[SFW] Do you want to get some more head?

1 Answer

Answer :

7000 lbs! I just wanted a little head.

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Last Answer : I only know what I read. Two impressions: 1) she stayed too long. The last several years were her worst. The should have let the scene about 5 years ago. 2) she had great success economically in ... leader for most of her time there, In that respect, more power for her. But she stayed too long.

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Last Answer : I love it. I hope they are as comfortable to perform in as they look.

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Last Answer : Yes. There were apparently minor skirmishes along the border throughout the war although nothing particulary exciting (going on the fact that most histories of Switzerland during ww2 devote about as much space I just did to the topic).

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Last Answer : Pretty much, yes.

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Last Answer : I would ask them why the Nazis left concentration camps all over central Europe if the Holocaust was a hoax. Seems like a waste to me.

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Last Answer : I think of Germany as making good cars, good food and good beer. I also think of the reunification. I also think of Merkel getting felt up by GW Bush.

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Last Answer : Bavarians? they’ll smack it right in your face

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Last Answer : loosely: “The Fatherland is broken.”

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Last Answer : answer:yes and they are the current world leader in the use of solar or photo-voltaic power. SRM

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Last Answer : In what way weren't they corrupt in the early phases of their tyranny? Morally corrupt regimes are destined to fail, and this one was the most morally corrupt regime in human history. Besides, ... of ballistic weapons), and so, given enough time, the Axis powers would have been handily defeated.

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Last Answer : Knock me out and give me a lethal dose of morphine.

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Last Answer : Pee pretty much anywhere. If my boyfriend needs the toilet when on a long car journey we just stop and he goes in the nearest bush. I have to wait until we get to the nearest service station as I don’t feel comfortable just squatting anywhere! It’s something that I often feel jealous of!!

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Last Answer : http://info.sonicretro.org/Miles_%22Tails%22_Prower

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Description : SFW Do you like to hurry up but then slow down at the end?

Last Answer : (My first thought was about driving) Yes…I just hate it when good books start ending.

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Last Answer : answer:Ever since I was little rubbing my head puts me to sleep in under five minutes. And by head I mean my hair ball. And if that wasn’t clear enough I mean the part of my body you put a hat on… Fucking hell, the head that isn’t on my penis.

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Last Answer : Ha.. My quick glance thought your wants tag was wanks.

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Last Answer : answer:@ETpro: How do we limit births when medical science progresses to the point where, barring accidents or murders, humans begin to approach living forever? So, the problem is modern medical science? Should ... a result of a project (medicine) we're still investing in. I don't have an answer.

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Last Answer : Sure.

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Last Answer : We’re doing most of that right now, while we’re still here to make decisions. As much as possible, we’re giving stuff to our kids now.

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Last Answer : answer:Full synthetic oil for my Integra's (DC1) motor: Far less prone to breakdown and contamination than dino juice. Every molecule of synthetic oil has lubricating properties, not so with natural ... longer periods between changes, a necessity as my car is currently in storage in damp Florida.

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Last Answer : Tackle football.

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Last Answer : Do cannoli’s count? Mmmhhhmmmm. Coffee and Irish whiskey’s kinda creamy and delicious. Strawberries and cream.

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Last Answer : my vacuum cleaner

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Last Answer : Sounds like the coating didn’t cure. Murphy soap may make it even stickier. Clean the surface with mineral spirits and use a non-metallic scrubber pad, remove scum with a paper towel. Now use a quick dry polyurethane varnish to seal the surface.

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Last Answer : answer:Piercings I've had: - Two holes in each ear lobe - still got em, but hardly ever use em - Nose (nostril) - had to take it out for school and the hole closed up - Cartilage at top of ear ... I think whatever the hell you want to pierce, you should pierce. I just won't be doing it with you.

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Last Answer : You’re giving us a dichotomic A. or B. option. What about C., D., or most importantly, E. None of the above? :D

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Last Answer : Fishing, duck hunting.

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Last Answer : answer:A few weeks back, my friend asked if I could come over and help her bathe her older, arthritic doggy. I often babysit her 2 dogs, so of course I said yes. Because of his arthritis, he's not ... over and trim him again before his hair got as long as it was before. It's much easier that way.

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Last Answer : answer:I would work at the research station in Antarctica – for free. Heck I’d even pay for the honor! (Contact me here for resume.)

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Last Answer : My first reaction was, is that real?

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Last Answer : When you’re Florence Foster Jenkins. She became famous by virtue of being an atrocious singer, even ending her career with a sold-out performance at Carnegie Hall.

Description : [SFW] What do you love to do on hump day?

Last Answer : Today I mowed the grass and am watching a sumo tournament on TV.

Description : [SFW] What jobs would you refuse regardless of the pay?

Last Answer : answer:House cleaner. I can barely be bothered to clean my own. Babysitter, teacher, day care worker, etc. I have an aversion to kids.

Description : [SFW] What do you truly love to eat?

Last Answer : Where’s the NSFW version? It is Friday after all. It’s pizza for this question. But it’s got to be good pizza. I had a certain hut’s pizza last week and I’d rather go dumpster diving then try that again.

Description : [SFW] Does matter matter? See detais.

Last Answer : TLDR. Yes, it matters. OK.

Description : [SFW] Is a big waist a big waste? See details.

Last Answer : My hubby’s a big guy. Have to admit, I was much more attracted to him pre-kegbelly. Big is OK, unhealthy is not.

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Last Answer : What is “inches”?

Description : What would you do in this situation? [SFW]?

Last Answer : My guess would be if you are in that sort of position, you most likely have a “friend” who works for a media outlet who you can leak information to in order to further your defense. It would depend on the type of attack before I would know if I would take that path.

Description : [SFW] What safety measures do you (have to) take to do your job (safely)?

Last Answer : answer:[LOVE the sfw tag, ha ha!] I have to cut my nails – for playing the harp they have to be short! (Sounds rubbish otherwise, and er, bad for the strings!)

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Last Answer : Do you not feel the events of 9/11 was an actual invasion?

Description : (SFW I swear) What is the name of this male pornstar?

Last Answer : Holy shit that looks like my roommate!

Description : Does this picture offend you SFW?

Last Answer : no, because we all know that Soviet aircraft can’t stay airborne that long.