How much would poor penmanship and poor spelling hinder me one becoming a clinical psychologist?

1 Answer

Answer :

Most things are probably done online. A psychologist writes down notes from meetings but probably types them up on a computer after, or puts them in a file. The notes might require neat, or at least eligible, handwriting. Spelling can be fixed by computers automatic spell checks. If you misspell a word in the notes you would take, it probably wouldn’t be an issue because you are writing them down so fast. I don’t know how old you are, but if you are trying to eliminate a psychology, here’s a reason: It requires a lot of schooling. Plus, the recommended degree is a doctorate for most psychology specialties . I don’t know how much time or money you have but that could be a reason to consider another career.

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Last Answer : Well computers do take a lot of the heat off that with spellcheck and the typing thing and all. And goodness knows, doctors don’t need good penmanship. However, I would think they are still important, especially the spelling thing.

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Last Answer : answer:Ever time you find a part of our body that you don't like, stand in front of a mirror and say, 30 times, I love you . Look directly at the body part when you say it. Then say it ... when you get dressed, and every night right before bed. Do that for sixty days, or until you love yourself.

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Last Answer : answer:Things like denial are probably very hard to auto correct without exterior revelation. We don't really like to be honest with our selves. I have recently discovered I have insecurity issues, probably fueled ... version of takes one to know one . So you have to be careful who you listen to.

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Last Answer : Where in L.A.?

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Last Answer : answer:What you are looking to study looks to be a subset of Sensory Integration. Sensory integration is a term used to describe the way in which the brain sorts out and organizes for our use ... past experiences; it enables high levels of motor coordination; it is the basis of perception. Source

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Last Answer : answer:I was a psychology major for my first year of college before I switched to history. Competition to get into graduate school for psychology is among the fiercest of all degrees. Basically ... for it, by all means. It could potentially be very rewarding both emotionally/morally and financially.

Description : I start seeing psychologist mid April. I feel as though I am in a fog, what can I do, now, so that I don't slip further?

Last Answer : What is bothering you? You can PM me if you like. I will listen and try to help best I can.