Guy is getting the wrong idea? What should I do?

1 Answer

Answer :

I really don’t understand why you can’t simply tell the man the truth.

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Last Answer : I don't think you are being prudish. You just want someone to approach you in a way that makes you feel comfortable. I can relate to your feelings. If someone compliments me in a ... behavior and anticipating their next move is an important way to guard your safety when meeting someone new.

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Last Answer : Be honest but kind. Tell her you agreed to go out for the wrong reasons and that she deserves someone more truly interested in cultivating a relationship. Ask her to accept your apology and beg off from the date.

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Last Answer : We gay men are the kings of online dating if you can call it dating. I have no trouble meeting men.

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Last Answer : How interested are you in her? If not extremely, and you're trying to work on yourself, keep trying to work on yourself. Now or later in life , you never keep her into you. You don't control other people ... words, a verb phrase. A hookup is an event (a noun), or a place to plug something in.)

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Last Answer : What traits should you be looking for in a partner? The ones that are attractive to you of course, no one else can help you with that. I hope it works out fot you.

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Last Answer : I had a guy hit on me at a bar once, trying to seduce me with his fancy flying carpet. I just found him weird to be honest. Besides, I have a fear of flying and a flying carpet seems like the single most unsafe method of travelling available all categories. Jasmine must be stupid.

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Last Answer : Totally OK. TOTALLY! Go for it!

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Last Answer : I don't think I can improve on it. It sounds like an accurate enough description of who you are which is what a dating profile should be. If by improve you mean getting more responses from people ... here. PS I would correct the spelling of business in the last line. These little things matter.

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Last Answer : Assuming you don't want to just leave it to chance and hope that everyone is on the same page, you have a conversation about your relationship during which you explicitly talk about exclusivity. It doesn' ... . But honestly, the direct approach (which does not have to be blunt) is probably the best.

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Last Answer : There’s an entire industry in Japan offering these kinds of services. Crazy world we live in. Rental family service.

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Last Answer : Just ask. If he is offended, he’s not for you.

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Last Answer : Give me an example.. It’s online. Always a gamble.