What are some archaic phrases and/or words that you remember?

1 Answer

Answer :

Please and thank you. Don’t harsh my buzz. Don’t harsh my mellow. I didn’t inhale.

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Last Answer : “That sushi wasn’t fresh”.

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Last Answer : Pourquoi?? Pourquoi ça vous plaît, vous moquer de nous? Je pose cette question sérieusement.

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Last Answer : Fashionable in recent years (starting in 1980s?): “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” I still agree with the opposite assertion: “If at first you don’t succeed, try again.” Techie version: “If at first you don’t succeed, that’s one data point…”

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Last Answer : Half past four and quarter past four, as opposed to 4.30 and a quarter after four…

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Last Answer : answer:Not in writing, but I really like to say Eso si que es . Mostly because anyone who doesn't know what I'm saying looks at me funny and says Socks? Also, I have no idea how to spell it ... Mox me nix sous . My grandmother said it all the time, and said it means Makes me no difference .

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Last Answer : As long as you don’t refer to facebook as ”the facebook” you should be fine.