Do you prefer asking or answering on here?

1 Answer

Answer :

Either and neither. Both depend on what I’m doing here at the moment.

Related questions

Description : Is asking better than answering or answering is better than asking?

Last Answer : I think answering is better because you can be way more sarcastic.

Description : Is there something keeping you from asking questions here?

Last Answer : answer:Being here for as long as I have, I think I have a pretty good idea of what will get modded and what won't. So self censorship is the main factor. Other than that, whenever I think of the ... ask, I'm not on the computer. And when I remember to ask them, I forget what the question was.

Description : Why are you spending your precious time answering this question for me?

Last Answer : Probably for the same reason why you’re asking it, it’s a Q&A site after all…sung to the tune of small world purely to annoy.

Description : Do you have an expiration date for answering questions?

Last Answer : No. I will answer a question regardless of it’s age if I have something to add to the discussion. Personally I love it when really old questions are revived in this way!

Description : Why do some people feel the need to piss all over a question when they aren't actually answering the question (examples in details)?

Last Answer : I never got that, either. That’s why most of my Qs are in General, and why I can’t ask some light-hearted ones that I would like to because they’d be moved to Social. I guess some people never master the art of simply not clicking…

Description : "Have you ever avoided answering a question in conversation? If so why?"?

Last Answer : I’ll repeat it until they give me the answer that I want ;)

Description : Why do some users give opinions in the general section when the OP is asking for facts?

Last Answer : answer:My feeling about your question would be different if you had linked to a question of another user. But you linked to your question so I have my reason to suspect that this question has ... don't you at least appreciate that they cared enough to take their time to answer your questions?

Description : Are your question asking fields hard to edit?

Last Answer : answer:I have a different problem with the title question field. When I'm creating a question, it is blank until I actually hit the final place where it posts the question. I've never brought it up, ... enough problem. I've honestly never typed more than it would hold. You've given me a challenge.

Description : Do I get an award for asking 500 questions?

Last Answer : No, but thanks for asking it anyway!

Description : What do you think of the idea that asking questions is a way of asserting power?

Last Answer : Can you provide a simple example?

Description : Did you ever get into trouble for asking too many questions? What happened?

Last Answer : answer:Not exactly trouble, but sometimes my husband can't stand to be overloaded with questions. I realize now he sometimes interprets it as me feeling he is doing something inadequate or wrong. ... or information session over with and get out, and the questions delay the dismissal of the class.

Description : What should I say to stop an inquisitive friend from asking prying questions, without starting a fight with her?

Last Answer : I’d say, “No offense, but I’d rather not go into it.” Of course that may not be enough to get her to stop asking questions. Curiosity is a great quality as long as it’s not motivated by the desire to gossip.

Description : No one has asked a question in at least an hour, so I'm asking ... what question would you ask if you didn't think it would get modded for one reason or another?

Last Answer : the Mods are good at letting people ask just about any real question, as long as we use semi-proper wording and correct spelling.

Description : Am I making a mistake by asking questions on Fluther?

Last Answer : answer:No and No. You should do what is right for you. If you have a question, ask it. If individuals amongst us don't like your questions, we should ignore them. If you ask a question that ... not leave. Of course you shouldn't! @lucillelucillelucille is lovely, but so are you in your own way.

Description : Is anyone else having trouble asking questions on ask-public today (August 11, 2010)?

Last Answer : I haven’t asked a question today but I thought I’d mention that this one seems to work.

Description : Asking questions on Tumblr? SOS?

Last Answer : try this… Then make it look like this. That will give you this. So just link to it on your frontpage.

Description : What are your subtler motives for asking a question?

Last Answer : Looking good. Wanting to be seen as brilliant or clever. The rest of the time, I’m just curious. Or I need some help.

Description : Why is everyone asking these questions?

Last Answer : answer:Why do you ask this then? Just ignore them, or flag them. Things will get better, just as the digg-influx.

Description : How might one ask another if they have a girlfriend and or boyfriend without straight up asking them?

Last Answer : But you do want to find out. Why not just ask them?

Description : How many of the hungry will have more food if we forego asking and answering questions on gender, sexual orientation, faith issues?

Last Answer : You asked this question at 4:20 mountain standard time people will have munchies right now.

Description : I need advice on answering clients requests on last minute work or even asking for creative work done over the weekend?

Last Answer : First, when someone first comes to you with a project, give something with your process on it in writing and your boundaries. Example (Not to meant to be comprehensive, just to give you the idea.): How ... say (and repeat as necessary), I'm sorry that's not possible. Never get into explanations.

Description : Attracting the admin's attention ? If one point is obtained by asking a question and two points are obtained by answering a question. Atiqur Rahman Atik Bhai's total points are right. Only his or someone else's points are not right.

Last Answer : answer:

Description : Which Is Easier between asking a question and answering a question and why?

Last Answer : Asking questions has been human's nature and instinct. We just have to find that inner thirst for quests and answers from within. Basically, to find truth and meaning to all our sense of wonder. So, it's easier to ask than answering questions we want answers to our inquisitive minds ourselves.

Description : Which do you prefer answering: Technical questions or self-awareness or philosophical questions?

Last Answer : I prefer self awareness question over technical questions. Because I am not convenient in technical questions. But I must agree technical questions used to learn new things everyday. Self awareness or psychological questions helps to learn about the life morals.

Description : Do people here actually answer the questions asked?

Last Answer : Some jellies answer as many questions as they can to get lurve. Some are lonely or bored at night. It helps to put a disclaimer with your question that only helpful answers only please. I get unhelpful answers when ... I have a funny quip I PM the OP and tell them the joke that I just have to share.

Description : How do you recognise sea-lioning and do you see it here on Fluther?

Last Answer : To answer the question, yes, I have observed sealioning and I think it is a real thing and there are some people who do it regularly. However, I think this is a term that has a high ... (often responding to any other answer with nope, try again! or something otherwise cheeky and obnoxious).

Description : Is anyone here familiar with the website StackExchange?

Last Answer : Yes, I've used it quite a lot. Each topic-based section is slightly different, with different specific rules and a different community. It is a good place to get very specific on-topic answers to ... not easy to do without breaking the rules or hoping someone is a user who hangs out in chat.

Description : Can I add a picture to my questions on here?

Last Answer : You can put one picture in your avatar. Or you can put a link to a picture online.

Description : Are ask-publicites obligated to be on here everyday? What do you think is reasonable?

Last Answer : answer:I can't even fathom who would suggest anyone is obligated to do anything around here. But if you're having a private message tiff with another member, or someone is being a general abusive ass to you, ... I would say that's more than I'd expect of anyone else. This should be fun, not work.

Description : Is there any Wiccans on here?

Last Answer : PM sent.

Description : Would an "ask me anything" style question ever work here?

Last Answer : Sounds like fun to me.

Description : {Details inside} So... Where do I go from here?

Last Answer : answer:My daughter's former long-term boy friend has MS. That might be a possibility because there are many variations of symptoms manifested in different people. But this is just a wild guess. Under ... sorry you are going through both the physical mysery and the ongoing anxiety. It ain't fun.

Description : Does it bother you when a question you ask here shows up on other answer sites the next day?

Last Answer : No it doesn’t, they’re only questions after all.

Description : What question(s) have you asked here that generated or resulted in the best answers and comments, or discussion in your opinion?

Last Answer : answer:I asked this I rather liked the discussion it generated. I hope I’ll be able to come up with more like that.

Description : How much planning do you put into questions and answers here?

Last Answer : answer:I surf Fluther like I surf through life; If we had a plan, we'd be screwed! . The way I see it, doing anything other than stream of consciousness is dishonest, and I am too honest to abide ... you read is what I think, fucks, shits,, and all. The only real planning I do is spell-checking.

Description : Have you ever asked the same question here twice?

Last Answer : Once that I know of, asking for movie suggestions. I will probably ask this question from time to time when I cant find anything good i want to watch.

Description : How do you read questions and details here on ask-public?

Last Answer : answer:I try to be very thorough, both in the reading and writing of questions and their details. While reading, I pay more attention to the details than the title, as they often don't necessarily agree with each ... also trying not to write a book. I did move your question to Meta, by the way. :)

Description : Why do people ask questions here that are easily answered?

Last Answer : answer:Because everyone craves interaction with other people (even if it’s through the computer) and getting an answer for something that could be found on the first page of a Google search is a way of getting that interaction. Also people are dumb.

Description : Is it OK to post a question here and on other Social Q&A sites simultaneously?

Last Answer : It doesn’t seem like a breach of etiquette to me, but I wouldn’t announce that you are asking a question on multiple sites, just ask it as you normally would. It might turn some people off to the question if they know you are asking it on more than one site.

Description : Has anyone here ever dusted off the old Y!A account and lost faith in humanity?

Last Answer : Y!A and YouTube comments are two of life’s mysteries to me. I don’t understand either of them and it hurts my soul to even try.

Description : Here are questions from the opera Turandot--if answered incorrectly, your lose your head. Can you get them?

Last Answer : ill has at a guess 1. sleep 2. blood

Description : Are there any other Ask-It-Here refugees here?

Last Answer : Welcome to the collective, LostinParadise! We hope that you’re here for the duration.

Description : Do you read all the responses here before answering a question?

Last Answer : I do not read all the responses here before answering a question. It is because, I think it is a waste of time. Moreover, when we actually go to the editor to answer the question, knowingly or unknowingly, ... . And who knows, if he liked my answer, he may give me a thanks too in the bargain.

Description : If another race of humans from another planet comes asking people here to live with them where life is better and they have no nuclear weapons, would you go?

Last Answer : I would have more concerns than just nuclear weapons. Our planet was quite brutal on large scales before nukes, even before gunpowder. If they could rid me of my pain, I probably would.

Description : My travelinsurance is asking for an denile letter from Medicare which is my only insurance here. I know that M. isn't responsible for the cost accrued abroad but what have I to do ?

Last Answer : You just contact medicare and ask them to give you denial in writing.

Description : PowerBI refresh data coming from Dataflow?

Last Answer : Sounds like a confession, not a question.

Description : Was he really joking, or was his intention beyond that (long details inside, sorry)

Last Answer : They were standing together exchanging love talk like usual. Suddenly the boyfriend asked me if I felt left out (that is just a literal translation, he actually used a specific word that could either ... wheel? Which is very possible when they are lovey-dovey and you are on the side observing.

Description : Is this site usually dead?

Last Answer : Hi and welcome to Fluther. We are a smaller group now a days, but we are still active. Stick around and ask questions. We love new questions coming in from newbies that make us think and stretch our minds.

Description : How do you discuss difficult topics with your child/children?

Last Answer : My ex-wife was an animal hoarder. She had tons of animals and her house was filthy and smelly. My boys, when they were about 9 or 10, would have to go over there for visitation. When they came ... them into the dirty clothes, and they ran for the shower, battling over who would get to shower first.

Description : Is there a list of one's questions asked on Fluther?

Last Answer : Not that I am aware of, no. I think of you go to your profile you can get a list of your greatest questions , the ones in which you accumulated the most GQs. Otherwise not sure.