In your experience are charismatic people less sensitive to others?

1 Answer

Answer :

Sociopaths can be very charming. at first.

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Last Answer : answer:I don't know that I'd say you're overly sensitive. We feel what we feel, and that isn't right or wrong. You might need to work on controlling your response to how you feel, though. ... just try not to do it in a professional setting. Not always successfully. Welcome to Fluther, by the way!

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Last Answer : answer:I have heard about this (I think there's actually even a book about it) and I have mixed feelings about it. I think I know at least a few people with this trait, ... to constantly victimize themselves, won't take responsibility for their actions and are hard to communicate perspective to.

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Last Answer : [ Removed by myself ]

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Last Answer : answer:How about insecurity and a big ego? Being teased at childhood doesn’t really ensure an insulting character, though it’s one reason.

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Last Answer : No. Sounds like manipulation and I despise manipulative people.

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Last Answer : The internet is the worst place to spend your time when you are angry. Getting outside and doing yard work or just relaxing helps me. I take my anger out on my garden claw.

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Last Answer : answer:Even if you are happy in your belief system, if people are attacking your beliefs and trying to change your beliefs often enough people tend to change their strategies from defending their beliefs into ... a belief constantly. That's my belief anyway, and I'll attack you if you disagree.

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Last Answer : As a younger person I judged myself more harshly, but in a positive way. What can I do to improve the situation? How can I make things better? How can I do a better job? I still do it every once in awhile, ... judges others. I see what's before me and if you're fun and nice, I'll play with you. : )

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Last Answer : I’m pretty good, I’ve learned to trust my intuition and it has worked in my favor so far. Wheneever I doubt myself I always end up getting owned lol. And of course, there are some people that are off their rockers and are hard to figure out.

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Last Answer : To be helpful to you, I think I would need to know more.

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Last Answer : Feel Free to Answer

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Last Answer : (c) are sensitive to SO2

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Last Answer : 1. All people react differently, its natural. 2. Yes, its possible for one person to have a mental disorder, but the other to not. Individual person and personality naturally result in different ... realize about violation, and they realize that something needs to be done for the sake of recovery.

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Last Answer : Yes, it's called mania Mania, is a severe medical condition characterized by extremely elevated mood, energy, unusual thought patterns and sometimes psychosis. There are several possible causes for ... (known as hypomania) to full-blown mania with psychotic features (hallucinations and delusions)..

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Last Answer : I've experienced 1st and 2nd hand relationships with bipolar people. My ex took some different medications for it and ended up having some pretty severe effects which don't sound at all like ... to the paranoia than the bipolar, I would say) keeping supportive friends was challenging. Best wishes!

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Last Answer : My Ex and I often used to note experiences like that. Think of something or someone - wonder why you hadn't seen that actor's name in a while - and then within a day or two, another reference ... Or you learn a new concept and then a totally different reference to it appears. Happened to us a lot.

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Last Answer : My son is bipolar and it didn’t help but he was on heavy medication when he tried it.

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Last Answer : answer:I have had breast cancer. There was never any breast pain, rib pain, collar bone pain, the feeling of swelling under my ribcage, shortness of breath and dizziness. Those are symptoms often of ... the skeletal muscles is a rare condition, and it will in most cases involve a benign tumor. )

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Last Answer : Maybe you can Google, “Rape Cases.” That’ll get you some hits.

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Last Answer : answer:Cardinals do pair up. I have seen a male cardinal hold a sunflower seed in his bill and proffer it to his drab lady love. If she accepts it, they are probably going steady. It will be hard ... to help feed and nurture the babies. Each bird needs some relief in order to feed him/herself also.

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Last Answer : Junior Achievement would be a good outlet. If that is still around.

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Last Answer : answer:I have always had arachnophobia. It did not stem from any incident that I recall. Your father (and, by extension, brother) sound very mean. I wish for them that someone causes them an equal fear someday.

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Last Answer : I find it difficult to not fall into the depression with them. It is especially hard if they don't realize they are depressed just because they are not sad or tearful because of the depression. ... I would say yes, your partners depression can have effects on your well being if you allow it.

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Last Answer : answer:I believe the study does make sense and yes, I've heard of such cases, though obviously the reasons are not physical as they are for women, and, just like women, are affected by other factors. ... with this new situation. So yeah, 10% sounds about right. The other 90% just go and get drunk.

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Last Answer : I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking. Your question is sort of hodge-podge.

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Last Answer : I’ve always felt like absolute shit whenever I’ve taken Diazepam. Some people like myself get depressed from it.

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Last Answer : It’s a complex issue. What exactly would you like to know? I’ll try to answer as specifically as possible.

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Last Answer : There is an app in the app store, and it’s free! I’m quite surprised that they actually work!

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Last Answer : Perhaps it is more prudent for us to remember the negative so that we may remember in the future to stay away from those people or situations.

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Last Answer : Lord, let’s hope not. They say Hannah is one bad mutha(shut yer mouth!)

Description : Do you think of love as more or less "worthy" based on its recipient?

Last Answer : It’s not my place to judge anyone else’s considerations, feelings or love toward any other person, place or thing. I might – and usually do! – have personal opinions about the way people express their considerations, or how they make their judgments, but that generally stays inside my head.

Description : The danger signals are red while the eye is more sensitive to yellow because – (1) absorption in red is less than yellow and hence red is visible from a distance (2) scattering in yellow light is less than red (3) the wavelength of red light is more than yellow light (4) none of the above reasons

Last Answer : (3) the wavelength of red light is more than yellow light

Description : Pick out the correct statement. (A) Reactions with high activation energies are very temperature sensitive (B) Chemical equilibrium is a static state (C) A photochemical reaction is catalysed by ... occurs when the energy of the reacting molecule is less than the activation energy of the reaction

Last Answer : (A) Reactions with high activation energies are very temperature sensitive (B) Chemical equilibrium is a static state