also do a search for copyright free images. I have used lots of photos where the owners have given ... no way they were going to make anything of it. Either way, always, always cite your sources.

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Last Answer : Yes I did. I sued for wrongful dismissal and won.

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Last Answer : answer:People sue because they get fat from eating hamburgers. Will you get sued? Possibly. If you are seriously dissatisfied, I would begin a letter writting campaign to all of the people you can ... of the letter to them with a cover letter explaining that you want the school to be investigated.

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Last Answer : answer:Assuming that there were no health consequences, I feel like the only damages might be whatever the cost of the prescription was. There may be professional consequences, but I don't know about ... pretend or manipulate in order to ensure that clients or patients won't really eff things up.

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Last Answer : If it harms you, like getting some type of poisoning, I guess you could sue them.

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Last Answer : The reason I’m asking is my friend is getting sued. He got a notice to pickup at the post office. What if he doesn’t pick it up? Will a cop or sherriff be sent to serve court papers?

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Last Answer : I think it’s terrible. Those people should’ve been kept away from that funeral

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Last Answer : answer:I deal with this all the time. I learned quickly that there is absolutely nothing I can do to prevent someone from stealing my photos off the web. It is virtually impossible to track down. So, ... ask permission. Every image has my contact info on it, so there are no excuses for not asking.

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Last Answer : A.Northern Securities controlled all rail service between Chicago and the Pacific Northwest.

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Last Answer : The film "A Man Apart" starring Vin Diesel (released 4 April 2003) had been tentatively titled Diablo until Blizzard sued New Line in March 2001 over it.

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Last Answer : The complaint alleges that Nintendo's Joy-Con controllers move in-game ... A boy and his mother today filed a class action lawsuit against Nintendo for not doing ... I sincerely hope these shameless money-grabbers lose and have to pay for ...

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Last Answer : Need Answer