Have you ever been surprised that a celebrity is not already dead?

1 Answer

Answer :

Not sure who but sometimes something will cause me to Google someone and I’ll be surprised that they’re still around.

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Last Answer : I just watched the spanking scene in McClintock where John Wayne paddles her but food. haha RIP Maureen, we should all be so lucky to go in our sleep at age 95.

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Last Answer : Maybe the media didn’t report it back then? Or, didn’t report it the same way? I’d be curious to know what the news reports were back then.

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Last Answer : answer:Interesting question, though in your scenario is sounds a lot more like identity theft and someone trying to get money out of it. I do wonder though if I were to fake my own death and then be actually murdered years later what would happen with the whole thing.

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Last Answer : Popcorn!

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Last Answer : It was Joff. 1:January 10:October 2: February 2:February Take the first letters and you get Joff

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Last Answer : Yes, although more when I was younger. I once picked up a skin of ice from a puddle and broke it over the head of someone who had attacked my little brother.

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Last Answer : The celebrity that shouldn’t have been cancelled is Johnny depp. Poor guy really hope he gets back to acting. Love the POTC movies.

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Last Answer : Merely a childish “Who, me?” put on.

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Last Answer : Who cares?

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Last Answer : I have seen nothing about his current tax situation. The info that was “released” today is old news. Trump went bankrupt several times 20–30 years ago if I remember correctly.

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Last Answer : Good for them. But the problem, for me, is that to recycle at WalMart, you actually have to go to WalMart. The one near me is always crowded; the parking lot is always seriously full, and any time I need ... I can just stop and drop stuff off, I might do so. If it's some place indoors, forget it.

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Last Answer : Not at all. It was not actually that much. I’m amazed how far humanity has progressed with technology in the last 60 years

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Last Answer : I was surprised by how much was omitted from standard texts and teaching. When I was in grade/middle school, in the early-mid 60s, no mention at all was made of Japanese-American internment camps. A ... 10th grade, and we were able to discuss it in school. It was heavily spun to justify it.

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Last Answer : I think it's a rather strange list. Appleton Wisconsin is on the same list with Detroit? Kingsport, TN is on the same list as Miami? Get real. Worse yet, the pictures don't in any way ... is no useful information in the presentation, and their criteria for including a suspect, to say the least.

Description : What have you learned recently that surprised you?

Last Answer : I learned how they get the soup in Chinese soup dumplings. The soup is made and then mixed with gelatin so it congeals. It’s cut up into cubes and mixed with the meat filling and put in the dumplings. When it’s steamed the gelled soup becomes hot soup! I thinl that’s really neat.

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Last Answer : Where’s Rick’s family from? My in-laws from Nebraska do that, too, how weird?! Sometimes she’ll make a random weird dish for a holiday instead of turkey or ham, you never know.

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Last Answer : avocado, kiwi, pho,

Description : And so it begins with Manafort. Is anyone surprised?

Last Answer : There will be more. . . . Don Jr., Ivanka, Jared Kushner and Tom Barrack were big backers and advocates for Manafort being the campaign manager. We shall see. Waiting for “Fake News” comments from THE Twitter account.

Description : Are there any hilarious jokes in kids movies that you're surprised made it into the film?

Last Answer : There is this scene from the Hunter x Hunter anime. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3tcy3R2T8U Watch their eyes at the 1 minute mark.

Description : Are you surprised at the amount of racism in the U.S.?

Last Answer : Not at all. But having lived this long, and witnessed the strides in my lifetime, I truly believe the shelf life of this particular stupidity to be predictably limited.

Description : Trump pardons Arpaio. Is anyone surprised?

Last Answer : Nope. They’ve been talking about it for days.

Description : What (fairly new) movies have you seen in the last few years that have pleasantly surprised you?

Last Answer : I was surprised by how delighted I was by the live action “Beauty and the Beast.” I almost didn’t go and then just loved it. I just saw an Israeli film called “The Women’s Balcony” that I didn’t know a thing about before I went and loved that as well.

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Last Answer : No. He was totally in his element when he was at that CPAC meeting but the Correspondents dinner would be totally OUT of that realm.

Description : How could anyone be surprised about the results of the election when "The Simpsons" and Duck Dynasty are among the top rated shows on TV?

Last Answer : Not really, sad isn’t it? And people still insist we are not being dumbed down,from a society that we would rather text the people we are not with than talk to the people are are with.

Description : Have you surprised yourself lately?

Last Answer : I’m surprised that I am more capable than I thought. I signed up for a Visa and got a Paypal account without any aid, something that no one around me has done before.

Description : Were you surprised Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucus over Trump?

Last Answer : What? Trump was defeated? Now I don’t have to worry about not being able to enter America.

Description : Why am I surprised my dog actually made the connection?

Last Answer : answer:Perhaps because you imagine the dog is responding to the punishment for bad behaviour. That would indeed be surprising. Actually, what is happening is that the dog is responding to the ... quiet). Dogs respond well to positive re inforcement. They generally do not understand punishment .