Why do you think time seems to go faster as we get older?

1 Answer

Answer :

Time is relative and static but at this stage of life it seems like someone hit the fast forward button.

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Last Answer : Ideally, I'd like to see more focus on rehabilitation. I'd like to see people who are jailed on drug offenses put through treatment programs, and just let the potheads go. That may be ... used with juveniles or prisoners who are diagnosed with mental illness. Is this vision realistic? Probably not.

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Last Answer : Personally, I have always been amazed at the accuracy of the predictions. (Plus I can finally use the word “ephemerides”.)

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Last Answer : answer:Good question. As far as where exactly that line should be drawn I don't know, but it would differ greatly based on personal taste. I'm sure certain people would like having the patience to deal with ... of a pin to an elephant. Still damn annoying to be sure, but nothing to make a fuss over.

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Last Answer : answer:One must go with the gut feel on this one. The TV has its ratings scheme but most parents by default know their kids best. Err on the safe side I guess. If a parent is uncertain about ... follow I guess. Just the ability to adapt to present situations in your kid's life and growth process.

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Last Answer : Im not sure how you can say other organisms dont have feelings? You dont think a dog, cat or any other animal for that matter can feel happy or sad? Loved or abandoned?

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Last Answer : I usually don’t, but I have a hearing impairment so, no need!

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Last Answer : Since I did not imagine that tree limb that bashed me in the forehead when I wasn’t looking where I was going…I’m going to say we live in the physical world.

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Last Answer : Well, sometimes a snap judgment is just a mental placeholder, a stake in the ground, something to say. People do find out more about a topic, and then they change their minds.

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Last Answer : I don't think so. Although I'm not thrilled with the new scanning technology out there, I think there should always be airport security. It's not so much if there was a device on a plane which ... got off my plane to retrieve it. At my city's airport there have been lots of thefts with luggage.

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Last Answer : I think it's a combination of the two. If I'm feeling low I can talk to a friend and they'll cheer me up. Did I become happier all on my own? On the flipside, you can always gain control of ... to make me mad at all. Our surroundings always make us feel, but we can control how strong the feeling is.

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Last Answer : I do not think that is wholly true. I think many of our personal problems stem from unresolved childhood wounds. In the sense that we don’t address those issues, we then perpetuate our problems and keep them from being resolved. I don’t think it is usually a conscious choice though.