Anyone eat Bass? (Details)

1 Answer

Answer :

Grilled on cedar planks is tasty, like trout.

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Last Answer : Drink milk?

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Last Answer : answer:Can you rinse the rice and raisins in a colander and then try a lighter hand with the spices? Pouring water over rice and raisins can’t do too much damage, can it? Rice likes to be drained.

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Last Answer : answer:Eating nutmeg to trip is a myth. You have to smoke it.

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Last Answer : I got rid of the decades old ones, so most range from fresh to years, depending on how often I use them.

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Last Answer : I’ve noticed that cinnamon can be difficult. It doesn’t really dissolve. I’d try making the syrup (water and sugar) first. Let it cool. Then whisk the cinnamon in. Welcome to Fluther!

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Last Answer : answer:Any or all of the things below, I would mix and match, not try them all at once. Chili powder, lemon or lime zest. Dill. curry powder. onions. horseradish. saffron. chopped bacon. crawdad tails.

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Last Answer : answer:That was more or less correct. To really get the most, you want to put the pinch of dried herb between your fingers and rub it back and forth (sort of like a show me the money sign, if that ... Then, I'd put it in the baking pan and bake it. But there are many different ways to do chicken.

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Last Answer : answer:Below is a recipe you can make with chicken tofu or I have also used shrimp. The big trick is soaking the noodles and not cooking them as in the recipe. Thai Fried Rice Noodles with Chicken or ... -cut limes. For those who like it spicy, serve with Thai Chili Sauce on the side, and ENJOY!

Description : Is there anything that salt doesn't make taste better?

Last Answer : I have heard of people putting salt on cantaloupe, which I just think is the stupidest thing I ever heard.

Description : What spices/herbs do you use a lot?

Last Answer : cayenne, cumin, coriander

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Last Answer : What about smoke?

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Last Answer : Salt would be a prime candidate, as it draws water from the item thus preserving it.

Description : What do I do with all this cilantro / coriander?

Last Answer : I’ve heard of a cilantro-based pesto. Some people really like it. Recipe.

Description : Why does my cinnamon clump up in my coffee?

Last Answer : The size of the particles will not let the water between them.

Description : Propagating a stevia plant -- possible? Desirable?

Last Answer : answer:@SmashTheState New plants from old are clones of the original plant. Therefore I would anticipate the new plants will have the full sweetness as your original plant. I don't know if you know this ... have ONCE the root system(s) is/are well-established. Let us know how you go. Andreas.

Description : What kind of herbs and spices do you use? fresh, cheap or ...

Last Answer : I just use pepper with everything. The trick is to add a pinch of salt as well to bring out the flavor and not the spiciness.

Description : Have you ever tasted a hint of cinnamon in pasta? Spaghetti?

Last Answer : Not sure, although sometimes I add the juice of freshly grated ginger to spaghetti for some extra zing. It’s very nice in the summertime especially.

Description : Recipes that work for steak and chicken?

Last Answer : What do you normally cook? Do you live together?

Description : Expiration dates for spices?

Last Answer : If there is one, I’ve never used it as a guide.

Description : Why do cloves cost so much?

Last Answer : You can buy ground cloves in bulk from Penzeys for $20.99/ 8.8 oz. Buying spices in those little jars is an incredible rip-off.

Description : What can be added to plain mashed potatoes to make them well..not plain?

Last Answer : Cheese! Sharp cheddar mixed in with mashed potatoes is delicious! (Make sure the potatoes are hot so the cheese melts.) Also, don’t forget the S&P.

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Last Answer : Actively against organized religion? Why? (and how – active in what way?) I enjoy cooking when I can be a little creative, and I don’t mind it in a mundane day to day sense – but I can’t see anything spiritual about it.

Description : What's a good place to buy roots and herbs on line.

Last Answer : Have you checked out Mountain Rose Herbs?

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Last Answer : Pssst, which spices have you used?

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Last Answer : I’m with you. I always hated Posh. In order: Baby/Scary/Sporty are tied, Ginger, Posh.

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Last Answer : Yes. Why?