Would you ever take it upon yourself to cut someone else's child's hair without asking the parents first?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yes, that is the only respectful thing to do for a really young child, ages 5–6 or younger. However…I also think children can make their own decisions about their hair cuts at a young age and if the child really wants to cut their long hair or grow out their short hair, the parents need to respect their autonomy to make some of their own decisions. I would allow my child to make their own hair style choices by the age of 7 or so.

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Last Answer : i don’t know of any program that just does that.i would look, but i’m really hungry so i’m gonna go eat instead : D but you could always try Gimp. gimp.org

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Last Answer : answer:

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Last Answer : You can cut your child hair by using trimmer but better if u ask your child preferrence or u can cut through scissor and comb if u have experience then its good if. Not u can watch in YouTube and then try it.

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Last Answer : There are many reasons for the problem in the Play store . 1. If your phone is rooted , there may be an IP address block . Because Google does not grant routes. It's a little complicated process. ... while downloading , and use 3G net as much as possible . 5. Make sure your download location is OK.

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Last Answer : I visited a house where the teenager was torturing a pet turtle. By having it bite itself. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to sneak it home but I couldn’t take care of it. I didn’t know if I could call the police or whatever.

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Last Answer : Oh, a few time, a not not always by choice.

Description : Did you ever steal someone else's question?

Last Answer : Not really.

Description : Do you ever seriously wish you could adopt someone else's child?

Last Answer : I get like that all the time when my daughter has friends over. I don’t have the sad depressed stage, but I do notice the different feeling in the house. I simply love the energy. Maybe it is because I grew up in a large family. dunno…. I think it is my love for kids that fuels this significantly.

Description : Have you ever had to discipline someone else's child?

Last Answer : answer:I heard this being discussed on telly this morning and everyone agrees with the blind eye theory. But I tell you what, if some kid was dragging my dog across the floor while the mother ignored the ... no, I wouldn't smack someone's kid, mostly because you would probably get sued for doing it!

Description : Did you ever steal someone else's question?

Last Answer : I’ve thought of questions because of what I wrote in response to someone’s question, but my own answer inspired MY question. Is that a no-no? I didn’t think so.

Description : Did you ever hear someone else's voice come out of your mouth?

Last Answer : Milo here; No. I always meow on G# or A above middle C. Any orchestra can tune simply by waving a can of organic salmon in front of me and then listening.

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Last Answer : answer:Yes, I did. I once visited my best friend's brother who was gay and living with his boyfriend. My best friend did not know that her brother was gay (he had been married and divorced). It was ... as she got angry at me (kill the messenger urger). I wished very much that I had not intervened.

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Last Answer : Yes…one cat and one African Pygmy Goat. Both were temporary.

Description : Ok...what has ever made you go "ew" while visiting someone else's house?

Last Answer : answer:Please, please, please don’t make me think about this. There was a green booger sitting on the stick of butter being passed around the table.