If someone gives you an heirloom that they believe precious, yet you find revolting, what do you do?

1 Answer

Answer :

I would accept politely, write her a nice thank you note, and put the thing away—until she comes for a visit, of course. Others will probably advise you to be truthful and tell her—politely—that it’s just not your taste or something like that. But I think she’s making a nice gesture—why risk hurting her feelings and possibly creating a family rift? Life’s too short.

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : What does heirloom variety mean? -Biology

Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : Sure about what?

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Last Answer : 1. My friends. 2. My family. 3. Being economically stable. 4. My education. 5. Thought.

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Last Answer : Of course, it’s still precious.

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