Just some random questions, what are your thoughts and opinions?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:1. No. But I fear things will have to get worse before they get better. I’m shocked that an act so blatant and destructive as 9/11 wasn’t enough to get (at least my nation) on board. 2. Yes. I could be effected either directly or indirectly at any moment. I live on the wrong side of the tracks (Memorial Drive) in Decatur, Atlanta. Bumping into a pedestrian with my car could probably get me dragged out and beaten to death in the current climate. 3. Yes? No? I struggle with health issues that prevent me from daring to bite off more than I can chew, aspirationally speaking. 4. Things will get better, though probably long after my lifetime. Someone (I can’t remember who) stated that democracies function in cycles. Freedom and an elected government are great, but the downswing starts when the public realizes it can vote itself a living. Eventually that will cause things to get so bad that revolution will be the only cure. I believe we are in that downswing now. I do have hope for the future.

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