If you become what you fear, would it work if I was afraid of being a billionaire?

1 Answer

Answer :

You would be a billionaire, but then you would die of heart attack before you could touch the money.

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Last Answer : 10 million.

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Last Answer : That’s not just humiliating yourself – it’s humiliating someone else, possibly very deeply. I would make a fool of myself in just about any and every way, but I draw the line at hurting people.

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Last Answer : answer:I would pay off my house and credit cards, put some in savings….... The bank would find their own error….they always do.

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Last Answer : answer:You asked this already once. One sure way not to is sitting around and asking questions on Fluther. One way to start is to go out and get a job.

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Last Answer : answer:I thought the best way to make a billion bucks was to refuse troubling myself with answering every silly little question that came along. I just can’t for the life of me figure why it hasn’t worked out.

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Last Answer : Marry Mark Zuckerberg.

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Last Answer : Inherit it.

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Last Answer : answer:Ask yourself this: If you were Eloise DeJoria, or any other billionaire, would you feel comfortable telling Barbara Walters and her several million viewers about the downsides of being a billionaire ... t imagine why she would say otherwise, so a line of credibility has not been established.

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Last Answer : answer:I get that exciting fear feeling once in awhile when I go out after dark to bed my animals down. It gets pretty wild in these hills after dark. Ran into a mountain lion once. My fears are not horror movie based, they are more, what eye’s are those glowing in the weeds?. lol

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : (4) all of the above Explanation: There are many benefits of using technology in agriculture system, but there are also negative aspects. Technology transfer is most difficult in ... by the existing national conditions and social system, the limits of production are empirically foreseeable.

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Last Answer : all of the above.

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Last Answer : The “degradation” of going to low level prostitutes is part of the thrill.

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Last Answer : One would go to the city of Flint Utilities Department, and tell the folks at the Water Service Center that you would like to speak to the Department Head about full scale immediate funding of the pipe ... could speak to the mayor. It isn't a difficult prospect at all if one has the money.

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Last Answer : answer:Having that kind of money to throw around, I feel like it is a free pass to see the world. Because let's face it, money makes things possible. I would love to travel the world, but I can ... own filth, in one spot in his mansion, never seeing the world around him makes me sick to my stomach.

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Last Answer : answer: Guys like Zuckerberg ? Guys like Zuckerberg are the Web 2.0 equivalent of Pet Rocks. If you want to be a serious code writer, first learn to use English. The words are code and ... of guys like Knuth. Knuth's lessons will still be valid after guys like Zuckerberg disappear like JenniCam.

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Last Answer : Most likely both.

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Last Answer : Scrooge McDuck

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Last Answer : Likely not. They could become successful, but I'd bet just about anything that if you took any billionaire down to complete zero they could never get back. Especially since most billionaires start out miles ahead of complete zero from wealthy and well connected/powerful families.

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Last Answer : Several wealthy people I've known have given me tips on keeping money over the years. One man who owned a company and fleet of vehicles, told me he only keeps liability on all his vehicles because ... the lot. Dave Ramsey says NEVER lease a vehicle, it's the dumbest move you can make financially.

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Last Answer : I suppose so.

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Last Answer : answer:This question was really a hot topic when I was young. I'm in my 40's. Robotics were being implemented in many factories. I went to the Kohler factory last year, they make kitchen and bath ... intensive jobs that wear on the body. All that is good to some extent, but also has its downside.

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Last Answer : Oh, the hell with it. I've been composing, recomposing, and re-recomposing and editing my comment for several minutes now and I'm done. You really should probably do at least one initial ... him or her what your liabilities and responsibilities might and would be. That's what lawyers are for.

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Last Answer : Win the lottery.

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Last Answer : Hard work

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Last Answer : Around $500 million USD.

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Last Answer : eventually?......I thought it was already worthless.

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Last Answer : Poor - too much month left at the end of your paycheck. Food insecurity is part of your life. Middle class - Able to pay rent or house payment, able to pay bills and take an occasional ... for retirement. Rich/wealthy - Annual income is well above level to maintain standard of living at retirement.

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Last Answer : In a savings account. Then I hide it from my online banking.

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Last Answer : More than $20. In my old job my bosses wife dropped a pile of cash and a cheque out side of the store. I returned it to her.

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Last Answer : Next time, file a patent first. Too late now.

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Last Answer : A judge decides child support. My sister has 13 year old twins with her ex. He makes 60K a year and only has to pay 1K per month. It isn’t like it is some onerous amount. Golf clubs for the new boyfriend. Same stupid Republican shit like welfare queens rocking a Bentley. LIES!!!

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Last Answer : I’m happy to not buy into it. Asking if it’s a ‘want’ or a ‘need’ is a good way to decide.

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Last Answer : answer:You mean, like the homeless guy who turned in $40,00 in cash and travelers checks and turned it into police? Or the Dairy Queen guy who saw a woman keep $20 dropped by a blind man, ... good things all the time. And they sleep well at night and blessings will flow to them. Good Karma!

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Last Answer : answer:It seems non-centsical for that to be a possibility. The more interesting question, in my opinion, is where the phrase my two cents came from. Why not a nickel? Or ... .org/wiki/Penny_debate_in_the_United_States - so this entire etymological conundrum may be obsolete in a decade or two.

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Last Answer : I have a hard time really understanding this, as well.