Villain or super hero, how would three of your neighbors end up with super powers?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:The old couple living above me are Jehovah Witnesses. They might wake up with the ability to brain wash further people, and I would have to use my super power to stop them. My work mates would all wake up with even MORE super powers (because they all already have the super powers to look after babies for 8 hours a day) and they would use their super powers for good. We might grow extra arms so we can carry and feed and hug more little people at once. Extra arms and hands certainly wouldn’t go amiss during some of the more challenging diaper changes. Sometimes our laps are big enough, so we might have to grow the ability to hold more babies on our laps. Perhaps the ability to stretch our arms like rubber to catch one falling over across the room.

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Last Answer : Dr. Mac Yuri Cincinnati Three Baseball Bat - of Bundle Broke down The world Record ????? He. SAARC Signed Country Of them In the middle He is The first Marshall Art Any ... Https:// _ E0% A6% 89% E0% A6% B0% E0% A7% 80

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