How open minded are you?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’m open to evidence, but my mind is not so open my brains will fall out.

Related questions

Description : Why do people say they are open-minded?

Last Answer : It’s just a saying like “I’m outgoing”. It’s up to you to decide who really is open minded, and it also depends on what you want them to be open minded about. If you’re trying to get people to see the other side to ruthlessly murdering kittens, they’re not going to be open minded.

Description : Since the English and Dutch cultures are relatively open minded and free of prejudice, how did apartheid gain such a foothold in South Africa?

Last Answer : Who says they were? Those cultures have a long history of slave capturing and trading, plus ruthless and cruel-even murderous-exploitation of peoples in their occupations, trading hegemonies, and ... had more convincing bragging rights about their liberalism'. But that's pretty darn recent.

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Last Answer : when it isn’t true.

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Last Answer : I don’t see what the fact that you lost your cheating wife to a black man has anything to do with anything. I can tell you from experience that it is a myth that they are all hugely endowed and also that that is not a significant factor in being a great lover in any case.

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Last Answer : I pre-judge just about everyone I meet, and I'll admit that. It's human nature to make assumptions about people based on their appearance and/or behavior. But I don't dislike because they're black ... I'm wrong and sometimes I'm right. I'm pretty judgemental, I'm just not hateful or discriminatory.

Description : If you are in a debate, how to force yourself to be open-minded?

Last Answer : answer:Being open minded is the ability to consider other options, not necessarily accepting them. I have ideas I am convinced of, but I will still listen and consider other sides or ... are some I have changed position on due to someone presenting convincing evidence. Welcome to fluther.

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Last Answer : Humm, Gee—I dunno!

Description : How far does being "open-minded" go?

Last Answer : I don't think there's a need to commit to their way of thinking in order to be open minded. I'm more than happy to use the assuming that's true tactic if I can't agree with what someone's ... refuse to accept any propositions on your part well I just get tired, and that's how far it goes with me.

Description : Do you consider yourself open-minded? What does that mean to you?

Last Answer : I believe I’m open-minded about just about everything.

Description : Have you become more or less open-minded as you get older?

Last Answer : I started out VERY open-minded. Life is like 31-Flavors, why wouldn't I want to try every flavor at least once (safely and wisely). Otherwise, how will I know if I like them or not!!! Don't take other ... (or barely) try what is has to offer! As my Dad always said, try it, you might like it.

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Last Answer : Need answer

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Last Answer : Since he doesn’t know you, I’m assuming he knows how much you are willing to spend so I would think he’s referring to your socioeconomic status, or what he perceives it to be based on your income.

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Last Answer : Sure. Because it’s easier to be an offensive and officious asshole on the internet, where there is no accountability. It’s much more difficult to be obnoxious when someone is looking you in the face.

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Last Answer : I would have thought it comes down to size. CRT’s had a bigger housing so there was more space for speakers. Bigger speakers produce more sound. Flat screen TV’s have a much smaller footprint and there seems to be a race to produce thinner and thinner displays leaving much less space for speakers.

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Last Answer : answer:1: Use a fake name that looks like a real name. 2: Use a fake/dump email account to set it up. 3: Set your posts to friends only 4: Set your friend requests to friends of ... things that have to be public are your name and your profile picture. Anything else can be set to friends only.

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Last Answer : answer: Try this link might help you

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Last Answer : answer:@trailsillustrated I am in a similar situation. All I go on to get through the day is when my kids tell their grandparents that their mom is being unfair and they can't believe ... term. Somebody besting you today matters nothing when you are thinking about your kids long term perceptions.

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Last Answer : Meet up is great! I have participated in a local writing group, a Weds. night art walk/wine and cheese party in my community, various walking/hiking groups that meet at a number of our communities vast network of river and hiking trails. There are interests for just about everyone, give it a whirl!

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Last Answer : answer:I don't think so but you can be tempered, I think. Like you, I used to get irritated by a partner who matches your description and I bailed. I'm married right now to another clutter buddy but I'm ... and I need the place clean. It's not perfect or how I think it should go but it gets done.

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Last Answer : answer:If the Euro falls apart, it will affect the banks that hold European debt. That debt is held as an asset on the banks books and has to b written off, then those banks either fail or cannot ... the Eurozone because of no ability to pay for it. That would all be a major hit to all economies.

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Description : A question for the mathematically minded jellies, involving statistics and limits.

Last Answer : The ratio would be expected to stay at the original ratio, whatever that was. For example, if there are 12000 red and 10000 green and you took out a 220, you’d expect to get 120 red and 100 green and the ratio would remain 1.2:1.

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Last Answer : You can’t spell logical without logic.

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Last Answer : Why of course, look at David Brent.

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Last Answer : yup, its the game. you should try and focus on stop playing it. and get more focus on doing your work, trust me your gonna regret playing that game. while doing your work, chew some gum, drink a ... , (if thats what its called) put your brain to work so it doesn't start thinking about that game.

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Last Answer : It is hard to tell without the context of the conversation. It could be the former, but you refuse to see it, or the latter and the person is just calling you close-minded, because they disagree with you.

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Last Answer : I’m sorry I don’t have a suggestion… But I just wanted to say: Best tag ever, “Spa Alternatives”. awesome

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Last Answer : No. Maybe you just have a problem communicating. No one uses one side of their brain to do anything.

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Last Answer : Dough turning into bread.

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Last Answer : I am serious minded person. But I want to be a Jokester. But by nature am serious minded person. I like Jokester kind. I love being surrounded by Jokester people.

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Last Answer : cognitive dissonance

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Last Answer : ANSWER: A

Description : “If the Hindus and Muslims cannot agree even on the choice of a National Language, and if Hindus are so narrow minded as to object to Urdu, which represented a linguistic compromise between Hindi and Persian, A. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan B. Nehru C. Allama Iqbal D. None of the above

Last Answer : ANSWER: A

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Last Answer : A) Allows The Mistakes To Be Committed And Explains How To Minimize Those Mistakes

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Last Answer : Are you afraid of being judged by her? Are you afraid she might not keep what you tell her a secret? Maybe you could tell us since you have more anonymity here, and we could be a sounding board.