Do you think this is the right way to deal with racism in the workplace?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:The man was being a total jerk, that is true. But he responded (instead of reacting emotionally) to him in a BUSINESSLIKE manner. In my husband’s business he runs into this type all the time. Sometimes it’s race; other times it’s an entitled customer. But he is ALWAYS courteous and never allows them to see him get flustered. Showing irritation in anyway to this type of person only feeds the fire. Tell your friend good job from me!

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Last Answer : I don’t see what the fact that you lost your cheating wife to a black man has anything to do with anything. I can tell you from experience that it is a myth that they are all hugely endowed and also that that is not a significant factor in being a great lover in any case.

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Last Answer : answer:Because a white man has to compensate for his small dick. I dare anyone giving me any logical and rational reason on why would anyone hate based on skin colour.

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Last Answer : When the Congress passed the Homeland Security bill allowing more intrusive eavesdropping on telephone lines. No one spoke up, and I was one of the first, but I did it a year later, and not when it was ... were scary times. It didn't help that they gave it a deceptive name like The Patriot Act .