Were you a screwed up teenager?

1 Answer

Answer :

I was not a “screwed up” teenager; I got through high school with okay but not great grades, and then went on to the University of California. But I was drinking alcoholically by the time I was a senior in high school. And I did not recover from that until I was 30.

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Description : Has anyone here screwed up their undergrad and graduated with a GPA around 2.5?

Last Answer : if i were you, i would go and work for a few years before applying to a masters program. maybe the work experience will be more of a factor for the criteria than your undergrad grades.

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Last Answer : Wow, I really keep thinking of things to say here but I don't wanna sound like captain hindsight staffing agencies are bloody soul sucking sheisters, and apparantly are even being more horrible and ... next thing you get from them get a detailed fax with a signature because vultures they are .

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Last Answer : answer:I don’t work well with others. I would rather be given a task and complete it on my own unless it’s necessary to work with a team. Nah…....I’d probably just make something trivial up.

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Last Answer : Cashing the check.

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Last Answer : answer:I wanted to be a hairstylist, geologist, herpetologist, CIA agent, artist, English professor, psychologist, neurosurgeon, private security contractor, and art therapist (in that order from ages 5 to 19 ... professor or working for the DoD, depending on what I do with my post-grad work.

Description : What did/do you want to be when you were/are older, and what are you now?

Last Answer : answer:I wanted to be a hairstylist, geologist, herpetologist, CIA agent, artist, English professor, psychologist, neurosurgeon, private security contractor, and art therapist (in that order from ages 5 to 19 ... professor or working for the DoD, depending on what I do with my post-grad work.

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Last Answer : Coroner, proctologist, and Honey Wagon Operator!! Reasons should not require much thought.

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Last Answer : I’m thinking that might happen to me today. Hopefully being fired means some sort of severance package for you.

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Last Answer : @unused bagels, don’t overlook the coast guard reserves. Around here, all of the reservists are seeing active duty. Even navy reserves are pulling ground duty in some cases. It may be regular extra money, but it’s not free.

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Last Answer : Well in all reality honesty is the best, but you have a good point. you might just tell him that you have to go to the drs. or dentist.That way he don’t treat you any differant.I know alot of boss that would frown on the idea and might get the wrong impression. Hope it works out for you.:)

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Last Answer : @mammal Joining the Marines is definitely screwed up, but not the Air Force. They’re the poshest branch of all.

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Last Answer : answer:I might be doing that now, not sure yet, and yes, it is scary but also exciting. Sometimes we have to jump off a cliff with our eyes closed and hope we land on our feet. Usually we do. I ... , if, the few things I am waiting on the make a decision come together I will, most likely, jump.

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Last Answer : answer:Just follow up, better by phone. At worst, you don't hurt your prospects at all, at best you lubricate the process by showing interest. They might even prioritize people who show that kind of ... you can hear cues in their voice. If they sound hesitant, you might know you have a problem.

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Last Answer : Doubtful. If you aren’t a habitual user you should be just fine.

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Last Answer : Phone

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Last Answer : Do you have Microsoft Word? There are many templates as exemplars on line. They are free to use, and you may find one that suits your purposes. I just used one to do my resume for graduate school, and I was accepted!

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Last Answer : There are a few steps you can take to get a job in tech: 1. Develop Your Skills: Take the time to learn the necessary skills and tools to succeed in the tech industry. This could include ... to make a positive impression. Following these steps should help you get a job in tech. Good luck!

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Last Answer : Yes, I'm Jewish and I actually had a coworker constantly make jokes about me being technically not Jewish in the eyes of Orthodox Judaism. Since my mom converted to Judaism when I was was young, my ... different reason altogether a couple weeks later, so I didn't have to bring it up to management.

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Last Answer : Car hop at Sonic $2.00 an hour. My first job.

Description : Does your company give assessment reports on your performance?

Last Answer : It’s by employer, not by profession, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a formal one anywhere I’ve worked. Microsoft has (had?) competitive reviews, where employees are rated in comparison to their co-workers, which seems to me to be an atrocious idea.

Description : How do businesses find and hire board members?

Last Answer : Most people I know on boards are affiliated with the organization in some capacity. At some point they are recruited to the board. I’ve never known anyone who paid for that honor.

Description : So - should I tell my boss to shove it?

Last Answer : I’m pretty pumped about this, Want to do something really nice for my wife, as a surprise for her. For not running my ass off years ago. (Still surprised that she didn’t lol). Really don’t want to quit my job, but I am not a happy camper.

Description : What are some careers that are not listed as one?

Last Answer : Most of those are not “careers”. It discounts people’s hard work to attempt to characterize equivalence. Housewife/husband, as part of a partnership is definitely a career choice. So is exotic dancer. And both are considered careers. The others aren’t careers, just adjectives and circumstances.

Description : Should I quit?

Last Answer : Since you are so young, I would find another job and then quit. Life is too short to put up with bullying and being treated as a second class citizen. Some people just have to have someone to pick on or bully. You don’t need that.

Description : What part of your job or life would you like to be automated?

Last Answer : I hate counting stuff.I would like cash out, lottery tickets and cigarettes to be automated.

Description : What are some jobs or types of jobs that you would never want to do?

Last Answer : I would never want to be a cop, lawyer, school teacher. Those are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

Description : In your opinion, what are the factors that lead one to judge a profession, that you know very little about, as either "too easy" and "not a real job", as opposed to "that is way too complicated for me"?

Last Answer : People are too quick to judge. They have no experience in the job and they think they know all the pressures and requirements that come with it, and often they are clueless. Moreover, I think some people ... looking down on someone very high on the ladder or lower on the ladder, it doesn't matter.

Description : Can you work in cyber-security with a felony for marijuana?

Last Answer : Don’t think they’ll hie you, with any kind of felony conviction.

Description : How was your experience having a job that was so routine you could have done it with your eyes closed?

Last Answer : I closed my eyes & did it until I found something sa bit more challenging & then I changed jobs!!!

Description : What is a good career, or job, for someone who has frequent indecision?

Last Answer : Republican President of the USA.

Description : How do I cope with this situation?

Last Answer : You and that job were not good fits for each other. The boss overestimated their ability to get you proficient in everything, and they couldn't spare the time to do so. So back to job search for ... your resume, but be honest that you were hired by them expecting a different skill set than you have.

Description : What’s the best way to check the status of an application?

Last Answer : I would leave a voice mail inquiring what the status of the position you applied for is and ask them to kindly return your call. Personally, I would not message them on Facebook.

Description : If certain times of the year your job takes longer to do, and your boss said they no longer will cover that extra time would you still do the job?

Last Answer : I don’t work for free.

Description : Can your employer change your pay date without your permission?

Last Answer : Was it in your employment contract that you be paid on Friday? If not, as long as they aren't refusing to pay you the agreed upon wage, and if it still happens with the same frequency, then they ... rights to do this. Have you asked him why he does this and explained about the inconvenience to you?

Description : Can pre-employment drug screen still happen even with no notification/consent/policy of it?

Last Answer : It can. But. It’s more likely that they would test you either after first hire, or after some sort of accident/injury. Most applications have a statement about drug tests. It’s typically worded so that they can test an employee at any time.

Description : How to handle interview when less than 100% healthy?

Last Answer : I'm pretty sure they got that you battled a cold, and were in the last stages of beating it whole. And since they, most probably, like all of us, have had to endure colds themselves, ... likely will be understanding of your, possible, moments of lesser attention, or absence' during the interview.

Description : Unable to attend job?

Last Answer : You can explain the situation to the employer (not “employee”) and I’m sure they will understand. Your education comes first.

Description : Have you ever gotten some weird questions in your job interview?

Last Answer : Yeah. To determine my fitness for a security clearance position in the Navy, I was asked, “In the situation that your family comes aboard ship to visit you, if the ship were invaded by enemy forces, could you kill your family? ” I said, “You bet. ”

Description : Do American voters care about how the US economy improves as long as jobs are created?

Last Answer : I think people look at a lot of things when they think about how the economy is doing. What is the job market like? What are interest rates like? Are prices up and paychecks down? How comfortable do ... off it and ride the wave. So people will vote on how they feel the economy is impacting them.

Description : Should I quit my present Job?

Last Answer : I'd suggest you make sure you have a steady plan before you quit your job. If by self-employed you mean you have your own business then you need to already have it started and making money before you quit ... an income to pay for it. So don't quit this one until you get the other one going first.