What will be your drink of choice this New Years?

1 Answer

Answer :

answer:Gonna be a close race between coffee and a moderately priced sparkling white…If I can find a good sparkling white based on the chard grape…yah, I could go there. Or maybe a nice Spanish cava. Coffee is a for sure. Coffee is ALWAYS a for sure around me…

Related questions

Description : What did you drink for new year's eve?

Last Answer : 2L Coca-Cola

Description : Is it a problem that the new guy I'm dating doesn't drink?

Last Answer : No, it’s not a problem at all. It’s a very good thing, in fact. It’s only a problem if you can’t socialize without alcohol or find the need to be around alcohol when he isn’t comfortable doing that.

Description : Have you ever enjoyed a drink so well that you forgot to breathe?

Last Answer : That’s called drowning. If one chugs down a drink beyond the ability to swallow it, your body will gag on it, you will spit it out all over everything in front of you, and most people will find the whole act disgusting.

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Last Answer : I drank it once, at a midsummer night’s feast put on by a Swedish exchange student. This was a long long time ago. It was okay, no worse than doing tequila shooters.

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Last Answer : answer:It won’t hurt you. It is usually suspended in alcohol, so if you drink enough (a lot) you could get drunk. But that would have to really be a lot, and the way it tastes would be hard to take. But mixing a few drops in a hot chocolate is a good idea!

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Last Answer : Water. Definitely water.

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Last Answer : Really?? Everyone??? Nope! Never OK…..you drink alone….you are alone.

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Last Answer : answer:I drink just about every day. 0_0

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Last Answer : I think they call it a Suicide.

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Last Answer : A good cup of fresh brewed hot coffee is my go to for warming up on a cold morning. This last weekend I camped with the scouts and we woke up to frost on the ground and a dad had toughed it out got up early and brewed a pot of coffee that was liquid heaven sipping next to the fire!

Description : What was your first drink?

Last Answer : A gin and orange. I was sick immediately afterwards :)))

Description : How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?

Last Answer : I drink daily and only wine. I guess I would be what you call a functioning alcoholic. tehe he he

Description : Can you help me fix a mixed drink?

Last Answer : answer:Sure, Pass me the bottle and a glass will you? Did the original maybe have orange juice in it? I recall something similar with orange juice.

Description : When you tell a person who doesn't drink that he or she should drink, do you actually mean that?

Last Answer : answer:If I were to say that, it would be tongue-in-cheek. It would probably be a code for lighten up. I would never say you should drink in order to become a drinker. That wouldn't be nice ... lot of people don't care about that, or they would want you to drink in order to validate their choices.

Description : What do you normally drink with whiskey?

Last Answer : Mint tea. It’s very refreshing, and wonderful to go to sleep on. Also, some Sweet Vermouth. Then you can call it a Manhattan.

Description : I've heard that if you are really, truly opposed to certain types of behaviors, then you won't commit those behaviors even after having too much to drink. Do you think this is true?

Last Answer : I think it's true for the most part. There are always exceptions.. for some people. I've never slept with a woman because of being drunk never stabbed anyone.. never slept in the middle of the highway.. ... would never drink so much that I couldn't walk.. to me that's at least 13 levels of stupid.

Description : Is it ok for me to have one drink on Saturday, even though I am on meds?

Last Answer : If your medicine says not to drink, it says it for a reason. I’d ask a doctor – better safe than sorry, right? (:

Description : Do you judge people who drink to get drunk?

Last Answer : I never did before, but after being involved with an alcoholic for so long I certainly am biased against people who drink at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately, I think this has become an ingrained nervous thing ... attitude these days is that if you need to drink, I don't need you around me at all.

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Last Answer : Speaking as someone who has drunk!vomited ice cream… this sounds like a terrible idea.

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Last Answer : Whiskey?

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Last Answer : Quality principle

Description : Can you drink if you have epilepsy?

Last Answer : I have a friend who is epileptic, he drinks often. I’m not a doctor, but I suppose it would depend on each individual a bit different. I would consult with a real doctor, but I think so long as you’re on your meds, you should be fine.

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Last Answer : Are you sure you didn’t mean “clink”? Or do you have a problem with Chinese people?

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Last Answer : I’d go with 7&7.. Or you can never go wrong with jack-n-coke..

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Last Answer : best nightclub drink ever is red bull vodka, keeps you dancing while drunk

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Last Answer : Heck yeah! I love gin and wine!!

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Last Answer : i started drinking every day on spring break in mexico at about 10:00 am. nothing wrong with that. now, if you are shitfaced before noon, that might be a bad thing

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Last Answer : it is the 21th centuri is it?

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Last Answer : I’ll PREE tend! BUTTE I might bbee otta focus.

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Last Answer : Most likely booze-less eggnog, with a wee sprinkle of cardamom ; – )

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Last Answer : My son was born Feb 9, 1981, then 2 daughters, divorce, poverty, nursing, old.

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Last Answer : answer:Make a jellyfish cocktail. Cake flavored vodka with pineapple juice goes down very easily too. I’m a beer drinker though. I won’t be offended if you ignore my suggestions.

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Last Answer : Way back when I used to go out to clubs and drink we would stop at White Castle. Burgers were 10 cents each. I wouldn’t go there sober.

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Last Answer : Intelligence does not make one immune to the effects of peer pressure and drug addiction.

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Last Answer : Yes. Otherwise people will call for help less often, and more people will die from overdoses.

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Last Answer : No, but I sampled the new 1893 Pepsi just yesterday. Awful! I’ve never liked Pepsi in any of its forms. I’m strictly a Dr. Pepper and Coca-Cola man.

Description : Are you a regular at a bar?

Last Answer : No. But I am a regular at a Vietnamese restaurant.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes. Anything that makes you it's bitch is a disease. You don't control compulsions and this alone should put any whole person ill at ease. This includes substances, any innocuous ... of it requires will power, among other things, depending upon the individual and the pathological source.

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Last Answer : I wasn’t drunk implies that you could have been drinking. If you had any booze in you will probably mean that you are fucked.

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Last Answer : So he got pissed twice, stop the world I wanna get off.

Description : What can I do about this situation?

Last Answer : answer:You can control only your behavior, no matter how much you want your 19-year old to behave differenty. You listen to what she does and not what she says. Remind her that she is breaking the law, ... having a drink a deal-breaker for you? If so, you tell her and then stick to your guns.

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Last Answer : answer:I have no idea as to statistics, although they must exist somewhere. I can tell you at Lake Lanier (large reservoir north of Atlanta) there have been several deaths and injuries recently because of BWI (Boating While Intoxicated).

Description : Questions about my driver's license and turning 21 - having trouble finding this info elsewhere.

Last Answer : answer:How very odd. Have you called your local DMV? If your birthday is on a legit driver’s license, how can that not be proof of age?

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Last Answer : Nothing, that’s mean.

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Last Answer : Your friend (eyes roll) could wait and see if the person that was drunk dialed or drunk face booked answers. If they don’t answer the drunk pm on facebook, then I would send another one explaining it was a drunk message and appologize.

Description : How do I build a circle of friends that aren't into drugs and alcohol?

Last Answer : Get into geeks. Most are not into drinking or drugs. They usually don’t find it great to ruin their brains.