Do you bully yourself?

1 Answer

Answer :

That isn’t bullying. That is like saying I am raping myself when I masturbate.

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Last Answer : answer:I’ve never been bullied in life or on-line. I would not tolerate it either.

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Last Answer : They cried

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Last Answer : answer:Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in any comment, parent or child. Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be ... performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

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Last Answer : Is he a pit bull? “Steeler”, as in Pittsburgh Steeler. “Finch” as in Bullfinch At least he already has a theme song

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Last Answer : Self appointed hall monitor,then yup.

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Last Answer : I was bullied, yes. But now I’m an engineer and she’s a cashier so ¯\(ツ)/¯ I feel no need to go after her money.

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Last Answer : Greg Harris:

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Last Answer : answer:It probably depends on local laws. I don't know much about the law, but I think in some places if you can reasonably walk away that is what you are supposed to do. Other laws talk about ... level I think the jury would not agree with the suit. Most people are pretty fed up with bullying.

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Last Answer : answer:None. I wouldn't have forced any book on a child unless I wanted to make him hate it. I did lots of reading aloud to my kids when they were young. By the time he was six, my older son ... at all. I really don't know what explains the difference, but it wasn't because I bullied either one.

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Last Answer : Post it on Youtube.

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Last Answer : Hero?

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Last Answer : No I haven’t. I actually know more adult bullies than I did childhood bullies.

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Last Answer : answer:This should be interesting! No, I was never the bully and my kids weren't bullies. That's not to say that my son didn't lose his temper with a kid in his PE classonce and put him in a choke ... to pry the poor kid out of. Coach called my son The Strangler after that. Bet Coloma was a bully!

Description : Did you ever confront your childhood bully?

Last Answer : No, there were too many bullies, and no confontation or closure with any of them. I was just relieved to be able to finally leave school.

Description : When you were a child, did you ever get a bully to stop? How?

Last Answer : I just bullied them back and when I started getting better at it then them they moved on to someone else.. I was never one to let others push me around.. they knew better and if they didn’t.. they learned.

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Last Answer : Vigilante justice is frowned upon in our legal system. Ian is going to need the best lawyer money can buy.

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Last Answer : answer:He’s lucky he didn’t get arrested and expelled, which would have been what happened in my high school. Apparently, the victim is supposed to allow his aggressor to beat the living hell out of him until the adults in the school pull him off. Personally, I favor self-defense.

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Last Answer : Have you considered puppy class (obedience)? A knowledgeable trainer will be able to evaluate his behavior and suggest techniques and training.

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Last Answer : Either a) keep ignoring him until he moves on to a new target, or b) report him to someone who’ll actually do something about it.

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Last Answer : answer:I feel as though I could give you some good advice here as I've overcome many forms of bullying but there are not enough details to give a good answer . What I can offer at this point is ... to the bully too) Just realise that they do it for the entertainment, take the edge from their fun

Description : How to stop a bully?

Last Answer : show the bully that you dont feel any emotional pain or physical when he or she bullies you. let them even think you get some fun out of it.

Description : How to ignore a bully?

Last Answer : I've never found ignoring bullies to be very effective. Only one person ever actually tried it with me, but I was in a shit school so saw it happen to lots of other people. & from what I saw the ... ) & slammed him into a wall threatening to kill him. He, & no-one else, ever bothered me again.

Description : Bully breeds living with babies/children?

Last Answer : This is going end up being a debate about why people hate pitbulls. Pits make AMAZING companion dogs, and will be very protective of the kids they live with. Thank you for not being an idiot and understand how gentle they are.

Description : NBC - The Office "Bully"?

Last Answer : The one where Jim steals all of Dwight’s stuff and puts it in the vending machine. Or when he puts his stuff in Jell-o. Both funny, but probably not the nicest of things to do. Oh geez, I love The Office.

Description : Parents of Reddit, what was it like when you found out your kid was a bully?

Last Answer : My parents called me a bully all the time. I had bad grades and my parents would constantly compare me to the other kids who have good grades. Those kids bullied me all the freaking time because my ... of the parents I'd get in trouble simply because the other kids were too smart to be the bullies

Description : Want to buy a new game today... Bully or Army of 2?

Last Answer : I would like to buy bully the scholarship edition wat store has the lowest price

Description : Why do adults bully? I can understand somewhat, why children bully and have cliques, I see it as they haven't quite matured, don't know any better, or don't know how to handle social situations etc.

Last Answer : I think you answered this one yourself: they haven’t quite matured.

Description : [serious] to anyone who was a high school bully, do you have regrets?

Last Answer : Need Answer.

Description : I brough home 2 kittens from the animal shelter about a year ago. These cats have grown up together. One is larger than the other and always starts play fights. The other cat can't stand it. Is there anything that I can do to get my bully to leave his sister alone? Both cats are neutered.

Last Answer : You can try by allowing each cat its own litter box, placing each one in a different location so that the bully doesn't have the opportunity to stand guard. Provide a means of escape for the cat ... shaking a can full of coins, when you see the bully bothering his sister. That may distract him.

Description : I've hear the term "Bully Breeds". What does it mean?

Last Answer : Bully breeds are dog breeds that have been inaccurately stereotyped as dangerous a nd aggressive. Among the so-called bully breeds are Pitbull, Staffordshire terrier, Boxer, Cane Corso, Rottweiler, Dogue du ... goodness. You must check because some of these dogs are illegal to own in certain places.

Description : What screams "I'm not the bully I pretend to be"?

Last Answer : A Peanuts shower curtain.

Description : In which game is the word 'bully' used? -General Knowledge

Last Answer : answer:


Last Answer : Because your mother is gay.

Description : What is the Feminine gender of the bully?

Last Answer : Bully is both feminine and masculine. She is a bully. He is abully. It works for either one.

Description : Is Donald Trump a bully?

Last Answer : Yes!