When taking different vitamin supplements should they be taken at intervals?

1 Answer

Answer :

From a medical point of view concerning medicinal dosage, four times per day (q.i.d.) technically means every six hours, but this is impractical for many people, so it is usually recommended that the person takes the med at breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime, unless otherwise specified. For people with irregular eating habits, it is recommended that they take their meds at the times people traditionally eat these meals.

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Last Answer : If you already have osteopenia at 18 then you need to see your physician, and possibly an endocrinologist.

Description : Top 4 vitamin/mineral supplements you think should be taken?

Last Answer : It's not the same for everyone. You need to know enough about yourself and enough about supplements to choose what's best for you. If you are going to dabble in this, get educated. This ... Also, there are sites where you can find out which brands have been independently tested with good results.

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Last Answer : Most diets are missing some of the vitamins. Just don’t go overboard on the fat soluble vitamins, they can have side affects. And, Welcome to fluther.

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Last Answer : Benefits of vitamin dVitamin D is found naturally in a variety of foods, such as milk, eggs, fish and cod liver oil. The sun also provides vitamin D, and individuals who are exposed ... these diseases. Vitamin D supplements can be purchased at pharmacies, health food stores and grocery stores.

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Last Answer : Vitamin D toxicity raised blood serum concentrations of vitamin Ds storage form too high which causes adverse harmful side effects. Be sure not to take too much.

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Last Answer : Good question. But there is no way to prove that I would've been worse off had I not taken the many vitamins I take. I was taking a supplement for high cholesterol, Red Yeast Rice, that supposedly lowered ... probably do not work. But my grandmother, who died at 98 swore by them, so I take them.

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Last Answer : Log time, lol. Should have proofread! Grumpy fish gonna be mad!

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Last Answer : answer:Why do you need the zinc and E? D3 usually does it for most people.

Description : What types of vitamin supplements can you make yourself?

Last Answer : I think if you eat parsley it contains just about every vitamin except D, and plenty of iron too. Easy to grow aswell. Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.1 mg 8% Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.2 mg 13% ... daily intake from eating 100 grams of raw parsley, see the wikipedia article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsley

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Last Answer : Most vitamin supplements are passed through the urine with minimal benefit. It seems your situation goes beyond that of ordinary vitamin pills though. I hope your situation improves quickly.

Description : Will taking Vitamin C help make me feel better? I am sick.

Last Answer : It wont make you feel worse, although to much vitamin C can cause tummy upsets but 2000 I don’t think is to much – Elderberry is quite good for when you are sickly as well – just remember to drink lots of water and eat well, it will pass, just look after your self!

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Last Answer : Vitamin D and geritol. :)

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Last Answer : No bodybuilders should not take vitamin d supplements. They should not abstain from all supplements either. They should take protein supplements in order to maximize their body's potential.

Description : What supplements should a vegetarian woman be taking?

Last Answer : Vitamin B12. It isn’t found outside of animal protein.

Description : Are there any side effects to taking biotin supplements?

Last Answer : There shouldn't be. Because biotin B7 completes all the Vitamin B Complex. And it plays a role in energy production, and it's commonly used to remediate neurological problems. There are common signs ... micro-nutrient, easily used up in the body for energy. Biotin is also obtained from food.

Description : Is taking weight gainer supplements safe?

Last Answer : It depends entirely on what those supplements contain. It is not safe to take hormones that put on weight or that even put on muscle, such as anabolic steroids. These are not safe. Simple vitamin or protein supplements might be safe. But it depends on what is in them.

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Last Answer : If participating in a sporting team, it is generally not considered fair to take sports supplements. This can cause an unfair advantage to the team, and may result as an illegal activity. But not all forms of sports supplements are illegal.

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Last Answer : It is important for healthy nerves.

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Last Answer : One of the huge benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, aside from getting their nutritional content, is that they can be a huge source of fiber, which is…a good thing. You might want to consider taking fiber supplements if you’re not incorporating fruits/vegetables/greens into your diet.

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Last Answer : Vitamin C supplements are pills that supply a person with a daily dosage of Vitamin C. You can buy this from Wal-Mart or other retailers in the supplements aisle. A good branded is Nature Made.

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Last Answer : Vitamin A is generally believed to be beneficial in the preservation of good eye health as well as beneficial to good skin. You can purchase vitamin A at health food stores as well as pharmacies.

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Last Answer : There are many good vitamins out there as well as good supplements. What are you looking to maintain? There are vitamins for the heart, eyes, energy levels, or concentration. I would recommend talking to ... and coming up with a vitamin regiment that works for you and having them make you a list.

Description : Which product has the best vitamin supplements?

Last Answer : The best vitamin supplements that you can take to maintain or increase energy would be vitamin B12. Also Vitamin C does a good job of adding to your energy.

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Last Answer : Here are a few brands of various creams and lotions containing vitamin D3 supplements: Life-Flo Vitamin D3 Body Cream, Goldfaden Vitamin D Face Cream, Cosmesis Skin Care Vitamin D Lotion, CSI Vitamin D Replenishing Body Lotion, AnuMed Intl. Vita-Med Intl. Vitamin D3, Now Foods Vitamin D-3 Cream.

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Last Answer : If you are wondering where to purchase vitamin and supplements because you want to go to a professional to get them, you should try out Longs Drug Store for supplements.

Description : Where to purchase vitamin d3 supplements?

Last Answer : Customer reviews are usually always fairly accurate. For excellent accuracy you could always check with consumer reports. Based on your findings there, you should be able to determine which Vitamin D3 supplement would best fit your needs and budget.

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Description : Vitamin C Supplements for Health and Beauty?

Last Answer : Vitamin C supplements bring a brighter tone to the skin. Vitamin C helps fight off colds and provide many other health benefits. There are many ways to ingest the specific amount of vitamin C necessary ... best defense against illness and aids as a beauty product for the skin as an added benefit.

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Last Answer : Vitamins allow individuals with low fruit and vegetables diets to obtain key nutrients to help the body function properly. The mass amount of vitamin brands available on the market can make it ... multivitamin that contains more folic acid because it aides in the healthy development of a baby.

Description : Are there any vitamin supplements for fibromyalgia?

Last Answer : S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), Magnesium, Vitamin D, 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP), and Capsaicin Cream are some greta herbs and vitamin supplements to help treat fibromyalgia.

Description : What kind of vitamin supplements are available for erectile dysfunction?

Last Answer : Erectile dysfunction can be a sign of other health problems, and so it is important to see one's doctor prior to taking over-the-counter supplements. There is little to no evidence that vitamin ... if they work or not, such as: ginkgo, ginseng, l-arginine, yohimbine, and lepidium meyenii.

Description : when bodybuilding, people take a lot of vitamin supplements. What is best ones?

Last Answer : The best supplements to take would be the protein supplements. These protein supplements will ultimately allow your body to reach its full potential as a body builder.

Description : What vitamin supplements should I take while on the South Beach Diet?

Last Answer : You need to take three certain vitamin supplements. Take a multivitamin, a calcium supplement, and a fiber supplement. To get specific, consult your doctor since he or she will know what is best for your body.

Description : Vitamin Supplements Needed to Avoid Deficiencies After Gastric Bypass?

Last Answer : The very nature of gastric bypass surgery disrupts the absorption of vitamins into the body. For one, the area of the small intestine where vitamins are absorbed is no longer used. ... Selenium, Thiamin and Iron. Multivitamins specifically geared toward the needs of bariatric patients are available.

Description : Importance Of Vitamin Supplements ?

Last Answer : Vitamin and mineral supplements are important for gastric bypass patients because deficiencies can develop. The most vital gastric bypass supplements include calcium, iron and vitamin B-12. ... memory, balance and concentration. Multivitamins are also important for maintaining overall good health.

Description : Are dietary supplements and diuretics the same thing?

Last Answer : answer:No, dietary supplements are usually considered to be added nutrition, such as vitamins and minerals. Diuretics are for the purpose of getting liquids out of your body through urination.

Description : How effective is cranberry (juice and/or supplements) at fighting off a UTI?

Last Answer : When my mom feels a UTI coming on, she buys some fresh cranberries and makes a smoothie as tart as she can handle. (Other ingredients she includes are yogurt, milk, honey, and apples.) It ... more concentrated; the stuff in stores is often diluted with cheaper juices, such as apple or pear juice.

Description : What supplements work for you?

Last Answer : ..and for clarification, I have high-blood pressure and some GI issues.. which is why I am interested in potential anti-hypertensive and GI regulating properties of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium – see one related article here.

Description : What are the best "natural" supplements for ADD children?

Last Answer : answer:Routine & rule based lifestyle with a healthy diet, and a few breaks of exercise per day will be the best route if you are trying to avoid phamaceuticals. Both my husband and son ... of children with ADD/ADHD. Those that performed best ate healthy, had routines and supportive family members.

Description : Are fish oils and biotin proven supplements?

Last Answer : Look them both up on www.webmd.com . Yes they are!

Description : Why do doctors prescribe multivitamins and iron supplements when you are pregnant?

Last Answer : Well, Iron is the core element of red blood cells, and since additional blood has to be created for the spawn, more iron may be required. Same for vitamins. But that is just me guessing. ... would probably be better to adjust the diet. More meat, more fruit. Some delicious blood sausage, maybe.

Description : Has the tide of wisdom turned against calcium supplements?

Last Answer : answer:The latest buzz is that too much calcium as provided by supplements is not a good idea and may cause various stones kidney, gall, whatever. Better to get your calcium from food; See chart ... calcium tab daily and 1000 IU D3. I do eat pretty carefully, however. And I exercise religiously.

Description : Supplements to improve memory and concentration?

Last Answer : answer:Fish oil does it for me. Gotta feed that brain Omega-3 fatty acids, and the right vitamins. Also, the effectiveness of ginkgo is somewhat suspect.

Description : Vitamins and other daily supplements. Do you take them and if so, do you see any benefit or harm from doing so?

Last Answer : answer:I go with the liquid vitamins. Fast absorption. I take every day. Don’t know about future benefits. But they sure make me feel better.

Description : Which multivitamin and supplements do you suggest I take for better skin, stronger joints and overall health?

Last Answer : There is no empirical evidence that any supplements do anything. If you want to be healthy you need to eat a preponderance of fruit, vegetables and minimally-processed grains. Meat once in a while if you must, preferably oily fish.

Description : Are there any real hazards to most muscle-building supplements? (not steroids)

Last Answer : Creatine Monohydrate and Creatine Ethyl Ester. Creatine Monohydrate has been documented of showing wonderful results when complemented by a proper diet, adequate exercise and other protein supplements. However it may cause cramps ... . N.Y. Times There are lots more. It looks not worth it to me.

Description : Are the acia supplements good for you?

Last Answer : Acai is not a diet pill so it's not necessarily bad in that sense. The truth is that there have been no studies yet to determine if Acai usage for dieting has negative side effects. We know that when ... it works. Hubby works at an herbal factory so it was easy for me to obtain in its pure form.