What is the location and date of Stephen Hawkings time traveler dinner?

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Last Answer : answer:It depends who is cooking (since you mention your mom) because my MIL makes different dishes than my mom, and different from my husband, or even a chef. If I could, I'd like for my ex to ... to find. Dessert, as I have said before, my favorite is the Mounds cake from TooJays deli in Florida.

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Last Answer : Why not be accurate? “We met for dinner, there was no real connection, so we won’t be meeting again”

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Last Answer : I order a salad every time we go out and I’ve been with my husband for 6 years. I’d order a salad. If he doesn’t like it, too bad. Be considerate if your date is paying, but order what you like. Why censor your eating habits?

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Last Answer : Museum, bowling….mini golf…dont’ know what all there is to do in Alberta…

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Last Answer : Wow! You’re brave!.......but for a first meeting, why not limit it to a drink, or coffee, in a public, crowded place…..oh, and arrange with a friend to call you at 7.00 – just in case.

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Last Answer : Prime rib

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Last Answer : answer:First, welcome back to ask-public! When my daughter lived briefly in NYC, she relied on the Cheap Bastard's Guides for various cities. You might want to use an application called Urban Spoon ... It will give you selections near where you are staying, and let you see menus and patron comments.

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Last Answer : The Nürnberg Trials. Not to defend the actions of the Nazis, but to show that the allies themselves are guilty of war crimes as well and to expose their hypocrisy by not holding themselves to the same standards.

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Last Answer : Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.

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Last Answer : They are gonna be Thinking "my gosh, where are the slaves!?"

Description : Someone from the early 1800s has been dropped off by a time traveler in our day and age. What do you think surprises them most on day 1? What about day 1000?

Last Answer : They are gonna be Thinking "my gosh, where are the slaves!?"

Description : Someone from the early 1800s has been dropped off by a time traveler in our day and age. What do you think surprises them most on day 1? What about day 1000?

Last Answer : They are gonna be Thinking "my gosh, where are the slaves!?"