Is Trump a coward? (for not visiting the African American History Museum tomorrow)

1 Answer

Answer :

I expect it to be the first of many cowardly moves he’ll make in the next four years.

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Last Answer : The very thought sickens me.

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Last Answer : He would certainly tap Ann Coulter.

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Last Answer : The position I have taken since day one is that Trump is never to be believed and is a troublemaker who could start a fight in an empty house.

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Last Answer : Is this the only one?

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Last Answer : No, pretty sure he thinks he’s terrific ha!

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Last Answer : The fact that he was elected the first time should dispel any talk of the impossibility of it happening again. If he lasts another 2 years, the difference next time will be that those doubting the feasibility of his election last time will take the threat seriously.

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Last Answer : A majority of his supporters are more honest than he is, and also more moral. At least I hope so.

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Last Answer : Do you have a link to the video?

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Last Answer : I wouldn’t care if he appeared in a towel and flip flops. The man’s wardrobe failings are meaningless compared to his catastrophic performance as a diplomat.

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Last Answer : Not the people who elected him and whose numbers are growing as we speak!

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Last Answer : Yes, Trump will nominate another judge. Kennedy's decision to step down could transform the Supreme Court for generations. Trump will have his second opportunity to nominate a justice and will likely ... foreseeable future.