Are there any general purpose gift cards that are a good value?

1 Answer

Answer :

Good to know about the bank cards. I think I would give her cash.

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Last Answer : I think it would be cool to send them one of the cards you received with a special comment

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Last Answer : answer:

Description : Sending out e-Christmas cards?

Last Answer : answer:Never. Not for 40+ years. First, the cost of the cards and postage makes it somewhat of a burden. Second, if people look at Christmas cards the way I do, they read them for a second or two, and never again. And they get tossed two weeks later. I’d rather phone.

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Last Answer : I think that would be a great idea. Even things as simple as a card (especially to parents) can have sentimental value and I would suggest writing a peronal messege in each because, Happy Holidays or just Merry Christmas can come off as lazy. Welcome to Fluther

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Last Answer : Just a few. I don’t send them anymore so I don’t get many. As far as I’m concerned it’s an outdated tradition. That’s what Facebook and internet is for.

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Last Answer : I support blasphemy!

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Last Answer : Yes. I send about 30 every year.

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Last Answer : Easter is too long ago. Have a picture of the family, with a Christmas tree, if you have one. People want to see what you look like NOW, not 8 months ago.

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Last Answer : If you like sending Christmas cards, then of course! And sure, sign with your name.

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Last Answer : 0. Email cards this year. Cheaper for me, better for the environment, easier for people to put in the trash. They don’t have to even get up from their chair to throw this one away. Everyone’s a winner.

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Last Answer : I doubt it. there’s way more sentiments in a hand delivered card – especially when its embossed or sparkly. My prediction, we will use E cards for the most but then paper cards will come raging back as if it was a “bran new” trend.

Description : Did you buy a gift for yourself this year?

Last Answer : A nice set of kitchen knives. I haven’t had the pleasure in years. Each time I got a new set my daughter would lose them, use them as lockpicks and screwdrivers, or, maybe I don’t want to know what happened to the others. The set I bought are nothing expensive, but nice.

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Last Answer : That’s crazy. Christmas is for kiddos anyway. Some people are just shameless and self centered…

Description : Have you ever felt anxious about giving a gift?

Last Answer : Yes, but I figured out why, and eliminated the nasty people from my gift-giving list. My mother and one of my sisters were always critical of gifts I gave them, and were sarcastic and ... newlywed, @longgone, and let the secret gifts become a beloved tradition instead of an indicator of angst.

Description : Fishing for ideas - what would YOU like as a gift?

Last Answer : 2 plastic Tupperware type pie storage/transport containers.

Description : [Fluff time] Is a lousy Christmas gift with a possible use would be as worse as a lousy one with no plausible use?

Last Answer : A kayak? Dude where the hell do you come up with these examples lol.

Description : What are your thoughts regarding gift giving and receiving?

Last Answer : answer:Do you prefer impractical gift? Nope. I prefer practical gifts, but anything can do me fine as long as they are gifts. That is, you can give me anything, but if I am to choose I will choose ... long as they are gifts, they are valuable. I may give anyone anything, but I never give my gifts.

Description : What are some good gift ideas for A 4 year old boy.

Last Answer : Buy him some books; balance his reading skills with video games. Crayons, water colors, pastels and drawing paper to work on his creative skills.

Description : Care to share a gift-giving flop?

Last Answer : How about a gift-giving funny? Once upon a time, when the kids were little, we used to wrap presents in newspaper rather than wasting $ on actual wrapping paper. We often used the colorful funny section of ... dancer at Jezebels. I laughed till I cried! ♥ I still have that gift wrap in my buffet.

Description : I need gift ideas for a family Christmas gift exchange. A unisex gift with a 50 dollar cap. Ideas?

Last Answer : answer:You could make up a gift basket with a theme. For example, if they're coffee drinkers, you could do various coffees (or teas) with a fancy or funny mug, or teapot and various teas and a tea ... put it in a basket, put some celophane on it and a pretty ribbon, make it look professional.

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Last Answer : Chocolate.

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Last Answer : I just remembered my trips to the food bank… every food item was expired and I really loved then meat or name brand juice was handed out… I think that the next time I go shopping that I will give some name brand coke and money for chicken thighs.

Description : Anyone here not buy into the whole crazy gift giving thing at Christmas?

Last Answer : Oh, I don’t want to. But the kids….you just can’t let them down. But I’m trying to make it as easy as possible on myself.

Description : Is it cheating to buy the same gift for more than one child on your Christmas list?

Last Answer : answer:I don't think giving duplicate gifts would be cheating. It's just a little lazy. But with fifteen grandkids to keep track of, I doubt anyone would blame you. I probably wouldn't give every kid ... should check out Steve Spangler or maybe Think Geek for the older kids. Have fun! Don't stress!

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Last Answer : answer:at my house, I am the Santa one of the girls showed me how she could take an entire ball park frank in her mouth, in a suggestive manner

Description : What gift do you plan to exchange, and what will you get in place of it?

Last Answer : Gifts do not “beg questions”. They RAISE questions. Also, since I do not get gifts, I have nothing to exchange.

Description : What do you give someone who always gives you money or a gift card?

Last Answer : answer:Why not simply ask him? Money is, of course, fungible. That is one of the problems with the holidays today here.

Description : Can you help me with gift ideas?

Last Answer : Can I adopt you as my son! loll You seem like a great thoughtful guy. You could ask for a donation to a charity you really like. Or something that is needed for the whole family.

Description : Do you celebrate gift exchanges or the holidays earlier than the date on the calendar?

Last Answer : No. I need as much time as I can get to be ready for such things.

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Last Answer : I think it is natural to feel a little “blah” when a beloved tradition changes. From the description you’ve given, I get the impression that this is a smart move (financially, as you stated), so it may be necessary… but I think it’s okay to not be thrilled about it.

Description : Do you have any interesting ideas for gift wrapping?

Last Answer : I dislike the idea of expensive disposable wrapping paper. I often use new dish towels as wrapping or for large, odd-shaped or cumbersome items, newspapers. It can then be re-re-used as kindling for the wood-burning stove.

Description : Dear Jellies, any brilliant ideas for a Christmas gift for my husband?

Last Answer : answer:Power tools, BJ vouchers or a cool gadget. The webiste has some cool toys if he is a gadget man.

Description : Would you be willing to give a cash gift to a charity in someone elses name instead of buying them a gift?

Last Answer : answer:We used to “plant trees in Israel” in lieu of a gift. The person honoured would get a certificate from the JNF saying a tree (or trees) had been planted in your honour by… Here

Description : What are good Christmas gift ideas for my father?

Last Answer : I have no point of reference… Mine wants nothing, likes nothing, and enjoys nothing. So… He wouldn’t enjoy oxygen if he couldn’t breathe.

Description : Odd/Funny/Weird/Rude birthday or Christmas gift?

Last Answer : Butt plugs.

Description : What should 5 y/o daughter get/make for dad's Christmas gift?

Last Answer : how bout an ornament?

Description : I'm looking for a christmas gift for my mum, any ideas ?

Last Answer : Mmm.. maybe a great photo of you ?

Description : What was your Christmas gift that got away?

Last Answer : world peace

Description : If you could spend what you wanted on Christmas who would get the most expensive gift and what would it be?

Last Answer : Myself and forever how damn much it would cost me to buy a completely souped up Shelby GT 500, or a nuke (or a dozen), or a Saleen S7, or an island, etc.

Description : What's a good 'travel gift' for Christmas this year?

Last Answer : How about a few CD’s of her favorite music?

Description : What is a good christmas gift for a friend?

Last Answer : Give us some information about her personality and we can help, but for now all I can say is be creative and unique…if she likes that kind of stuff.

Description : What gift do you want for Christmas, but you know you won't get?

Last Answer : I want a f’n pony! and I will keep saying this until I get one XD

Description : How would you rate yourself at gift wrapping?

Last Answer : I would have to say I am fine if the package is a normal shape maybe a 6 there. But if it is at all odd then a 2.

Description : I'm tapping the collective for creative gift ideas! What's a great generic family gift?

Last Answer : Panini grill

Description : Parents: How do you work out Christmas gift giving with your kids?

Last Answer : We only celebrate New Year’s and the kids get gifts that night, wrapped.

Description : I need help from knowledgeable car people about a gift for my boyfriend.

Last Answer : Does he have an emergency kit, jumper cables, duct tape, etc already?

Description : Would an E-Cigarette make a good Christmas gift for a smoker?

Last Answer : Depending if the smoker wants to quit, you might be spending a lot of money for naught. Also, all e-cigs are different; I've heard some have nicotine, some e-cigs have cartridges that are not easily ... if they would want one for x-mas? Or try to hint around to see if they would appreciate one.

Description : What is the best gift to bring to a gag-gift party?

Last Answer : Go to one of those stores in the mall that specialize in gag gifts. Like Spencers. If you don’t have one in your area, just shop online.

Description : Did you give someone a gift this year that was really well received?

Last Answer : cash

Description : What do you think is the best and cheapest unisex gift for xmas?

Last Answer : I say a mug or a picture frame. Or how about a subscription to the NRA?