Any chance of getting some sort of Amazon wishlist for the mods?

1 Answer

Answer :

I’d gladly donate. Mariah is more than deserving of her socks, and it would be nice to give a similar trinket to every other mod.

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Description : how do you send out your amazon wishlist to people

Last Answer : Amazon has instructions on its site: Share Your Wish List.

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Last Answer : no, sorry, it’s not.

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Last Answer : answer:I think the mods will give you a stern warning you are on your way to being kicked off the site before it actually happens. Depends what it is of course, how bad it was. When they mod your response do you see what you did wrong, or is it confusing to you?

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Last Answer : You would say 'nine' as, 21 is nine letters long. It's quite simple actually. Eight is five letters long hence 'five' and nine is four letters long hence the word 'four'.

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Last Answer : [Mod says] There used to be a policy that required us to remove all posts on a spam thread, even comments like Flagged . We don't do that anymore, so those posts don't bother us, unless ... of posting a quick Flagged afterwards. That way of interacting with spam threads is the most mod-friendly.

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Last Answer : It's not at all what I was promised. We're prevented from eating for days at a time so we'll keep our edge . And then Augustlan won't let us play with the hot pincers and ... But it is awfully fun swatting down questions at random and ignoring the plaintive little pleas for explanations (snort).

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Last Answer : Your links aren’t working, but have you looked at Golf mod sites? There are sites for practically every model of car, I think, and they seem to have good ideas. Usually, the participants are total fanboys and will go into excruciating detail about what they did and how they did it.

Description : For the mods: question about flagging?

Last Answer : The flags are sent to us by email. We log into our accounts and view them there. So it depends on the email provider. I use Inbox. This sorts in date order. It also puts like with like so ... spam but does help for other reasons. We all have highly tuned spam radar! Thank you for your vigilance!

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Last Answer : answer:We used to be able to see who gave GAs to answers (not to questions), but that superpower no longer exists. Hasn't for a few years now. We can see the top ten users giving ... from any particular member. This lets us look out for users engaging in naughty self-lurve between alias accounts.

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Last Answer : I’m very curious as well.

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Last Answer : Isn’t this pretty much a duplicate of your meta question?

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Last Answer : answer:I've never been a mod here but my guess is that if a user's first post is blatant spam, then they're banned ASAP, with the intention of not getting another chance to post. I don't ... circumstance has ever asked for reinstatement, but I guess if they did, they might be given one more chance.

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Last Answer : I wish. Swatting spambots at the moment. Feel free to flag.

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Last Answer : answer:It all depends on the game. And it usually involves learning code. What games were you thinking of?

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Last Answer : It happens. Just use the Contact button above to tell someone about it.

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Last Answer : answer:No. They are the neutral judges, artibiters, ombudsmen, tie-breakers and interpreters of reality. By definition, the role of a moderator is to be impartial. No shaving or loading of the dice, no marked ... a year's supply of cat food and grooming for Milo and simply money. (SASE on request,)

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Last Answer : I know the police are at the doughnut shop, the lawyers are on the golf course, but I don’t know where the mod’s hang out.

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Last Answer : I’ve only ever gotten 1 of that type since I’ve been here. What? I’m not pretty enough? I’m not spiritual enough? I shower fairly regularly! I guess true love just isn’t in my stars.

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Last Answer : C’mon, be nice :) It’s not good to be spiteful!

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Last Answer : ::sniffle:: Awww

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Last Answer : I think there are ways to track the accounts back to the user.

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Last Answer : answer:I can’t speak for other sites, but very few Highest-Ups of the ask-public Gods have access to private PMs. Anyone can read non-private PMs. Don’t worry though, the Gods have far too much to do to worry about stalking everyone’s private messages.

Description : The mods get a lot of grief but has moderation ever saved you?

Last Answer : Well, it’s certainly prevented me from getting really nasty in certain threads. I’m very glad flamewars are not allowed.

Description : Would if be better if the Mod's can Fix the minor errors (like spelling) without pulling the whole question?

Last Answer : I've actually thought about this. On one hand, I think it would be, because then it wouldn't take so long for the question to go back up. On the other hand, I wonder if people would bother to make sure ... not one of all mods. Or maybe it is, I don't know, but I'll let them speak for themselves.

Description : Do the mods delete personal comments?

Last Answer : answer:I don’t think it is a policy – I’ve had perfectly innocuous messages disappear from my home page, only for me to find them later – even ones from mods. Maybe it’s a feature of the “in private” setting?

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Last Answer : Gee- that means everyone would try to write unsuitable questions. Fluther would devolve into garbage. Nope- no award for it and I hope there never is! ~Our attention is reward enough! :)

Description : Do the mods here burn out and fluther away into the sunset?

Last Answer : I don’t know that it’s been much more than a year since they started using moderators. I only think a couple of people that were modding stopped due to having too many other demands on their time.

Description : Do the mods, or the founders, see our (private) comments?

Last Answer : Moderators do not see people’s private PM’s.

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Last Answer : I’m on a salary of £250,000 a year.

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Last Answer : [Mod says] I’ll show you, see if you can figure it out. My next two posts here will be the examples. Might take a minute or two.

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Last Answer : Some new ones were added no so very many months ago.

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Last Answer : I bought a custom one from

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Last Answer : Could you provide evidence of your supposed beef with the mods?

Description : Can mods delete private comments in bulk?

Last Answer : You are just so popular, gc, and justly so!

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Last Answer : answer:Use the flag as.. site and add a clear comment. There have been a lot of attempts by overworked mods to deal with the inane, the show-off, the last-word hog, ... unmentionable. Thank you for the question. Some wonderful folks are thinking about leaving, from fatigue and disappointment.

Description : Hi, I downloaded the mod (script hook V) everything is OK but then I noticed that there is no map, I clicked the whole keyboard but nothing like how to turn it on, it's the ... , Run OpenIV with administrator rights. Thank you in advance for answering this question. Email is: [email protected]

Last Answer : Hi, you have checked the settings - Settings -> Display -> Radar - if it is "on"?, and about that OpenIV - try to run it as admin or look in the properties of those applications.

Description : can u zoom in minecraft without no mods or potions

Last Answer : Need Answer

Description : How do you get mods on minecraft xbox one?

Last Answer : Unplug your hard drive and put it in your computer and get modsfor minecraft