What are some unique careers that one never thinks of?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Nuclear certified welder. They can make 6 figures for a single job.

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Last Answer : answer:Format looks pretty good. Seems about right for your age and your history. I'd probably try to consolidate the professional skills section a bit and get yourself a bit of extra space on the ... an Objective at the top i.e. Seeking full time permanent employment in the ________ industry .

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Last Answer : bullfighter.

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Last Answer : No. No, I don’t.

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Last Answer : answer:What do you like doing every day? Helping people? Solving problems” Engineering? Working outside? Ask yourself a series of questions like that to come closer to what your dream job is. Consider working with a career counselor.

Description : What is an adrenaline seeking career?

Last Answer : answer:Well, SWAT may be thrilling for the time they are out there taking someone down but it seems there would be a lot of time when you are at your desk and doing other things. Live performers get thrills when they do a great job entertaining and get the reward of applause.

Description : How can I job shadow my Career Councilor?

Last Answer : If you are interested in becoming a career councilor, It would not hurt to ask.. she might be willing to even try and set you up with a different career councilor… and its unrealistic to think that you MUST stay in your home town to get a job / eventually she will retire.

Description : Does anybody know of an airline attendant program where you will be guaranteed a job?

Last Answer : Join the military. There is a job where you’ll be a flight attendant on generals’, congressmen’s and executive branch rep’s planes. Yes, even AF1 has a flight attendant, and that flight attendant is in the military. Any airline will swipe you up after getting that kind of credentials!

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Last Answer : Without going into detail, it will depend on what the felony was for. You will have to pass an FBI background check and a felony won’t necessarily disqualify you.

Description : Do you think "Public Relations" is a good career?

Last Answer : Always a need for good PR people. Social media has expanded the roles. You may want to think about putting together a community website as a project, and maintaining it through college. I would suggest reading The Cluetrain Manifesto and following Chris Brogan and Jake McKee.

Description : Would you take a really shitty job, if it paid fives times as much as what you earn now?

Last Answer : Not at this point in my career. But quite honestly, I would take a really fabulous job that paid less than I’m making now.

Description : Do you honestly think that an ex felon who has redeemed themself can work as a pharmacy technician?

Last Answer : What’s so special about a pharmacy tech, as opposed to some other job? My answer is greatly dependent upon the person and the crime. Since you need some sort of certification to be a pharmacy tech, I guess someone who took the time and effort to learn the trade would be worthy of consideration.