Would you rather have love or respect from your S/O?

1 Answer

Answer :

As a Man, I can’t conceive one without the other. I think I respected my wife as a person before I fell in love with her. We have completely different backgrounds and cultures and bring different things to our collective skill set as a couple. As to the question, I kind of feel one begets the other. I would start with respect, then love. Plus, she puts up with my shenanigans.

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Last Answer : I would say that it least 95% of it is with a good deal of wishful thinking thrown in.

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Last Answer : Life is a bad influence.

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Last Answer : answer:How can you separate it from infatuation with the person? How do you know when the person feels the same way and how to keep yourself from being taken advantaged of foolishly? You can’t. That’s half the fun.

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Last Answer : I do, with my daughter and my one closest friend, the only people I do truly love. haha

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Last Answer : If you hate yourself you should try to get beyond that to loving yourself. If you love yourself you should try to get beyond that to forgetting yourself. The best way to forget yourself is to love someone else.

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Last Answer : answer:There is a difference between love and a relationship. One can continue to love, or for one's love to grow, even as the relationship ebbs or discontinues. Real Love is NOT a two-way ... of someone or being betrayed by them. But love dependent on fulfillment of an expectation is not love.

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Last Answer : Nobody knows why except you. Other than that, you don’t give much info to go on for anybody to speculate.

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Last Answer : Edited: I love a lot. My family, my friends, my life… it’s so hard to list them all.

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Last Answer : A woman scorn. ... is frightening. Very painful.

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Last Answer : Don’t look for it and it will find you.

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Last Answer : Welcome to ask-public. You can’t make someone love you. Love can only be given.