Are you able to identify if a certain happy feeling is triggered by your drinking coffee?

1 Answer

Answer :

I don’t know about you, but coffee never does it for me. Sure, coffee makes me feel more stimulated mentally, but nowhere near happiness. Maybe it’s just your brain being simulated too?

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Last Answer : I second releasing the girls, even if all I’m doing is providing an assist.

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Last Answer : I drink a cup or two of half-caff every morning and I began drinking coffee (without any sort of consistency) probably around the age of 6? My grandmother used to give me coffee mixed with milk and honey… about half coffee and half milk, lol.

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Last Answer : O.k. I’m boiling the water and I opened the package…Wish me luck. edit yuck… I’ll add some honey. edit too hot… I’ll let it cool off. edit still too hot I will add some tap water.

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Last Answer : 16. note: The data shows that all is not bad when it comes to coffee and health.

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Last Answer : It still has caffeine, so it should… why not sleep though?

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Description : What are the benefits of drinking coffee ?

Last Answer : A sip of a cup of hot coffee in the morning in the winter laziness , as if to change the morning. Winter means we can't think of anything but coffee. Bake your hands in a hot mug of ... is very important to keep the stomach clean. Drinking rose coffee will keep your stomach clean and heal faster.

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Last Answer : Generally heart palpitations are not serious. If they are accompanied by chest pain, see your doctor. It's best to reduce caffeine. Too many palpitations can cause heart pumping problems.

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Last Answer : Drinking coffee has a lot of proposed health risks. It is said that the caffeine in coffee can addictive. Coffee also causes modest cardiovascular effects like increased blood pressure, and an occasional irregular heartbeats. Most problems are found in those that drink coffee in excess.

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Last Answer : The typical coffee consumer should only be concerned with possible discoloration of teeth and caffeine addiction. Caffeine withdrawal is a negative side effect, and too much caffeine can give you a headache.

Description : Does drinking coffee cause acid reflux?

Last Answer : Coffee is an acidic drink and can potentially cause acid reflux issues if you have a body that doesn't always handle acids well. Coffee substitutes (coffee drinks without caffiene) can probably fill that void without the acid reflux. The downside is you'll also be missing caffiene.

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Last Answer : Hey, whatever you like to drink is good for you. There's even a recipe for "whiskey-in-your-coffee" (Irish coffee: coffee + Irish whiskey), so go for it.

Description : Is drinking coffee good or bad?

Last Answer : Caffeine in coffee has been debated quite a bit. It is a stimulant and a diuretic. It can cause heart arythmias and acid stomach. Further research is being done every year because of the popularity of the drink.

Description : How to Stop Drinking Coffee ?

Last Answer : How to Stop Drinking Coffee Coffee is widely regarded as the perfect morning beverage. It provides a much needed energy boost to start the day productively. Naturally, many people are addicted, but like ... . In truth, you must weight the benefits and risks of drinking coffee then decide from there.

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Last Answer : Nischay Malhan Nischay Malhan (birthday: November 14), better known online as Triggered Insaan, is a New Delhi-based Indian YouTuber and PUBG live-streamer known for his commentaries, roasts ... YouTube channel, often revolving around Bollywood and Indian media, as well as social media influencers.