Do you remember the days of the goldfish bowl?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yeah, you just changed the tap water once in a while and they lived forever. We had one from a festival that lived for years until he committed suicide by flinging himself out of the bowl,

Related questions

Description : My goldfish (around 13 years old) is curled up on the bottom of the bowl. Is he dying or could he be saved?

Last Answer : I'm sorry about your goldfish. It doesn't sound good. But 13 years is a long time for a goldfish.. You must have taken very good care of it. However, I think your parents are right. Sorry again. ( ... fish. However, it is used while the fish is still swimming around and you can see it on its body.)

Description : Should I turn off my pond water filters while my goldfish are spawning?

Last Answer : Check out this link for your queries.

Description : How much fish food should I add to a 500 gallon pond with a dozen goldfish and 20 frogs?

Last Answer : answer:I have aquatic frogs and I feed them dried worms. I forgot the kind of worms they are - I will google it. These frogs are about 4 inches from head to toe. I put a pinch of the ... little sticks around ½ long. Those turtles are a bit bigger. When they were smaller, the sticks were smaller.

Description : UV Sterilizer recommendation to go with a 30 gallon fancy goldfish tank?

Last Answer : I’m just curious why you want to go with a UV sterilizer on a 30 gallon tank. Is it exposed to a lot of sunlight?

Description : Best substrate for Fancy Goldfish?

Last Answer : answer:Large round smooth stones or fine sand. Gold fish are going to eat small size gravel if food falls to the substrate so you either want it too big for them to eat it or too small for ... up the goldfish when he lays on the bottom. your friend should totally train their goldfish to play soccer

Description : I need goldfish help!

Last Answer : How do you know it was swim bladder disease? Raised scales and a swollen body are common symptoms of dropsy, which unfortunately can be very difficult to treat.

Description : Why are my goldfish dying in pond?

Last Answer : Well where do you buy these goldfish?

Description : Why is my fantail goldfish always floating upside down?

Last Answer : I’m too late to edit, but I forgot to ask if it could be swim bladder related.. and still be over such a long span of time? He has always done this, which is why I’m tempted to ask at all.

Description : If you flush a dead goldfish down the toilet, describe it's journey and where does it end up?.

Last Answer : We make sure fish are good and dead before we flush them. A fish flushed at our house has a short journey through the pipes before ending up in the septic tank. I don’t know how long a live fish would survive being flushed, but I would imagine it would not last long at all in the septic tank. Yuck!

Description : Am I being inhumane towards my goldfish?

Last Answer : Get him a friend or two? Play suitable and soothing music. Such as this by the muppets:

Description : Any advice or credible websites on raising goldfish?

Last Answer : It's called a Black Moor. I'm a little confused by your phrasing: are you looking for information on breeding goldfish or for information on goldfish husbandry? ... the impression that ponds/larger tanks are required for breeding. What exactly happened with the bettas?

Description : Do you know a good way to remember what fish to buy?

Last Answer : Never, never buy any farmed fish. That’s all you need to know.

Description : Why have my 3 mystery snails died in the past 2 days!

Last Answer : Have you tested your nitrites, nitrates and ammonia?

Description : Is the old saying true, do fish and house guests stink after three days?

Last Answer : I like having guests, but I guess I am lucky in the sense that all my house guests have been nice, polite, very clean and also good friends (so the time just flies).

Description : How do fish in a small pond (or anywhere for that matter) survive?

Last Answer : I am no expert in this area, but here is what I thought of. Unlike your goldfish pond, ponds in the wild have a variety of organisms that provide stability. They are small ecosystems. The waste ... could be a source of nutrients, and streams that take water out of the pond could help remove debris.

Description : Was it fishes nibbling my feet and toes?

Last Answer : Probably.

Description : Let's say you had an aquarium with fish in it. By some miracle of physics it flash froze. Then by another miracle it flash-melted. Would the fish survive?

Last Answer : Might. When we had the land with a pond and it flooded in January. Rick suddenly noticed all the small fish fry in the pasture surrounding the pond. They were stranded there for a couple days after ... scattered in the grass of the pasture. The warmth of our hands was enough to bring them back.

Description : What do you think is happening on the lake?

Last Answer : Lake of the Ozarks has spoonbill. They are freakin monster fish dating back before dinosaurs. Maybe Nessie’s cousin is also down there, or maybe people getting a look at those ugly spoonbill turned to stone and sank to the bottom.

Description : Can fish be ordered rare, medium rare or well done, like a steak?

Last Answer : I can see it on a thick tuna steak or similar cut. But for fillets it seems weird.

Description : Is fishing a game of luck?

Last Answer : Some luck, some skill. It matters where and how the line and bait is cast, what size is the hook, how much crap is in the water that your line gets caught in/on, and how your bait is ensnared ... if the fisherperson can cast well enough so that the lure ends up, at some point, just behind that rock.

Description : What is your fish called?

Last Answer : Um. It was a gold fish for my grandson. It did not have a name.

Description : Has anyone ever owned a super fish?

Last Answer : Any seismic activity going on?

Description : Do fish get PTSD (post traumatic stess disorder) after being picked up from a waterspout?

Last Answer : I doubt it. They don't seem to think like us. I would opine that I think most wild animals live in a constant state of fear, and anxiety. It is relevant to note, that many lakes are stocked by ... a plane, I suspect that they get over a tornado. Nature has gifted most fish, with a short memory.

Description : Are fish happiest, in the wild? (Details.)

Last Answer : Don’t know. I put my fish in a bowl of water, and left it to drown. Feel awful about it, of course.

Description : What is the weekly limit to eating fish?

Last Answer : In my opinion, dietitian are like psychologists. They have some helpful knowledge, but they have marketed themselves into making believe that they are at a higher level of expertise than they really are. I find salmon tasty as well. Where I live it is not that cheap.

Description : Why are foods that come from a certain area considered more desirable to eat in that area, than the foods from that same area that are shipped in to another state?

Last Answer : answer:There's a generally accepted standard that fresh (unfrozen) tastes better than frozen and then thawed, regardless of the item. My palate is not sensitive enough to tell the difference in many ... the minimized impact on the environment of materials to ship, fuel to transport, and so on.

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Last Answer : answer:The camelopard adapted to reach the leaves it likes to eat; the ones that didn't were not as successful at having offspring. By eating from leaves way up high, it doesn't have to compete with ... its tongue, it bites them off. Pulling with his tongue would hurt. Yes, Evolution is SO weird.

Description : How did the Mexican oil spilling in 2010 affect fishing?

Last Answer : answer:GQ. Let's see. There's the Dept of Interior repprt, the ongoing NOAA assessments, the University of South Florida semi-annual reports, I think the Scripts Institute has an investigation report, ... a living. There is disagreement and controdiction among all the assessors. It's all on the net.

Description : What are the best water treatment plants in the world?

Last Answer : answer:I took a different route and searched for the best tasting water which is IMO the Hallmark of efficient state of the art water treatment protocols. Berkeleysprings drinking water taste contest. and Top 10 Countries With the Best Tap Water

Description : What are the contents of raw sewage in the big cities in the world?

Last Answer : answer:@flo One can only imagine the myriad of industrial chemicals that flow into our municipal sewer systems .but it is one particularly sinister group of chemicals that is having a ... human hormones found in our waterways that have waste water discharged into them. Unintended consequences.

Description : Is there anything I can put into a pond to make suspended sediment condense and settle out?

Last Answer : I met with one of my clients one time out at the Cornell Research facility. He was raising trout. He made a filter out of a wooden frame, plastic wrap and crushed stone. A simple pump moved the water up to the top. The water was crystal clear and the trout looked amazing.

Description : Why would putting fish into a sink hole full of water cause the city to finally respond, after "years" of ignoring the problem?

Last Answer : You know what was annoying about that article? While I was reading it, a video commercial started playing automatically.

Description : Any suggestions for a temporary pond?

Last Answer : A portable swimming pool.

Description : Will saltwater go bad?

Last Answer : answer:First, what’s a power head? Fish need 5 things, oxygen, correct temperature, food, the right salt content, a clean environment. If you can provide these things, then, sure, they can live.

Description : We are going camping, and my dad really wants to go fishing as well.

Last Answer : answer:If there is a sporting goods or bait store in the area where you are camping, they can give you advice. In general, worms work. Also, here’s a site that says carp like creamed corn.

Description : Do you know your fish, how many can you name (without Googling)?

Last Answer : answer:Bass Catfish Trout Perch Tilapia Salmon Jackfish Shark Bluegill Marlin Gar Goldfish Clownfish Koi Guppy Shad Cichlid Piranha Eel Pike …ran out of steam.

Description : What is up with celebrities getting plastic surgery to make themselves to look like they have fish lips?

Last Answer : Like Joyce MEYER’s on the Vision network?

Description : Can I put these fish in the same aquarium?

Last Answer : answer:Sounds like a horrible idea imo. These fish will fight, bad. Wolf fish are horribly horribly aggressive. (I'm surprised you can see buy them where you live, they've been banned in my area due to ... likely won't get along, stick to one type. If you want a community tank, go non-aggressive.

Description : Why do the instructions say to remove the frozen fish from the original packaging before thawing?

Last Answer : Do they then say to immerse it in cold water to thaw? If so, they may be hedging against the possibility that the store packaging may have been compromised. If it were leaky, then water could carry contaminants from the outside of the package in to the fish.

Description : Are there any kinds of crayfish that are inexpensive (under $20) for a small freshwater fishtank?

Last Answer : answer:A nice idea for your bother, points for that. :-) Crayfish are fresh water crustaceans and Lobster are saltwater crustaceans. Check with your local pet stores, Petco, etc. and also, you can google ... for them, it is cruel to neglect ANY creature, large or small. Good luck in your search!

Description : Tips on adding filter media from an established aquarium to a new aquarium?

Last Answer : Absolutely. If your water is clean enough in the 30 you can even take around 5 gallons out and put that into filling the 12.

Description : Do my angelfish need an airstone when I have a hang-on the back filter with a strong current?

Last Answer : I turned off the bubbler and they seem to be swimming more freely.

Description : How soon after putting a couple of angelfish into your aquarium should you feed them?

Last Answer : They can eat once or twice a day, so go ahead and feed them within fifteen minutes, they just need a few minutes to settle in.

Description : Is it normal for your PH to go up when you're cycling a tank?

Last Answer : answer:Remind me of the process again. My memory is not that sharp anymore but I think the process you outlined before would increase pH slightly. I think OH^-, hydroxide, was produced. A base.

Description : I'm going with Angelfish. Is there anything that I should know?

Last Answer : Angelfish can be aggressive and eat smaller fish.

Description : Water evaporting during cycling; what should I do (if anything)

Last Answer : Do you have a hood? I would think it could be an issue because your concentrations are increasing as the volume diminishes. Does that make sense? Probably more of a concern with saltwater setups, but it’s got to have some affect with a freshwater setup.

Description : How do you think blobfish feel about their looks?

Last Answer : Maybe not. They are animals after all. But if they could feel like human, I still don’t think they would find their appearance any bad because they’re used to it. It just like when human finds a female fly disgusting, but a male fly finds her attractive :)

Description : What kind of fish is this?

Last Answer : An Arowana?

Description : What's wrong with cooling your feet in a lake filled with fish?

Last Answer : Just some educated ID ten T. It is less dangerous than swimming off the Florida beaches with all the sharks and other predatory fish.

Description : What is the best way to clean an empty fish tank (before cycling)

Last Answer : Scrub it with salt. It’s abrasive enough to clean without scratching the glass, plus it will kill stuff in there. Just rinse really well.