How can I use my hands more in conversation?

1 Answer

Answer :

practice? But these days you must keep in mind that what you do with your hands can land you in very hot water.

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Last Answer : It also bears mentioning that other prizes were donated and she chose mine.

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Last Answer : answer:I think my husband sees me like this. Maybe not as extreme as your friend, but I'm trying to close my mouth and let him finish sentences more. Lol. One difference is I'm usually ... each other's sentences and move the conversation along once we realize the other person is reading our minds.

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Last Answer : answer:No more! When I quit smoking in 1988 I took all my ashtrays to an Alcoholics Anonymous group and donated them. (AA meetings were mostly still smoking back then; they are smoke free now.) ... big flashy decor ashtrays in her living room, even though her husband the smoker died 19 years ago.

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Last Answer : I’m a fan of his older documentaries. Roger & Me is a fave. I haven’t seen much of his newer work.

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Last Answer : Is this a conspiracy to get me banned? You can’t get me that easy, Sino-Vietnamese Pickle Cartel!

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Last Answer : Take a class in Public Speaking at your local community college. It will do you a world of good.

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Last Answer : Not a whole lot. My middle name is awkward silence.