Manscaping. Gross, or the latest cultural phenomenon?

1 Answer

Answer :

body hair is disgusting, yes.

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Last Answer : answer:Grateful Dead (Touch o’ Gray) ! Clean shaven and cologne. The rest? I really don’t care, because I don’t have to look at it. :) If I had to pick, though, I’d go with a semi-Hairy Garcia. (lesbian answering :)

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Last Answer : The coloring style is called balayage. It’s a technique that is extremely difficult to do at home. If you’re considering it, budget for a professional to do it for you.

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Last Answer : HA – HA – HA ! It’s white and has been for over thirty years.

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Last Answer : You can pin your hair in to a bun and wear a beanie so that they'll stay in shape and be protected from the element, you can choose to take it off at work, however, I won't recommend this ... the root hair start growing long your original problem will come back again and it's not cheap to perm hair.

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Last Answer : Yes

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Last Answer : late 30s

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Last Answer : Conditioning.

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Last Answer : Hair is just dead cells. There is nothing that will keep what is outside of the follicles healthy . To assist in preserving it, wash it no more than necessary, use a gentle cleanser and conditioner, avoid ... hair, if you aren't happy with it's length/condition now, why not? It will grow back.

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Last Answer : I used it. It worked fine for me the first time. The next time I had lots of breakage, but I'm not sure if it was the dye, or the bleach. I'm a brunette, was hoping for a nice, ... my hair. The second time I got frustrated with the results, and kept adding more. What color are you considering?

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Last Answer : *Porosity

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Last Answer : Whatever monthly rate it grows at now, it will be nine times that much longer.

Description : Growing out hair?

Last Answer : Just let it grow. Buy some barrettes for the inbetween stage. Do a cut in 3 months to trim the back a mini bit to start evening it up. It is NOT true that trimming your hair will make it grow ... what you want without having to blow it out for a long time after every shampoo once it starts to grow.

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Last Answer : Check out Lush’s hair straightening products. Lush uses mostly organic ingredients with names you can pronounce. They’re also really good about keeping the planet healthy. While their products do come with quite a price tag, a little bottle goes a long way.

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Last Answer : Check this link to see if it helps you decide. Btw the hairstyle of the girl in the pic that you have shared looks fine to me.

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Last Answer : Nope. Your beard is what it is. The best way to have it come in thicker is a good close shave every day.

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Last Answer : To the woman who just testified in the Bill Cosby case: Who hacked at your hair and why didn’t you get someone to even it up before you were on TV? Too specific?

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Last Answer : Why use it at all?

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Last Answer : It is punishment for the sins of your great^x grandfather, Adam.

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Last Answer : Rubber band.

Description : Hairstylists: How do you feel about clients who always want a color change?

Last Answer : answer:If you’re paying, which I presume you are, they’re probably enjoying the changes along with you. As long as you’re happy, and you’re paying, that’s what matters.

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Last Answer : Collect your hair with a comb, and then tie it.

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Last Answer : The best beauty secrets are, eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water and get plenty of beauty sleep. Beauty radiates from the inside out and when you are healthy, happy and well rested it will show on your face. The rest is just superficial cover ups.

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Last Answer : Sounds like some sort of scalp condition to me. What does Dr. Google say? :-)

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Last Answer : Yes. Those foldovers are hard to trim properly.

Description : What are some great hair masks to treat dry,brittle blonde hair?

Last Answer : answer:If nothing else, it would make a tasty omelette. I’m not sure that the olive (oil) and the honey will mix particularly well.

Description : How long should we leave a hair dye in the hair to obtain maximum results?

Last Answer : My advice is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you have no experience and you don’t follow the instructions, the results may be something that you are unable to fix.

Description : What do the genetics have to be in order to be born with red hair?

Last Answer : I think it’s recessive which would mean the father would also have to be a red-hair-gene carrier. But my understanding of genetics is a gross oversimplification…

Description : Women when and why did you decide to let your hair go gray?

Last Answer : When I was about 31. Okay, but seriously, I am one of the only women I know in my age group with as much grey hair as I have, and I did let it go for about 2 years. I liked it. I have nice-ish ... knew that. I color my hair again now, but I look forward to letting it go grey once it's more than 50%.

Description : Can applying coconut oil before bleaching my hair prevent less damage?

Last Answer : answer:My mother was a hairstylist for several years and her rule of thumb for coloring hair was always that the hair should be as clean as possible before applying chemicals. However, I did some poking around and ... and go to sleep. 3. Bleach hair as usual the next day with oil still in the hair.

Description : Why does hair feel waxy after a hair dye?

Last Answer : Did you rinse it out?

Description : How can I make ashy pale blonde hair streaks a golden blonde?

Last Answer : I would go to a salon and have them do it.

Description : What are some great glossing treatments for the hair?

Last Answer : answer:I swear by jojoba oil. Combed through while the hair is still damp. Dress hair after as usual.

Description : What can I do to look like a girl that is beautiful?

Last Answer : answer:You can’t do anything. You will never be her, no matter how much you try. Be yourself, that one may pay off better.

Description : What do you recommend my hair routine be?

Last Answer : answer:What sort of shampoo are you using? If you aren't using any heating appliances, and you don't have your hair dyed or treated in other ways, I'm not sure why your hair should be so ... ask a question about some cheap, homemade hair treatments too. I bet some people here will have some tips.

Description : What are the best glosses/glazes treatments to give the hair amazing shine and luster?

Last Answer : answer:Some people use olive oil, some prefer mashed bananas, still others use avocado. I’ve even heard of people using mayonnaise. What works varies by the texture/condition of an individuals hair. It’s not a one-product-suits-all situation.

Description : How can I dye my medium ash blonde hair to warm golden blonde?

Last Answer : Go buy some hair dye. You can buy a temporary so if you don’t like the color you can just wash it out. Look for neutral or warm tones.

Description : What do you call the swoop of hair that Christopher Reeve and Jigglypuff share?

Last Answer : Pompadour.