Should we deport all military veterans and not let them in the US without extreme vetting?

1 Answer

Answer :

Yeah of course. Such policies would do wonders for recruitment and retention rates in career fields already regarded as dumping grounds for losers by people wearing flag pins and loudly praising the suckers for doing the jobs that they and their kids wouldn’t touch with a stick.

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Description : Have you ever taken the initiative to join the military but just didn't follow through in the end?

Last Answer : answer:I have been in the military for over a decade across two different branches of service (Navy/Army). I joined because I didn't have a plan. I had no purpose, motivation, or direction. (the army people ... adversity is born strength). Bottom line: for me it was meant to be. For you it wasn't.

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Last Answer : I’m bi, in the navy, big deal. I had friends who were gay. Everyone knew they were gay. Nobody cared.

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Last Answer : No.

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Last Answer : What country are you talking about?? In the US yes all but the Air Force I believe you are able to do so, I think the Air Force has strict policies when having dependents and being married.

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Last Answer : Well, it is the only course open to second sons other than the clergy, right?

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Last Answer : no.. it may come as a surprise to a lot of people that Gay men have served in the military for ever. it is only cultural attitudes and identification that has shifted over the ages. Men and women bunking together is far more disruptive dynamically speaking.

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Last Answer : Military families get free housing and medical (among others) provided that they live on-base. Not the greatest, perhaps, but free is pretty awesome if you’re just starting out.

Description : Help writing a resume for active duty military?

Last Answer : Just a thought… there are some very good and inexpensive software programs you can download that offer a huge variety of resume templates.

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Last Answer : answer:A private in the Army makes $16,794 annually. plus paid housing plus paid laundry plus paid medical plus discounted food and sundries (commissary and exchange) plus paid leave plus education benefits. It is a good living. That said, the attitude of the person at Walgreen’s stinks.

Description : What is the military recruiting process and how long is it?

Last Answer : It all depends on the recruit's personal situation and what they are enlisting for. The first step is to talk to a recruiter. I started talking to a recruiter in December 1998 for the Army National ... senior in high school, so I did not go to basic training until after graduation (June 1999).

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Last Answer : you didn’t hear? That’s the new tactic in military warfare. duhhh. geeez.

Description : Is there a distinct advantage to joining the military after college?

Last Answer : :@holden i’m trying to save his ass and his soul. Which is more than you are doing, and you supposedly love him ??!!

Description : My 24 yr old daughter just got a biology degree, she interns (unpaid) at the mayo and is accepted into a 15 month program to get an RN degree. No more scholarships for post grad so Iv'e suggested military options? Any advice?

Last Answer : You mean like get your head examined? You can’t tell if someone in such a position would be sent to a field hospital, so you should carefully consider this, and keep in mind anything a recruiter tells you is bullshit. If she can do this, and stay in the USA, well, business is booming.

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Last Answer : What are you good at?

Description : I want to join the military, but I used to smoke pot 3-4 times a week for 3 years. Do I have to lie to qualify?

Last Answer : They’ll prolly have a bigger issue with your spelling “probably” than they will with your past pot smoking.