How many car accidents (wrecks) have you been in?

1 Answer

Answer :

Only one, and a French gypsy told me I would never be in another accident. Thus, I have no fear of flying.

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Last Answer : I think anything that would show them that they have to pay 100% attention to driving is a good thing,and make them aware that a wreck can happen in a blink of an eye and before ever life changing .

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Last Answer : 99% of crashes are people who are tired, or shouldn’t be driving in the first place. :p No need to report it in more detail.

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Last Answer : It depends on the laws where your license is issued. It also depends on whether it’s a first offense or a repeat. The best way to be sure is to go to the Motor Vehicle agency website for where your license is from.

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Description : Question about selling my car (details inside).

Last Answer : I’m Polish so I can’t help you with this, but why not ask the DMV and get a straight answer from the source… instead of asking (pardon the epithet) ‘random strangers on teh interwebs’? Cheers!

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Description : If you collide with someone while your car is parking itself who is responsible?

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Last Answer : KatawaGrey has her own car, in her name, but my policy covers us both. We have Progressive and we live in CT. Does that help?

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Last Answer : Your auto insurance should cover having other people drive your car.

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Last Answer : Yes, just sign the title over to him and hand him the keys along with a bill of sale just to cover your butt…that is what I did when I sold my car.

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Last Answer : answer:Find your policy and read it carefully. This should be covered somewhere in the fine print. I can’t give you a more difinitive answer as there are too many variables from policy to policy to make a decent estimate. The insurance will probably give you Kelly Blue Book value.

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Last Answer : You could go online and do some comparison shopping between direct companies, but unless you either raise your deductible, lower your liability limits or drop comp and collision (not a good idea ... similar premium. Talking to a good insurance agent about your specifics is probably the best idea.

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Last Answer : If you own a car, ask your insurance company if your insurance covers rentals.

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Last Answer : Have you called your car insurance to ask them?

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Last Answer : answer:In short, the other person must sue you before insurance will pay. My mother had to sue my stepfather when he totalled her car in a single-vehicle accident. He didn't have to pay a penny ... the deductible)) but he had to be named as the defendant before the insurance would accept the claim.

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Last Answer : Are there charges from the car in front of you that you hit? Can you just give the guy the estimate from the repair company and let him pay for it like he told you to? If it wasn't your fault, I ... your insurance company will make you pay for it even if the other guy doesn't. Right? I don't know.

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Last Answer : My fiancé made the mistake of not shopping around before choosing his insurance. He went right to Progressive Insurance and believed them when they assured him they have the cheapest policies available ... try and take extra driving courses and classes. It will often help lower your insurance cost.

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Last Answer : no.. (i think not) well.. it depends on what the inspector sent by the insurance company thinks about it.

Description : Car insurance question?

Last Answer : was the truck parked in your driveway or on the street?

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Last Answer : I found this Excerpt: In some situations both you and the car behind you will be stopped when a third car runs into the car behind you which pushes into the rear of your car. In that case it is the ... liability insurance you would file a claim. Sorry,tf. That is a bummer. I hope you weren't hurt.

Description : Car insurance question?

Last Answer : Look around for another company. See what you would be charged. Most insurance companies give a safe-driver discount, and when you have a claim, the discount is removed, therefore higher payments.

Description : If I am insured for car A and buy car B is car B covered?

Last Answer : Not even a little bit. You need to transfer your insurance to the new car. Most insurance companies will let you do this online.

Description : Should I buy collision insurance for my older car?

Last Answer : Depends. The insurance you need to have is liability and damage to another vehicle so that if you injure someone, or damage someone's car in an accident, you have some coverage. Collision insurance for an old car ... tends to go up. If the car is worth less than $4000, it's probably not worth it.

Description : Should I buy comprehensive insurance for my used car?

Last Answer : answer:If it is the classic in your picture- yeah, probably. Comprehensive covers things other than crashes with other cars (e.g. a flood ruins your car). It's just about risk vs. benefit I suppose. You might ... it or vice versa. However, you asked this in 2006 and I assume you're all set by now :)

Description : Who should I use for car insurance in California?

Last Answer : If you can become a member of USAA (by have a parent or grandparent in the militray--I didn't realize I was eligable for years), they are by FAR the best. Amazing service, absurb prices.

Description : What kind of insurance should I buy from a rental car company?

Last Answer : It depends on how much liability you want to leave with your personal insurance company. this decision is completely in your court... many people buy everything to have no risk whatsoever.. other people take their chances and don't take anything... or take partial coverage, etc

Description : Whats the best car insurance?

Last Answer : I just realized this question was asked recently...

Description : What's the best car insurance in the San Francisco Bay Area?

Last Answer : AMICA is amazing.

Description : How much do you pay for car insurance?

Last Answer : answer:26 bay area male 2— acura integra 2 points currently, I have a very heavy right foot. Doesn’t help both cars are sports cars 120 on liability was 60 before the points

Description : Buying driver's insurance if I don't own a car?

Last Answer : Automobile insurance insures the car. You cannot purchase it without owning a car. Your friends’ policies in all likelihood cover other drivers. If you are not sure, ask.

Description : Advice for car accident claim?

Last Answer : answer:usually the only way you can get a new car out of an accident is if the car is considered totaled . If the car doesn't run because of the accident and the estimated repairs equal a high ... dealer, then you could get money from that company to pay the difference in what you owe on the car.

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Last Answer : It doesn’t affect me personally but I am over the moon that so many people who did not have health care now have coverage and that health costs over all are going down. I really hope the Republicans don’t screw things up.

Description : How can I find out if a non-profit has ever been sued?

Last Answer : Googling non-profit organisations/litigation against brings up a lot of interesting stuff.

Description : How does an insurance claim work when defective carpetting has been installed?

Last Answer : You can, but you will probably have to pay for the difference between the cost of replacing the old carpet and what the new carpet will cost.

Description : Have you ever been the victim of a hit and run?

Last Answer : Did the police make a hit and run accident report? Was this on private property? No matter. if you have a witness and a license plate number, the police will act on it. most police departments have hit and run officers that are assigned to this type of investigation.

Description : How many car accidents have you been in, and what was the worst?

Last Answer : Probably two “real” accidents and several fender benders. Nothing horrible for me—a sore neck was the worst of it. Knock on wood.

Description : How long do you carry full coverage insurance on your vehicle?

Last Answer : I drop Comp and Collision after about 6–8 years or when the value of the car is such that it probably wouldn’t be worth repairing if it was damaged. Liability of course, you keep forever.

Description : Do you have pet insurance?

Last Answer : What company is doing pet insurance?

Description : How to sell "security" technologies to banks, insurance companies or FinTechs (tips and tricks)?

Last Answer : Is the methodology to reach out to decision makers and interview/survey them? or simply glean insights from experienced insiders with knowledge of this process? Those seem like excellent questions, and ... on that to look for patterns such as seasonality or correlations with data breaches etc.?

Description : Would the following description given in "Without a Hitch" by Andrew Price be realistic?

Last Answer : Bogus Sure, they make a cursory effort to collect the debts, but they give up quickly and write them off their taxes. To cover their losses, they buy insurance. Since they have insurance, they won't ... the theft. They can't write off the loss and get insurance payments, that would be fraud !

Description : Is it insurance fraud to have insurance but choose to self pay for medical services?

Last Answer : That’s a stupid computer system. You are not required to use insurance if you don’t want to. If you want to pay cash, that’s your choice, not theirs.

Description : Find old insurance policy information?

Last Answer : Good luck. You might find evidence of this in corporate records, if they still exist. But no insurance company would pay out on the basis of that sort of evidence. If it's flood insurace - that's ... (fire, theft, etc.) is likely long lost, since the policies would have expired 50 years ago.