How can I get birds to feed and nest in my backyard?

1 Answer

Answer :

Try lumps of suet. Different kinds of seed? A small bird bath? Is there a dog or cat in your neighborhood that might be scaring them away?

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Last Answer : Robins, cardinals, finches, red winged blackbirds,sparrows and since I am near water, Great Blue Herons, osprey, cormorants and egrets. And lots of seagulls at the beach.

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Last Answer : If the birds would learn some lines from “Annoying orange.”

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Last Answer : I don’t have a feeder, but I have a partially dead partially alive red-leafed cherry outside my window. Yesterday, I had a downy woodpecker and a dove.

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Last Answer : answer:I have a friend who has had a turtle forever. I have seem him the thing and it can eat quite a bit. Not sure as to feeding cycles. But I am fairly certain that you can't make a turtle do ... they have been feeding themselves quite well. I will text him to be sure but he may have gone to bed.

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Last Answer : answer:Leave the window or whatever entry source open and allow it to tend to it's nestlings. I don't know where you live, but most songbirds are protected by law in many states and to disturb nesting ... they may be able to take the nestling, but, capturing the parent bird is out of the question.

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Last Answer : Update: Oooh, oooh! A house finch couple are on the sock now! Anyway, I am surprised it took two months. Is that normal?

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Last Answer : kritiper Wait till it comes back from editing.

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Last Answer : My Mischief