How fast do you know you've eaten bad food?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:It depends on a number of factors including whether one’s stomach already has food in it or is empty, what’s actually “bad” about the food, and I suppose one’s overall physical condition is. Based on the details of your question, I’m thinking the buffet is a more likely culprit than the eggs. I recall eating at an airport cafe something right before boarding a plane and getting violently sick as soon as we took off. Worst flight of my life.

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Last Answer : Salsa verde.

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Last Answer : What is this, cannibalism?!

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Last Answer : No one in my country (U.S.A.) has to starve to death. With Government programs and outreach from churches it doesn’t have to happen.

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Last Answer : Bacon. It literally makes me gag. Not even the maggots I once had the misfortune to consume with a chicken leg caused me to gag. Bacon does.

Description : What does it mean when I've eaten plenty, but my stomach's telling me I'm still hungry?

Last Answer : answer:Sounds like most fast food meals, especially McDonald's - but not limited to. You really get hungry after Chinese, but again, not limited to. The current thought is it is due to certain types of ... give you a lot more energy, while at the same time keeping you full. (Source: the Internet)