My daughter is gay? How obliged am I to homophobic in-laws?

1 Answer

Answer :

Woah. That is really hard to read without paragraphs.

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Last Answer : This obligation is not yet available.

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Last Answer : answer:I actually have heard about this, only because Ghost Hunters filmed an episode there last season. I don’t understand how some people can be so hateful. It makes me sick to my stomach.

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Last Answer : I'd say yes, I can't say too much but here one of our major sports we have someone who is hiding he is gay. I know this since he is having an affair with a gay guy friend of mine. The ... behind this is so hard to fathom. Are they afraid they can't kick the ball straight (sorry no pun intended).

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Last Answer : My thoughts? It is a good start.

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Last Answer : I have often wondered about the term homophobia. it does not seem like a fear of any kind to me. more like hate. i guess if tight spaces where alive and claustrophobic people mostly hated them ... of distaste for them. personally, the moajority of the time i think its just a learned behaviour.

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Last Answer : I'm Bi and never was homophobic. However, a lot of people in the community are toxic and feel like they deserve respect just because. You can't get respect if you can't give it, especially if you ... no one is safe. It's like getting mad at a racist joke when the comedian jokes about all races.

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Last Answer : This is a tricky topic, if you feel the need to ask them give ita shot. Keep in mind some people are very close minded and can't bechanged but you don't need there approval to be happy with someone:)

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Last Answer : It's about your relationship with them. If you have a good relationship with your parents then come out to them. I am here to support you! This is something you need to understand, be respectful to your ... if you want to text them and tell them your feelings or if you want to meet up with them.

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Last Answer : I thank you for letting me know.

Last Answer : On paper Or Metallic Of notes Own No Price No , it is A Representative Only. One Time Each Of notes Subject Central In the bank Equivalent Gold nuggets Accumulated Would have " Only on demand Its To the ... US Dollars With So Of notes In return Gold nuggets To get Hope Exclude Let's go Good : V

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Last Answer : Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, § 910

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Last Answer : ANSWER: B

Description : Why did the Muslim League oppose the Cripps’ Plan? A. Held prospects of single Union of India B. Idea of Pakistan was rejected in the Plan C. Muslim League was not consulted D. Hindus were obliged in the Plan

Last Answer : ANSWER: B

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Last Answer : ANSWER: B

Description : Why did the Muslim League oppose the Cripps’ Plan? A. Held prospects of single Union of India B. Idea of Pakistan was rejected in the Plan C. Muslim League was not consulted D. Hindus were obliged in the Plan

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Last Answer : Answer : d

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Last Answer : Favoritism

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Last Answer : Theresa's Daughter.

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Last Answer : I am May.

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Last Answer : I am 40 and my daughter is 10.

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Last Answer : Rain.

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Last Answer : If it is not a felony they will

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Last Answer : I am looking for a boot camp for my 15yr.old daughter. She don't want to follow rules, she needs to listen to authority. offers military style programs for troubled girls.

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Last Answer : Yes

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Last Answer : I remember the line in the movie The Hours where the author is being asked, but in your story why does someone have to die and she says so the rest of us know how good we have it . That ... to your situation, no good or bad references insinuated but to say contrast and context are, well, just are.

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Last Answer : Probably