If something came back into fashion, what do you hope it would be?

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Last Answer : I wrote a winning poem when I was 15 (1969) for a county wide contest. Supposedly, it is in a book of poetry, possibly in the library at the University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. But I would rather be remembered, rather than just creating something.

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Last Answer : Go out walking around and when you pass someone shake up a can and open it pointed in their direction. OOPS…so sorry!. lol

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Last Answer : Mine is Pepino from the old comic strip Gordo.(comic_strip) When I was a kid I kinda identified with Pepino, his name is close to my own, and he looks a bit like I did.

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Last Answer : This DRAW A STICKMAN has put the biggest smile on my face today – enjoy!

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Last Answer : Depravity and wickedness!

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Last Answer : When I get involved in a theatrical production. I am usually really excited about it, but by showtime I’m saying “Why did I want to do this Again?”

Description : Teach me something new, part 3?

Last Answer : answer:I'll get the ball rolling with a few of my own: Edward I of England (1239-1307) was embroiled in a war against the Scots. The Scottish countess of Buchan took a stand against Edward in Berwick ... , and assumed he was casting a spell. You can grow a hybrid of a cucumber and a honeydew melon.

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Last Answer : I’d call it more of a compromise than a bribe.

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Last Answer : I love cycling, but have fallen of the bike many times. I still enjoy it though!

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Last Answer : Looks frickin’ wonderful to me!

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Last Answer : How bout a hike? A museum? The beach? A sporting event? A concert?

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Last Answer : one day while trying to think of a user name for some account I was looking up at the wall and saw a map of yellowstone park. My avatar is just something I like

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Last Answer : If they drink I’ve always found glassware to be appropriate. Something nice (think crystal or cut glass) but not too nice, so they can use it daily.

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Last Answer : It’s the little things. I got an email from my big Sis this morning, telling me that my soon-to-be 7 year old niece (on Nov 1st) got an email from Chuckie Cheese saying “Happy Birthday”. She was so excited about it, and was sure that Aunt Jenny (me) told Chucky about her birthday. =)

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Last Answer : Buy art (paintings, prints, and art books), purchase Butter Rum filled chocolate (the good stuff), get fresh flowers, and a long, hot, bubble bath. Buy some good wine.

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Last Answer : lurve is suppose to be intangible…just like loving people. I don’t think anyone should be able to cash in lurve for anything. Why can’t we just lurve for lurve’s sake!?

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Last Answer : You better have high ceilings. I really want to buy another poodle skirt. Yes, another.

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Last Answer : Run to the border? I’m not aware of any curfews or age restrictions in Mexico, but I could be wrong…you should check first.

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Last Answer : Nope, and nope next question.

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Last Answer : This is soooo easy. All stupid reality TV stars.

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Last Answer : answer:How about some short-term volunteer work? There is probably a children's or retirement home nearby where you could go and play your guitar for them. It not only be a bright spot in their day ... , but how about asking your parents if they have any household projects that you could take on? :)

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Last Answer : Not to be afraid of rejection and to just go for things in relationships. I held back too often.

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Last Answer : answer:Neither. I’d suggest that they pair up and check each other out for attached and embedded ticks. This could lead to some interesting behavior because ticks like to hide in warm and hairy spots on humans.

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Last Answer : The 1920s Paris, New York City, and Berlin. Literature, Art, and events of the period were incredible. I lived through the 60s and am glad that I did, but a lot of what we were about had to do with what went on in the 20s. Both periods were much more interesting than today, in my opinion.

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Last Answer : Pranks that truly dazzle come from within. Use that intellect my man, it’s the best creativity.

Description : What has fallen out of fashion in your culture you really wish would come back into vogue?

Last Answer : Decency in politics.

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Last Answer : No one would even be able to see me in the one I have even if they did come back into style.

Description : What's something you buy and hope to never use?

Last Answer : A plunger

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Last Answer : I'm not out. I probably never will be, but I don't feel like it causes me any conflicting emotions not to be. There are some people who know, but at this point I'm comfortable leaving it at ... who may not accept it, there are plenty who would be supportive and loving, and I take comfort in that.

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Last Answer : I trust my feelings and know if something is not right. I try and follow that feeling and do what I think best at the time. It has worked for me.

Description : What is something you hope and pray for daily?

Last Answer : The health & recovery for several friends of mine. They’re always in my heart.

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Last Answer : A few kind and wise people in the world

Description : Use the correct word from the options given below to complete the sentence- ―He needed something more than _______, ink and paper to answer the letter.‖ (a) Patience (b) Goodwill (c) A dash of hope (d) A rainbow of colours

Last Answer : (b) Goodwill

Description : What’s something about yourself that you hope will never change?

Last Answer : Angry

Description : What's a fad that you hope comes back in style?

Last Answer : Cargo Shorts. They are so comfortable and practical it's a sin that people shame people who wear them. I say baggy cargo for men and women. Let us all be useful and comfortable

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Last Answer : No clothing is “asking for it.”

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Last Answer : Elvis, Firefly, Beethoven, Mozart, and the J-man. Just to see what the hell he has to say for himself.

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Last Answer : Not really. We don’t have many trees in our yard, and my husband has a leaf blower. I’m allergic to leaves, as well as mold, so jumping in would probably make me itchy or sneezy.