You often see self deprecating humor in British comedies and with Canadian comedians, but not so much with the U.S.. Why is that?

1 Answer

Answer :

Have you ever seen “Curb Your Enthusiasm”? Each episode, the wildly talented and successful Larry David put himself through the ringer.

Related questions

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Last Answer : Not real sure on it from scientific diagnostical viewpoint, but personally I do know that self-deprecating humor works in a myriad of ways among one’s peers. I have used it to great success when interacting with people who are not quite sure how to take my humorous jibes. Great question though.

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Last Answer : Sarah Silverman is a riot.

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Last Answer : I find the humor therapeutic. It is also helpful in keeping up with all this nonsense.

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Last Answer : I really liked John Pinnett but he’s dead now.

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Last Answer : I agree for some parts every government should have more humor about it.

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Last Answer : answer:I’ll tell you the ones I like and maybe some of those might sound interesting to you. Dane Cook, Chris Rock, Robert Kelly, Gary Gulman, Jay Davis, Donald Glover, Joe Rogan, Nick DiPaolo and Ron White.

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Last Answer : Maria Bamford.

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Last Answer : You haven’t read Douglas Adams yet, I take it: The Hitchhiker Trilogy (with four books) The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy The Restaurant at the End of the Universe Life, the Universe, and Everything So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

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Last Answer : Jim Gaffigan is my favorite.

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Last Answer : George Carlin really is my absolute favorite. He’s the only famous person I ever looked up to. I also like Sarah Silverman a lot too, for reasons partly sexual.

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Last Answer : Sarah Silverman, Lisa Lampanelli, Kathy Griffen, George Carlin, and some other dead guy that I can’t remember the name of.

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Last Answer : Banters with the audience. Takes a good long drink of water. Might have a quick chat with a PA or stage manager or someone related to the production. Breaks are only about two or three minutes, so that doesn’t leave time to do very much.

Description : Why does it seem like most comedians are liberal?

Last Answer : I think comedy is an art form that lends itself to certain demographics. The performers of said art are one’s that lend themselves to a “liberal” approach to politics. In other words, liberals are more likely to be stand up comedians.

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Last Answer : I’m not a fan of it. I prefer subtle humor.

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Last Answer : answer:I’m still laughing. That little guy just punched Johnny on the mouth! Mork vs. the Necrotons

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Last Answer : I think we can go back. And many of us never left those jokes. We can like more than one type of humor at a time, so shock humor doesn’t have to be the end line for us.

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Last Answer : Everyones has their likes & dislikes. It doesn’t personally bother me.

Description : What is your opinion on the Carry On movies and the humor they represent?

Last Answer : I loved them!! I think my favorite was Carry on Nurse, but I haven't seen any of them for a while. I was thinking about the movies some months ago. I think you can get the complete collection in a boxed set ... them on T.V. a lot when I was growing up, but they're hardly on in the U.S. anymore.

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Last Answer : D. All of the above.

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Last Answer : Everyone thinks something is funny, so yeah, everyone has a sense of humor. It’s not up to someone else to decide what is or what isn’t funny for a person, but it is ok to point out why most people might think something isn’t funny at all. Some people just have a terrible sense of humor.

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Last Answer : Whose ass do I have to kick, @ETpro ?

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Last Answer : This has not been my experience… Usually when someone keeps self-deprecating themselves, someone jumps in and tells them to stop, or prove them wrong… Whenever I hear a person doing this, I try to change their minds…. Masochism is never good…

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Last Answer : The old British reserve.

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Last Answer : answer:True Blood or Dexter. All that blood and gore in claymation would be funny. Or Fox News.

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Last Answer : Jessica Biel

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Last Answer : Ellen can’t really speak for gay African American men. Don Lemon can. I’m with Don on this.

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Last Answer : It’s the hair.

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Last Answer : I’m watching it right now because Ellen Page is hosting. I don’t have the answer but you are right. Just about nothing has been funny, not even the cartoon.

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Last Answer : intrepid. great question. i must think about this one for a minute, but surely, i have been there my friend!

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Last Answer : Art imitates life?

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Last Answer :

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Last Answer : Wow, I have no idea. I am going to be following this question and hoping you get an answer.

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Last Answer : answer:I am watching a show about pawning items of value. Someone is trying to sell a vintage comic book named “Giant Sized Man Thing”.

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Last Answer : 20 million

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Last Answer : To shoot a film for six months for $80,000, you’ll need actors to pay you.

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Last Answer : I hope so ;)

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Last Answer : Ladybird Summer of Soul David Copperfield (with Dev Patel) And some classics: The Gods Must Be Crazy The African Queen A Night at the Opera O Brother Where Art Thou

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Last Answer : Does it star Jon Gruden?

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Last Answer : I haven’t seen the Netflix special. I do know he can be raw but he’s a comedian. That’s what they do.

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Last Answer : Not to everyone's taste, but I was always tickled by the Pink Panther movie series, with Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau. Some of them are available for free, I think, on You Tube. One of ... murder. I also like F Troop and Gilligan's Island. The slap stick action between Gillagan and Skipper.

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Last Answer : Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MInd Wild at Heart