What is your opinion on the validity, of a polygraph(lie detector) test?

1 Answer

Answer :

Not worth it’s weight in peanut butter. As reliable as a ouija board. There are too many people who can fool a polygraph. That is why it is inadmissible in court.

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Description : Is polygraph test are visible as evidence in court?

Last Answer : No, polygraph tests are not admissible in court.Court precedents have decided that the polygraph test isunreliable, and that the test could dishonestly persuade the jury'sverdict.The polygraph test is only used for investigative, lawenforcement needs.

Description : Have you ever taken a lie detector test?

Last Answer : answer:Yes. In high school I worked at a McDonalds and one of the employees was stealing. Everyone knew who it was, but the company tested the entire staff. I had taken an AP writing exam that ... so brain-fried the operator called my results inconclusive . I didn't spike a response to anything.

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Last Answer : In my mind, since they are not allowed in court, they must not be 100% reliable. There are so many variables that could trigger false positives or even false negatives that I would need other evidence to believe a person committed a crime.

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Last Answer : It doesn’t. It just picks up the changes in the human being tested.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : Sweating, heart rate, pressure, breath, pupil ... It monitors and compares all these physiological manifestations (hence the name polygraph). But the lie detector does not know that (or whether) you ... monitors and graphically presents these values - the results are interpreted by a person. ;-)

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Last Answer : A couple of points. The Hippie movement of the 1960s-1970s is NOT the Hippie Movement of 2019. I don't know what sort of event you are describing in your question. The Hippie movement of ... re either paranoid or overly cynical. Not everything needs a rationale. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

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Last Answer : 42

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Last Answer : I think there is, as long as you are inside. Or, outside is the new inside.

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Last Answer : I believe it to be true. I have built many emotional barriers over the years to keep me from being hurt but the do tend to keep me separated from others, even family members. I come off ... sadness or uncomfortable emotions . So yes, walls work both ways keeping things out;and keeping things in.

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Last Answer : The modern abhorrence of slavery as fundamentally immoral, versus the biblical and divine endorsement of slavery. Any time someone brings up the “it was a different time” excuse, when past cultures’ moral failings are judged.

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Last Answer : As I understand it, Determinism is the belief that all events are caused, or acted upon, by prior events. Nothing happens without cause. I think that the video posits an argument for Indeterminism; that is ... are not caused by prior events and that may, or may not, have effect on future events.

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Last Answer : It would appear to be true for you.

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Last Answer : Without looking the words up, here is my take on them. Illusions are things that appear to be different from what they are. Optical illusions are an example. A delusion is something we ... reality. A hallucination is something that we imagine perceiving with our senses that is not really there.

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Last Answer : Only on paper and in video games. In real life we are all important.