If a co-worker told you they had tuberculosis, but it wasn't contagious, what would you think?

1 Answer

Answer :

Awkward sympathy, I suppose. I never really know what to say in situations like that. I think that’s why people say the “thoughts and prayers” thing: it’s something to say when there’s nothing to be said.

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Last Answer : A better question might be, what is your coworker doing about it?

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Last Answer : answer:Telling her would be nice-but keep in mind that she might think it's weird that you've been looking at her facebook profile (unless she already knows you use facebook). Tell her that she ... that. Or just tell her to set her facebook profile so that only friends can see what she writes.

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Last Answer : Next time you hear the belch just ask them if this is really neccessary and appropriate behavior at work where others can overhear

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Last Answer : answer:You snore really badly. You need your privacy. You wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom a lot. You can't fall asleep with another person in the room. ... (an arrangement that happens to fall through at the last minute). You're bringing your girlfriend/boyfriend/mistress.

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Last Answer : Why don't you just bite the bullet and meet her for an hour at a coffee shop or diner or something (public!). That way she can give you the gift without coming to your house, and you can ... them. It is uncomfortable for you, but wouldn't it be more uncomfortable to have her keep bugging you?

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