What is the best way I can deal with a creepy living situation with my landlord?

1 Answer

Answer :

You obviously feel uncomfortable living in this situation, why not just move out? Edit: just to clarify, I mean move out straight away rather than wait until November.…

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Last Answer : answer:I’m guessing that you don’t have a signed lease / sublease with the “official” tenant, and if you do, then it’s probably worthless. I’d look to make other arrangements and move out as soon as you can physically manage that, without notice, and definitely without a forwarding address.

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Last Answer : answer:We were camping out in a tent at Sam Houston National Forest, way off in the woods beside a small lake. It was a familiar campsite I had used several times before and far enough off the ... night. I have camped out in the same area several times since and have never had a repeat experience.

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Last Answer : What do you mean little girl. Want some candy? Sorry that was bad. I trust my instincts a lot and I know the feeling.

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Last Answer : I don’t know if it is a sign of criminal activity but I could swear this same scenario was an opening for a Twilight Zone episode a few decades ago. (Or was it the X-Files?)

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Last Answer : Nah it’s a bit weird, it not wrong to feel what ya feel. Don’t even get me started on the carried over the threshold thing…

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Last Answer : I loved The Oblongs! One of the most underrated programs on Adult Swim.

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Last Answer : answer:You need to take this guy seriously as do your parents. Your father should tell this guy that his attentions are unwelcome, and he is to leave your sister alone: not write to her, not talk to ... take the letter and the card to the police and get on record that this guy is stalking her.

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Last Answer : Yes, I have some ashes from my dear friend Brook. It is not creepy at all.

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Last Answer : Oh, yes.

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Last Answer : answer:Old mental hospitals and insane asylums from the past (1890's - 1940's) always seem to be very creepy and strange. Is it the fact that mentally ill people dwelled the halls at one ... torturing procedures that took place in the facilities? Uh, yeah! Is there anything not creepy about them?

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Last Answer : I’d rather be called weird. It’s more of a loving and generalized statement.

Description : Could someone suggest some creepy classical music?

Last Answer : Danse Macabre by Saint Saens, oops, I see you wrote that! Have you heard the Hellraiser theme? From the first and second movies, check them out.

Description : Paranormal/ Creepy events or books. Do you have any stories or suggestions?

Last Answer : You ever see the TV show Candle Cove?

Description : Circle contacts - attractive or creepy?

Last Answer : A pal of mine has violet-coloured contacts. After a while I forget she has them in. The photo you’ve linked to doesn’t look especially creepy or Keane-esque to me.

Description : Have you ever explored any creepy places, like a haunted house, some temple ruins or an abandonned hospital?

Last Answer : Fuck yeah,excuse my French.Anywhere & everywhere were explorable.Old run down factories on a dark winter night were particularly creepy.We would dare each other to go deeper into the bowels of the shell that ... as Answerbag.Don't make me go back please don't make me, sobbing rather pathetically ;¬}

Description : Do you have any creepy powers? What are they, what do they do, and how are they powers?

Last Answer : answer:I’m able to see the future with 95% accuracy, the downside is that if I try to do anything about it, or if it’s conducted under scientific conditions it totally fails. That’s the 5%. So I know the future, but if I act on it, something else happens.

Description : At what age does breast feeding go from a little weird to really creepy?

Last Answer : 1.5 years of age.

Description : If a guy is being creepy, does he have the right to photograph women if he is on public property?

Last Answer : If I'm running a coffee shop and he's driving away my customers by being a creep then yeah he's got to go. The average photography student or enthusiast takes a few pics on a shoot ... photographing people compulsively over an extended stretch. That's got to get really old after the first week.

Description : What are some really creepy things to say to random people?

Last Answer : “You’re being watched.”

Description : Is this plan for a deceased pet creepy?

Last Answer : I can only speak for myself and find the idea of wearing Milo unimaginable.

Description : Why is email so creepy?

Last Answer : Emails are likely to get spammed, people are more warey of them. Either way using email to talk to people is so 1990s.. lol

Description : What constitutes "creepy" in social interactions?

Last Answer : I think it depends on the woman.

Description : What's up with those creepy Palm Pre commercials?

Last Answer : yeah, wow. that was…clever. no, it’s pretty much universally accepted that those commercials are rubbish. i think they thought the ads would be like the iPhone ads, but with a face. But the creepy Borg Queen faced lady was their first mistake (with the ads).

Description : What's the best response to creepy late-night phone calls?

Last Answer : Buy a dead-bolt for you door. Then get a program called “true caller.” it allows you to bypass the restricted number and see who is calling (supposedly).

Description : What is the recipe to make plasti-goop for the old Creepy Crawelers toy?

Last Answer : I wish I did! Do you remember Incredible Edibles? Same creepy crawlers but edible?

Description : I'm 27 and I still love cartoons. Is this creepy?

Last Answer : your question reminded me of this video. its cute. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRdXPFQRyT4