If you could go back in time and make a change to the script of "Back to the Future", what would you change?

1 Answer

Answer :

When Marty goes into the future, he sees that he is now a washed up actor with Parkinson’s.

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Last Answer : answer:Try writing this at a DOS prompt and see if it gives you any ideas about how you can format your directory name: echo %date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2% When I run that it gives me: 20110924 (for ... , then of course you'll need to modify the parsing of the Echo command. I know you can do it.

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Last Answer : I think you might want to use http://www.horstmuc.de/ui.htm. Enjoy.

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Last Answer : answer:I recently did this because we had an issue with our Generator not cutting over. Once the UPS runs out, hard loss of power will affect hard drives, system boards, cache batteries, ... or maliciously executed. PM me if you need more info. Both are free. WMIC commands SysInternals psshutdown

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Last Answer : answer:outputting your variables before you check the loop would probably get you closer and let you know where the problem lies… You may also want to reverse your checks… check for your loop condition and then check for your continuation… so loop always gets checked first.